Symphony Movement



A ministry designed to find the things which turn people away from Christianity and what we need to do to fix this problem. Because Christians are messed up, not Christianity.


  • April 27, 2008


    In this installment, Josh and I are discussing free will and the idea of "everything happens for a reason". Because, guess what? It doesn't. Want to know why? Listen up!

  • Sex. The December Installment


    This is myself talking with my friend Phillip about sex and the dangers pre-marital sex presents to the world and our society, both on the Christian and secular (non-Christian) view. Phillip is currently going through pre-marital counseling as well, so this is a hot topic during this time in his life. Enjoy!Symphony%Sex%Podcast

  • Recap


    This is the first official podcast from October 8th since I was not able to put it on iTunes initially. So we'll have a new one next week, as well as a new schedule of release dates that are more spread apart than just a week. Grace and Peace, Drew

  • Late December Podcast


    Baha'i is a religion that isn't so much mainstream. But i figured while I had my cousin around on Christmas Eve, we may as well talk about it a little. This basically just shows the whole tolerance approach about how we can all live together in the same world, express our beliefs to each other (even if we don't accept them) and be happy. So check it out! Symphony Movement Late December.mp3Later

  • Symphony Movement October 19, 2007


    The newest installment of Symphony Movement. We cut a bit off the end of the podcast because, guess what? Matt's coming back! He wants to continue our conversation and go even deeper, so I cut it off early to make sure we have enough to talk about next time. And to keep it on the 30minute mark as well. Enjoy!

  • OFFICIAL Podcast Number one. October 12th


    Symphony October 12.mp3This is the second installment of the Symphony Movement and is the actual podcast dealing with Christian as a second language and what a "sneak attack" is, as well as why both of these actions can be dangerous.