Live Free & Shine



Get all the tools and secrets you need to live your life Healthy, Fearless & Free! Get grounded, focused, and clear on what you want and how you want to feel so you can live a life youre totally in love with. Listen in as Sheri Matthews a sober, sassy, vegan, and self-love advocate, the Founder of Live Free with Sheri, a yoga and meditation teacher, and recovery specialist digs deep each week and shares what sets her soul on fire. Each episode is designed to give you tips and tools, as well as wisdom and love to inspire you and help you create radical change in your life. Tune in for motivational guests, a dose of inspiration and a whole lot of love so you can become your own spiritual rock star. Its your time to Live Free & Shine baby! One more thing Please share the episodes that light you up and leave us a review. ~ Your biggest supporter! Sheri


  • Ep 63 - Meditation - Space Cleanse... So Trippy!

    16/04/2018 Duration: 11min

    Are you ready for the SPACE CLEANSE on mindfulness Monday. Sounds trip! Huh?! Release negative energy and emotions from objects and areas around you. Spiritually cleanse, get revitalized, ease anxiety and create a positive environment. To living free. Feeling free. Being free. Namaste.

  • Ep 62 - Live Free TOTD - Do You Control Your Thoughts or Do They Control You?

    11/04/2018 Duration: 08min

    Do you control your thoughts or do they control you? In todays Live Free Tip of the Day I share with you a few effective ways to live life in the present moment. How your mind can serve you rather rule you.

  • Ep 61 - Meditation - Visual Tree Meditation

    09/04/2018 Duration: 08min

    GET OUTSIDE FOR THIS ONE or pick a room with a view. Try something new this week with your meditation. Use mother nature and your visual senses to find some peace and calm. Welcome any sensations that arise and be open to a new experience. Namaste and Enjoy!

  • Ep 60 - Live Free TOTD - Don't Be a D*ck - That's All

    21/03/2018 Duration: 08min

    Welcome to the Live Free Tip of the Day! These are short and sweet tips to motivate you, create mindfulness, and to start your day off with intention. Todays topic is pretty damn simple. Don't Be a D*ck! Yep! That's All! Just don't be one. How can you live your life less reactive and not get caught up in all the negativity that surrounds you? Trust me, it's not easy. I struggle with it as well. But, I pay very close attention where my energy goes. Have a listen! If this resonates with you, I would love if you could leave me a review. To living free my friends.

  • Ep 59 - Meditation - What Drives YOU

    19/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    Welcome to Mindfulness Monday! Today's Live Free & Shine meditation is all about What Drives You! The goal is manifestation, purpose and direction. The benefits you'll gain from this meditation will be clarity in determining what's really important to you. You'll reduce fear and anxiety and cultivate a new perspective on life. Channel your inner happiness and joy and shift into excitement, satisfaction and bliss. This meditation will guide you to be present, to live in the present and stop sweating the small stuff. Blessings and Namaste! xo

  • Ep 58 - Live Free TOTD - Being in the Moment

    14/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    The Live Free Tip of the Day is a short and sweet podcast to get your day started right. Today we are diving into the essence of being and living in the moment. Loving the Mindfulness Movement. Enjoy! If this speaks to you, I would love if you could leave a quick review. Gratitude my friends.

  • Ep 57- Meditation - ACTION MANIFESTING

    13/03/2018 Duration: 09min

    It's Meditation Time! This is a killer meditation if you feel stuck, anxious, lacking confidence, and full of fear. It aids in releasing fears, prevents self-sabotage, promotes faith, promotes clarity and perspective, and increases motivation. So find a comfortable seat, settle in and let's go for a ride. Namaste!

  • Ep 56 - Mindful GRATITUDE Writing Exercise

    05/03/2018 Duration: 13min

    Maybe meditation isn't your thing YET! If you're just starting to dip your toe in the water then I encourage you to try this Mindful GRATITUDE Writing Exercise. Grab a cup of tea, a pen, a piece of paper and give me 5 minutes. Allow your heart to open, that pen to flow, and that feeling of gratitude to overwhelm you. See you on the inside.

  • Ep 55 - Sweet & Short Gratitude Meditation

    05/03/2018 Duration: 10min

    Mindfulness Monday meditation is here for you. New to meditation? Awesome! This is a short and sweet gratitude meditation. If you're feeling stuck, stressed, even anxious give yourself a few moments to breathe, pause, and practice gratitude. FOLLOW this up with EPISODE 56. It's a Gratitude Mindful Writing Exercise. To finding your flow.

  • Ep 54 - F You Cancer - I'm Back! Letting Go of Expectations

    02/03/2018 Duration: 29min

    Feel Good Friday Vibes! In this podcast I share with you my journey with cancer and why letting go of expectations is crucial. Allowing ourselves space to heal, process and let go.

  • Ep 53 - Loving-Kindness MEDITATION

    26/02/2018 Duration: 10min

    Happy Monday Warriors! Monday is all about a new week and a fresh start. Every Monday I'll be bringing you a dose of inspiration on the Live Free & Shine Podcst. We will tackle tips on mindfulness, living with intention, being present, and meditation. With everything going on in the world right now it's not always easy to keep our heart and mind open. I recorded a Loving Kindness Meditation for you that I hope will help you start your week off on the right track. Enjoy! Blessings and Namaste ~ xo Sheri

  • Ep 52 - Live Free TOTD - Your Positive Attitude is EVERYTHING

    17/05/2017 Duration: 06min

    I'm excited to share with you the Live Free TIP OF THE DAY today! It's all about cultivating a positive attitude even when it seems impossible. Looking at the glass half full, instead of half empty. Shifting your mindset, practicing gratitude, and letting go of the things you have no control over. This has not only been my journey the past ten years, but I've really embraced it this New Year since being diagnosed with cancer. Enjoy!

  • Ep 51 - Live Free TOTD - Mindset is EVERYTHING!

    16/05/2017 Duration: 08min

    This Live Free TIP OF THE DAY is all about MINDSET! One of my fav topics to share. Our mind is so powerful! No matter what you're moving through in life you have the ability to choose how you feel and react. Let go of the things that no longer serve you. Live in the present moment. Focus on all the amazing things that are right in front of you, and remember YOU always have a choice.

  • Ep 50 - Live Free TOTD - Give Meditation a Try... Now!

    15/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    The Live Free TIP OF THE DAY is all about Meditation. The power of mediation, how it's shifted my life, and how it can completely transform yours. I've heard so many times... "I can't meditate. I can't sit still. I can't quiet my mind." BS! Yes you can. You just have to let go of any expectations and begin somewhere. Enjoy!

  • Ep 49 - Live Free TOTD - What are YOU Willing to Change?

    12/05/2017 Duration: 06min

    This Live Free TIP OF THE DAY is all about creating change in your mind and body. What will YOU do to dig deep and create radical change. Change so you can heal and feel free. The hardest part is just showing up each day, doing the work, and dropping the excuses. You can do this! Shift your mindset and create change. The foundation to life is love.

  • Ep 48 - Live Free TOTD - My Inner Changes Have Changed my Quality of Life

    11/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    This Live Free TIP OF THE DAY is all about self reflection. This is a very personal topic for me. One I have struggled with for many years. What is my inner dialogue trying to tell me? How can I create change? What is holding me back? Why am I blocked? Taking time for self reflection and listening to your intuition will allow you to move through what's holding you back. By creating those inner changes you will completely improve your quality of life. Enjoy! xo

  • Ep 47 - Live Free TOTD - Fitness Will Change Your Life

    10/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    This Live Free TIP OF THE DAY is all about your mind and body. Fitness and wellness will change your life. Do things that move and motivate you. Stop doing things that don't inspire you. This is how we set ourselves up for failure. Create a game plan, make it fun, stay positive, and Live Free!

  • Ep 46 - Live Free TOTD - One Step & One Day at a Time

    09/05/2017 Duration: 06min

    This Live Free TIP OF THE DAY is all about moving through life one step and one day at a time. How can you create change, how to meet your goals, and what to make a priority. Feel everything and force nothing. Enjoy!

  • Ep 45 - Live Free TOTD - Knowledge is Freedom from Fear

    08/05/2017 Duration: 07min

    The Live Free TIP OF THE DAY is about sharing Knowledge is Freedom from Fear. Educate yourself. Fuel your mind, body and soul and don't let fear hold you back from creating change in your life.

  • Ep 44 - Meditation - NATURE MEDITATION

    05/05/2017 Duration: 05min

    This is a Nature Meditation and meant to be done outside. Connect with the sounds of nature, breathe, be still, and just enjoy.

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