Oasis: College Ministry Podcast



Weekly messages from Oasis, the college and young adults ministry at GracePoint Wesleyan Church in Brookings, South Dakota, led by Pastor Ben Margeson. To learn more visit http://gracepointwesleyan.org.


  • 17. Transitions

    30/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    Summertime always brings around transitions, whether it's moving home, starting a new job or even saying goodbye to friends. How do we end and begin well? As we wrap up our final episode for this semester, we'll look at how we can say goodbye all the while stepping into what God has for us in new seasons. Our podcast will return with more episodes in the fall!

  • MESSAGE: Just Do It

    29/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    In our last message of the school year, Brennen closes our series by encouraging us to practice what we have learned. Over the past year, we have been learning through Sunday nights, small groups, and even our own personal times with God. Yet, this summer, we get the opportunity to lean in, and do the things we have been taught. The goal isn't perfection, but progress in becoming more and more like Christ. What are three things that you can practice this summer? Who can keep you accountable in these? Message Delivered: 4/28/24

  • 16. Rest

    23/04/2024 Duration: 01h05min

    Rest is more than just taking a nap, although naps are amazing! Rest is the process of being renewed so that we are prepared to jump right back in. Even in seasons of busyness, we can take the time to stop and be renewed. Join us as we look at practical ways we adopt a rhythm of rest in our life.

  • MESSAGE: Surrender Your Thoughts

    22/04/2024 Duration: 29min

    The brain is one of our greatest gifts from God yet, it can be our greatest enemy. Jaena explains how our brain can be a place in which we pursue Christlikeness or we pursue sin. Our thoughts are important, and what we think about affects how we live. As Jaena looks at Pauls encouragement in Philippians 4:8, she explains 8 words that are to describe the thoughts that lead us towards Christlikeness. Why is our thought life important? What is one thing God is asking you to surrender in order to pursue Christlike thoughts? Message Delivered: 4/21/24

  • 15. How do I Worship?

    16/04/2024 Duration: 33min

    We are created to worship God, but what does this actually mean? Worship is more than singing in church, it's a way of responding to who God is and what he has been doing. Join us as we look at ways we can worship God wherever we may be!

  • MESSAGE: Prayer and Gratitude

    15/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    How do we surrender our emotions to Jesus? In Philippians 4:6-9, Paul reveals that we can't control what thoughts and emotions we have, but we can control what we do about them. We can choose to pray and connect with the Father. We can choose to ask the Father for help. And we can choose to practice thanksgiving. No matter what high or low we may experience, we have access to presence of God and his peace. What does it look like to surrender your emotions to God? What are five things in life that you're grateful for? Message Delivered: 4/14/24

  • 14. Navigating Conflict

    09/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    Conflict is hard and messy, but it's an incredible invitation to seek unity. Most of us alternate between the extremes of avoidance or aggression when it comes to addressing the issues at hand. Join us as we look at how we can prayerfully step into these conversations and seek to live in unity!

  • MESSAGE: Joyful and Gentle

    08/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    How can we follow Jesus in everything? This is the question we're answering in our new series, In Everything. Diving into Philippians 4:4-9, Brennen begins this series by discussing what it looks like to rejoice in the hard seasons and live a life of gentleness. How good are you at rejoicing in hard seasons? How do people describe you? Message Delivered: 4/8/24

  • 13. The Bible

    02/04/2024 Duration: 32min

    The Bible is a collection of books, written by multiple authors, from contexts that are so different from ours today. It can be incredibly confusing, yet the Bible is one of the central places where we can dive into God's truth and his presence. Join us as we look at how we engage with the Bible well, not just reading it, but engaging with what God is speaking to us.

  • MESSAGE: Living Transformed

    01/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Easter Sunday is a delightful celebration of what Jesus has done for us. But then Monday hits and we're right back in the swing of things. How do keep living as a transformed creation on Monday? Emily digs into 2 Corinthians to see how Paul encourages this church to continue living transformed in the midst of brokenness. What does it mean to live centered on the resurrection? What challenges do you come across in trying to publicly live transformed? Message Delivered: 3/31/24

  • 12. Engaged and Married

    27/03/2024 Duration: 32min

    In part 2 of our discussion on relationships, we're looking specifically at engagement and marriage. 90% of people will journey through these two major transitions while they're in their 20s. Join us as we look at how God can use these seasons to keep forming us towards Christlikeness and how we can support those who are navigating these seasons as well.

  • MESSAGE: Baptism

    25/03/2024 Duration: 38min

    The sacraments can often be confusing to understand, and in our last week of this series, Brennen explains the beauty of baptism and how it involves all of us together. Baptism is a sacrament that symbolizes a dying to self and a rising to new life in Christ. It is a public declaration of faith and the welcoming into the family of Jesus. Take a listen to hear how you can participate in this sacrament! Message Delivered: 3/24/24

  • 11. Single and Dating

    19/03/2024 Duration: 43min

    90% of people in their 20s will navigate through the major life transitions of single, dating, engaged, and married. In this episode, we'll answer questions specifically about singleness and dating. Join us as we share some wisdom on what it means to navigate these transitions well.

  • MESSAGE: Communion

    18/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    For many of us, communion is an obscure act that we do at church. We know it's important, but we're not quite sure what it really means. In this message, Brennen explains what communion is, why it's important, and how we can faithfully practice this sacrament. What has your experience with communion been like in the past? How has your perspective changed? Message Delivered: 3/17/24

  • 10. The Armor of God

    12/03/2024 Duration: 32min

    There is a real, spiritual battle that we face every single day as followers of Jesus. Yet God has already won the war and has provided us the armor to withstand Satan's last attempts to grasp power. Take a listen as we dive into Ephesians 6 and the pieces of armor we can wear everyday to stand our ground.

  • 9. The Gospel

    05/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    The Gospel is more than a message of Jesus dying for us. The Gospel is the story of God seeing us in despair, making a way for us to be free, and giving us the opportunity to extend that freedom to others. Join us as we discuss the depths of the Gospel and how we participate in it's present reality today.

  • MESSAGE: Remembering Who God Is

    04/03/2024 Duration: 37min

    Finishing our series on Habakkuk, Brennen reveals how the prayer of chapter 3 is one of remembrance. As Habakkuk waits, he recalls the ways in which God has been faithful in the past. He praises God in the waiting because he knows how God is. Habakkuk models faith that waits for God's plan. How has God shown his faithfulness in your life? How can you praise God in the waiting? Message Delivered: 3/3/24

  • 8. Spiritual Gifts

    27/02/2024 Duration: 29min

    Many of us have heard that God has given us spiritual gifts. But what are they and how do we use them? Join us as we discover how God has gifted us and how we can use those gifting for his glory!

  • MESSAGE: How to Live Righteous in the Waiting

    26/02/2024 Duration: 38min

    Ben Gietzen continues our series in Habakkuk by examining what it looks like to be faithful in the waiting. In the waiting, we prepare for God's response, we remember what God has done, and we heed the warnings of God. We can trust God in the waiting because he is in control and knows what he's doing. In the waiting, where do I turn for security? How can I worship God and God alone? Message Delivered 2/25/24

  • 7. Generosity

    20/02/2024 Duration: 36min

    As college students and young adults, it often feels like we don't have much. For some, generosity seems like something we should do in the future once we have more to give. But here's the thing, God has already given us time, treasure, and talents that can be used for his glory! Join us as we discuss the simple ways we can be generous with the little that God has given us!

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