Two Independents



John Opdycke and Sarah Lyons, both political organizers with IndependentVoting.Org, wax philosophical about life, political change, independent voters, political reform, cultural posits, postmodernism, their athletic heroes and cinematic tastes.


  • Ep18 - Aaron Swartz and the politics of disappointment

    19/01/2013 Duration: 32min

    Sarah and John respond to a very thoughtful listener e-mail about the death of activist Aaron Swartz and explore issues of political power and creativity, democracy, and how to organize support from bigger players. Plus, NFL expert Sarah offers her playoff predictions.

  • Ep 17 - What is Obama's message to Independents?

    14/08/2012 Duration: 34min

    Sarah and John discuss Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan, Jackie Salit's new book (fantastic!) Independents Rising, the unconventional wisdom of Walter Karp (author of indispensable enemies) and look back at Lenora Fulani and Pat Buchanan's brief post-ideological partnership. All in 35 minutes!!!

  • Ep - 16 - The policy and the process

    14/07/2012 Duration: 42min

    Sarah and John unpackage the recent Supreme Court decision upholding the Affordable Care Act, take a look at Aaron Sorkin's new show, and answer listener questions from Ghana and Italy. Plus...did the Viking's discover America?

  • Ep 15 - A nation of ethical free agents?

    25/06/2012 Duration: 30min

    John and Sarah don't buy Maureen Dowd's contention that "ethical free agency" is the new norm and challenge her (very catholic) editorial about the Penn State scandal. Plus, discussion of fine cocktails, the NBA finals, and the recent re-call election in Wisconsin.

  • Ep. 14 - Californians shake up the system

    08/06/2012 Duration: 41min

    Sarah and John answer viewer mail, discuss the recent primary in California - the first under the new non-partisan "Top Two" system adopted by voters in 2010 - and reminisce about their days working together on the Fulani Show, the best cable access program of all time. Send your questions/comments to

  • Ep. 13 - If you want to change the world, you've got to mix it up.

    01/06/2012 Duration: 31min

    Sarah and John discuss the demise of Americans Elect, public cartooning, challenging society's unwritten rules, the pitfalls of relating to independent voters as a consumer category, and the success and limitations of Aristotelian logic. Plus, what is the logic of childhood? Tune in to find out...or at least find out that its something we are grappling to understand? Email your questions/comments/ideas to We need questions!

  • Episode 12 - Why are we vulnerable to quick fix solutions?

    11/05/2012 Duration: 39min

    John and Sarah explore American's vulnerability to "quick fix" solutions, Bill Bradley's new book We Can All Do Better, the medicalization of mental illness, petitioning in the Bronx, and the best beer in the world. Hint: it is made in Kalamazoo Michigan and is available only in the summer. Enjoy! E-mail us your questions and comments to

  • Episode 11 - Hello Stockholm!

    21/04/2012 Duration: 46min

    Swedish journalist Linda Flood visits John and Sarah at HQ for a candid discussion about independent voters, presidential politics, third parties, Obama vs. Romney, and the culture of American politics. Sarah (who lived in Sweden for a semester during college) gets to brush up on her Swedish. Njuta av samtalet!

  • Episode 10 - President Obama, meet Jamie Oliver.

    07/04/2012 Duration: 45min

    Sarah and John look at labeling - in both mental health and the US government's management of Native Americans. They explore the question "On the issue of health care, what if President Obama had gone directly to the American people and bypassed Congress?" Plus a new recipe for Brussels Sprouts! Email your thoughts and questions to

  • Episode 9 - Tim Tebow or Representative Government - which one stands a better chance?

    23/03/2012 Duration: 40min

    Sarah and John discuss Tim Tebow's trade to the Jets, the upcoming American Political Science Association's Conference, and the joy of playing good defense. Plus, we inaugurate a new segment (rather poorly...but you be the judge of that) called "tell me something you don't know." Send us your questions and comments to and give us reviews on Itunes! We need reviews!

  • Episode 8 - Linda Killian provokes a fight!

    16/03/2012 Duration: 37min

    Sarah and John discuss Ruy Texiera's ungenerous (and very partisan) review of Linda Killian's "The Swing Vote." Sarah talks about her recent visit to the armory art show in NYC and how artists who shock are wearing thin on her. We discuss why HBO's Game Change missed the mark and why its so hard to make political art in today's culture. Send us your comments and questions to and please give us a review on Itues! We need more than 2 reviews....

  • Episode 7 - Do we need a third party?

    23/02/2012 Duration: 43min

    Ignore the hypnotic drumming in the background (NYC Ambiance!) and listen in as Sarah and John discuss the rumblings from insiders about the need for a third party, Sarah's obsession with downhill skiing, Charles Dickens, and Jackie Salit's debut as James Madison in the off-Broadway Fred Newman musical "Sally and Tom." Episode 8 will be listener driven, so e-mail your questions/comments/thoughts/ideas to

  • Episode 6 - Sarah Thinks Big

    30/01/2012 Duration: 41min

    Sarah and John discuss Sarah's desire to build a post-modern media empire, the relationship between good improvisation and good fundraising (hint: create, don't convince!), and the excellent television fare being served up by BBC America. And we commence on a journey to debunk the political myths and misconceptions that surround independent voters.

  • Episode 5 - Did Independents leave a mark in the Iowa Caucuses?

    07/01/2012 Duration: 45min

    Sarah and John discuss "super serving your niche" a la Ed Burns and Tyler Perry, Glen Campbell's farewell tour, the Iowa caucuses - did independent leave a mark? And the philosophical approach to interacting with the media. Plus....we now have an e-mail address - Send us your questions and comments so we can use them on next weeks' podcast.

  • Episode 4 - The Insiders Approach to Reforming Politics

    17/12/2011 Duration: 44min

    Sarah and John discuss No Labels, Larry Lessig's Republic Lost, and the growing national conversation regarding political reform. They also touch on the joys of ice skating in NYC and Barcelona's continued domination of Real Madrid.

  • Episode 3

    08/12/2011 Duration: 44min

    Sarah and John discuss the Anti-Corruption Awards, the invisible man Karl Marx, the sound and fury of Thomas Friedman, and direct democracy.

  • Episode 2

    17/11/2011 Duration: 48min

    John and Sarah explore the End of Knowing, the jobs bill, the "psychology of donations" and holiday movies.

  • Episode 1

    17/11/2011 Duration: 29min

    John and Sarah discuss third party politics, protest candidacies, and George Clooney's star turn in The Ides of March