The Tom & Jo Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 5:22:44
  • More information



The Tom & Jo Show is a podcast based on the conversations of a real life couple, Tom & Jo. Sometimes they have a few alcoholic beverages and spout wisdom so profound it needs to be shared with the world!Disclaimer: Jo doesnt believe the Internet to be a tool for looking up facts during the show, and alcohol is occasionally consumed before & during recording, so anything that isnt accurate at the time of recording cant be held against us.


  • The Tom & Jo Show - Episode 16: Ten Influential Albums

    24/07/2020 Duration: 01h18min

    This episode comes at you from lockdown having only been recorded days ago! We took part in one of the many, many social media lists that circulated while people were shut indoors in the early days of lockdown. The 'challenge' was to post pictures of ten albums over ten days that have influenced our taste in music or changed our lives with no explanations. However, a few people asked us to explain our choices, so we decided that we'd record an entire episode of the podcast to briefly explain our choices for each album. We hope you've all managed to keep sane and safe during this truly bizarre year. Why not send us your list of ten albums that have influenced your musical taste or has changed your life in some way? Find us on Twitter and Facebook.

  • The Tom & Jo Show: Episode 15 - Musical Biopics

    15/04/2020 Duration: 43min

    OK, full disclosure: This episode was recorded almost a year ago, just after the last episode went out. We forgot we'd recorded it, Tom couldn't bring himself to edit it down for ages after discovering it because it was two hours of well-oiled, meandering, late-night chat. However, the Coronavirus pandemic has meant more time to get things done, so finally here is the heavily, heavily edited version of Episode 15 of the Tom & Jo Show. It was recorded just after watching Yesterday at the cinema in 2019 and we talk through our favourite musical biopics including Walk The Line, The Buddy Holly Story, Amadeus, Florence Foster Jenkins and many many more. Please do get i touch with your favourites, we've not recorded another episode since, but may well do if we think of the right topic, especially if it's something that comes from one of our listeners. Find us on Facebook and Twitter @TheTomAndJoShow ad please share this episode with your friends. Enjoy!

  • The Tom & Jo Show - Episode 14: Favourite Pizza Topping

    09/04/2019 Duration: 34min

    In this long awaited episode of the Tom & Jo Show we talk about our favourite pizza toppings and the general wonderousness that is pizza. The age old debate of whether it's right to have pineapple on a pizza or not (it's fine... if not encouraged). Tom reads off a list of the UK's favourite pizza toppings to see how our taste compares to the rest of the nation with bizarre results. Why not get in touch with your favourite toppings? We#ll try to remember to discuss it on the next episode, depending on when we record it! Find us on Facebook and Twitter @TheTomAndJoShow and please share this episode with your friends. Cheers!

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 13: Serial Killers

    04/12/2018 Duration: 50min

    Trouble with the old website has set back the release of this episode of The Tom & Jo Show, but we're finally here with a whole show dedicated to serial killers! Jo conforms to the stereotype of a woman who is 'interested' in serial killers and TV shows and literature about murderers, something that Tom feels more than a little unsettled by! Obviously it would be obscene to rank them, so this is just a list of bad men and women and some of things they've done. The next episode will be slightly more 'fun', we promise!

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 12: Most Evil Disney Villain

    12/08/2018 Duration: 18min

    It's been another year since the last episode - more than that since we recorded this - but we're back to answer a question that we posed back in 2016! Which Disney villain is the most evil?

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 10: Congratulations Ant & Liz


    We're back to congratulate our good friends and fellow podcaster Ant and Liz on their recent nuptials. This podcast is an audio present, of sorts letting then know how honoured we were to be invited and doubly so that they chose Tom to be usher on the day too. It's also a chance for us to give our view on the day, including one of two things the happy couple probably missed as weddings can be a massive blur for the bride and groom. We wish you both all the best as you embark upon the next phase of your life together and hope you have a wonderful honeymoon. All the best guys, see you when you get back!

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 9: Tekken

    22/01/2016 Duration: 27min

    It's 2016 and we've decided to lighten the mood and start 2016 on a more positive and less heavy note than the last two episodes. This time we're discussing the computer game series Tekken. It's been a big part of both our gaming lives and one of the few games we can play together with fun characters and where one person doesn't really have to have skill on their side to beat the other. Nice and simple after the holiday period that can be a bit of an overload on the senses. Please get in touch with us on Facebook and Twitter or email us at and let us know what your favourite Tekken characters are or which of the games you enjoyed, which you didn't, etc. Good to have you back!

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 8 (Part 2) & Christmas

    18/12/2015 Duration: 48min

    We're back to finish off the episode where we lament the passing of time. In the first part of the episode (released months ago, as we haven't had the time!) we asked the audience for their own interpretation of time and how they manage it. We realise this was a difficult question to answer, so are really pleased and thankful to have had any response at all. So, a big thank you to Robbie Polanco and Andrew Bartlett for their time. It seems the answer is just to force yourself to make time for the things you enjoy. The second half of the episode centres around the impending on-coming of Christmas and our favourite songs and films, as well as what we've asked Father Christmas for this year. Please get in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook (just search The Tom & Jo Show and you'll find us) or email and put the show title in the title, and let us know your favourite things about Christmas time and how you'll be spending your time. Finally, have a great holiday, merry Christmas and happy ne

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 8: Time (Part 1)

    26/09/2015 Duration: 21min

    Time. Where does it all go, eh? We finally sat down and recorded an episode after half a year or so! This time we're talking about... well, time. It hasn't felt like six months since we sat down and recorded our Room 101 show, but somehow it has been. Instead of doing a full show, we've split it into two parts, this first one where we give a brief introduction to the theme and the second part, which will (hopefully) include some listener feedback about how you deal with time. Is there anything you do to maximise your free time? Do you find that time slips away without you realising it? If so, do you see this as a negative or positive? Please do get in contact on Facebook, Twitter or send in longer messages (maybe even video/audio messages!) to We look forward to hearing from you and discussing your views. And finally, thank you for sticking with us through the silence. We'll really try to be more regular in future.

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 7: Room 101


    The Tom & Jo Show is back with a brand new episode! It's been a while - nearly four months, in fact - but here we are to reveal what you, the listeners, voted into Room 101, the fictional, Orwellian room where you can banish things that you dislike forever. Listeners contribute things such as: religion, Campanology, Homeopathy, the M26, long false nails, loud chewing, golf, crystal healing, dreadlocks, Astrology, Bob Geldof, eating contests, 'fun size' things, mimes, paying to go to the toilet, rubbish and penguins. Some of which we agree with, some we don't. Jo decides to banish ageing and Tom gets on his soapbox and verges on inciting genocide on The Great Unwashed - the chav... or the stupid. Also, the caption challenge from November is revealed: What's in the Queen's handbag?! If you agree or disagree with any of the comments on this show, we'd love to hear from you. Find us on Twitter and Facebook. Thank you to all those who have waited a stupid amount of time for this episode to come out and hello

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 6: Neighbours


    We're back! In complete contrast to what our listeners want, we decided to go almost 2 months without an episode... we're hoping that it's just increased the demand for us! This time Tom & Jo talk about neighbours, not the Australian soap opera, but the next door variety. They discuss good and bad people to live next to, including their current neighbours - one who might be a ghost and the family next door with the nasty phlegm problems. There are also suspected gangsters, raucous parties and people having too may cars. Some of you listeners have offered stories of their own of both good neighbours and neighbours from hell! Feel free to extend the debate with us on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @TheTomAndJoShow. Thank you very much to all who have contributed and interacted so far. Please, keep it up!

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 5: Dave Grohl vs. Josh Homme


    This episode of The Tom & Jo Show, our hosts debate another music based question: If God was a rock star, who would he be; Dave Grohl or Josh Homme? Tom & Jo put the two rock musicians and frontmen through their paces and discuss their musical prowess, their looks and their way of dealing with trouble-makers at their shows, among other things and the usual listener shout-outs. Feel free to extend the debate with us on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @TheTomAndJoShow, or even personally @heyitsmetom & @JoGirlyjo. Thanks you very much to all who have contributed and interacted so far. Please, keep it up!

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 4


    The subject Tom has picked for Episode 4 of The Tom & Jo Show podcast is: which decade would you have most wanted to grow up in? This is a bit of a vague question, so many topics are touched on including fashion, the political climate, film and, of course, music. Our hosts do agree upon an answer eventually and it may come as a surprise to you - it certainly did to Tom, who had a very clear idea before talking about it out loud. Perhaps the phrasing of the question (his own question!) caught him out? Feel free to extend the debate with us on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @TheTomAndJoShow, or even personally @heyitsmetom & @JoGirlyjo. Thanks you very much to all who have contributed and interacted so far; please keep it up!

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 3


    This time, on The Tom & Jo show, our hosts debate the demise of the chart and its impact on young people. Tom & Jo reminisce about a time when you would wait all week to see if your favourite band or artist had managed to claim the coveted Number One spot from whichever act you thought didn't deserve it last week. In a world before downloads and torrent sites made the Top 40 and Top of the Pops obsolete this was the talk of the playground and though it brought families together, it also highlighted the divide between your parent's musical taste and yours. Feel free to extend the debate with us on our Facebook Page or on Twitter @TheTomAndJoShow (even though we didn't have the pages set up when this episode was recorded, we do now!), or even personally @heyitsmetom & @JoGirlyjo. Thanks to all those pop-pickers that have commented already.

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 2


    This time on The Tom & Jo Show, it's the ultimate battle of the big-screen titans! Our hosts discuss who is better; Sylvester Stallone or Arnold Schwarzenegger. Tom & Jo go to great depths analysing the careers of these legendary actors both on and off-screen to come up with the most comprehensive argument you'll ever have heard on the subject. They also do impressions, some good... some very bad! (The editing of this podcast took a bloody age thanks to the software occasionally skipping, I've done my best to iron out the kinks, but some of the drops happened during key bits of dialogue. Give one of us a shout at @heyitsmetom or @jogirlyjo if you think you've missed anything important. - Tom)

  • The Tom & Jo Show – Episode 1


    The Tom & Jo Show is a podcast based on the conversations of a real life couple, Tom & Jo. Sometimes they have a few alcoholic beverages and spout wisdom so profound it needs to be shared with the world! Disclaimer: Jo doesn't believe the Internet to be a tool for looking up facts during the show, and alcohol is occasionally consumed before & during recording, so anything that isn't accurate at the time of recording can't be held against us. This time, Jo asks the question: "What would you rather be: a pirate or a cowboy?" Sit back and listen to them give the pros and cons of living the life of both occupations. Do you agree? Give us your feedback on Facebook (if you can find us) or Twitter at @jogirlyjo or @heyitsmetom.