Beyond The Black Stump

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 22:35:31
  • More information



A podcast about learning, leadership and the limitations we impose on ourselves.The idea of the "black stump" is an Australian colloquialism, it is used to describe the limits of the mapped or surveyed area. The term seems to be derived from the practice of burning or marking a tree stump as a surveyors mark.It is also metaphor for the limits of our known universe. And it can also reflect the limitations we impose on our thinking, as this quote describes;the Black Stump is much more than an imaginary marker it is a fixed point in our mind, the fixed ideas that limit our thinking. It marks the limit of our comfort zone."[Ed Simpson]Each week I will be chatting with a different guest - fellow practitioners in the risk, resilience and continuity communities - who will share their history, their current context, accepted practices and their novel ideas.The aim is to provide a new and practical approach to thought leadership.


  • BBS037 - Intangible skills, key to future employablility and promotion, with Cheyene Marling

    14/06/2016 Duration: 34min

    G'day, this is Ken Simpson and welcome to episode 37 of Beyond the Black Stump.    Do you live to work, or do you work to live? My guess is that most fit into the later group. So altruistic ideas around awareness raising and learning good, but show me the money!   My guest today is well positioned to advise on the return on investment for our personal learning and development. She runs one of the better known recruitment firms in the BC/risk field and we discuss the skills and expertise that employers are looking for.    The company she founded, BC Management, also produces a number of industry research reports - including their long running survey of remuneration in the industry.    Stay with me as I explore what makes you employable for a senior role in the industry today, and how those in-demand skills might change into the future. Let's go Beyond the Black Stump with Cheyenne Marling.    Links referenced in this episode Cheyenne's LinkedIN profile BC Management Inc Complimentary reports  eNotifications

  • BBS036 - Reflecting on awareness, in the rear vision mirror

    04/06/2016 Duration: 16min

    G’day this is Ken Simpson and welcome to an overdue episode 36 of Beyond the Black Stump. Last week I was hit by the podcaster’s nightmare scenario - sore throat and coughing. Not a good sound, so I spared you the experience. But I still wanted to share my thoughts about BC Awareness week and how we go about trying to promote the discipline. My thanks to the small number of practitioners who reached out and wanted to share views on this year's events. So Business Continuity Awareness Week has come and gone for another year, and my Awareness Challenge for the month of May has ended. The past week has been one of those times when I wonder where the year has gone, June already! Links for this episode Old BCAW Blog Posts BCI Britghttalk Channel Martin Caddick post Two other really good PwC posts, Paul Robertson and James Crask Burke & Jones "Top Down" Webinar Lucey and Burton Exercise webinar Flashblog Dennis Goulet/BCMIX LinkedIn conversation David Discenza/David Lindstedt conversation BCI BCAW Fe

  • BBS035 - Finding the passion, and a new voice, for the future. Sarah Kara.

    12/05/2016 Duration: 33min

    G'day, this is Ken Simpson and welcome to episode 35 of Beyond the Black Stump. Our May podcasts are all about awareness, not just making others aware of BC - but ensuring that we increase our awareness of other disciplines, the world around us - and how these things are changing. This week my guest is a young, female practitioner. While those two attributes alone make her rare in BC circles, she can also claim another rare attribute of being a second generation practitioner. Listen in and perhaps become more aware of the thinking and expectations of the new generation. You may become more aware of how we often patronise young practitioners, especially the female ones - and if you are subject to this sort of behaviour, there will be some awareness of strategies that you might like to consider. All of this from a New Zealand contributor to the "20 in their 20's" publication, so let's go Beyond the Black Stump with Sarah Kara. Links for this show 20 in their 20's Some commentary on that publication Black St

  • BBS034 - Awareness and the Value of Ideas with Andrew Scott

    09/05/2016 Duration: 25min

    G'day, this is Ken Simpson and welcome to episode 34 of Beyond the Black Stump. The podcast for the risk. Continuity and resilience communities. Links in this show BCI BCAW Page Participate in the Flashblog Webinar Guide Take up the Resilience Awareness Challenge I had every intention of recording live conversations at the Australasian BC Summit this week, but it wasn't to be. I actually had to miss the second day of the Conference due to client commitments. Despite only having one day at the conference I thought I got value from it. The great thing about value is that it has meaning only "in the eye of the beholder" so to speak. What value do you put on a new idea? Learning about something you did not know about. I think it is priceless, worth the effort of losing the income and the cost of travel.  For me that value came from Gareth Bone's session about Design Thinking. Listen out for more on that idea in a few weeks. I would love to hear about your thoughts on the value of a single new idea. What did yo

  • BBS033 - Resilience Awareness Challenge and Glen Redstall on the Australasian BC Summit

    01/05/2016 Duration: 22min

    G’day this is Ken Simpson - and welcome to a new week, and a new month.   Kicking off the month with episode 33 of the show and a month of learning and awareness raising.   I am launching a month-long challenge to people today. You can get the details at Essentially the challenge is to commit to raise your awareness of another discipline, body of knowledge or a new skill. All you need is 10 minutes a day.   Check it out and see if you are up to the challenge!   There is a big opportunity for learning, and awareness raising, in Australia this week as the BCI Summit is on in Sydney. Back in January you heard about Glen Redstall’s 3 words to guide BC for 2016. Last week I caught up with Glen again to find out how the summit was looking.   FULL TRANSCRIPT   Links for this show Summit sponsor - RSA Summit sponsor - Dynamiq Summit Program #BCISummit2016 follow the conversations on Twitter   Too late to get into the conference this year - if you missed out make sure you register early for

  • BS032 - Adaptive ideas and resilience as culture, with Aaron Gracey

    29/04/2016 Duration: 50min

    G'day this is Ken Simpson, and welcome to Episode 32 of Beyond the Black Stump.   Another month has come and gone, the last Friday of the month so we celebrate it as a Book Club episode. But a book club with a difference, in that our author today has published a number of articles and blog posts - and is seeking to write a book. So we are just getting in early. After all the intent of book club is to encourage reading.   And on that note before we get into today’s conversation I just want to remind you that there is a full transcript of the interview available on the shows web site -http://Blackstump.FM The link is active in the show notes on your podcast player.   The reason I made a point of reminding you about that at the top of the show is that there are some patchy parts of the audio today, and you might need to refer to the transcript to better understand the meaning.   My guest today brings learning and experience form the military into the corporate world of BC and resilience. Of particular interest t

  • BBS031 - New perspectives on practice and Value with Luke Bird

    22/04/2016 Duration: 43min

    G'day this is Ken Simpson and thanks for tuning into episode 31 of Beyond the Black Stump.    This week we are going to hear about the experience of a practitioner who has gone exploring beyond the black stump of legacy BC practice.    Wider horizons provide different perspectives and resilience takes on different dimensions when you immerse yourself in another contributing discipline. This is the continuing journey from BC Newcomer of the Year, to his “difficult second album”.   Lets catch up with Luke Bird.     Thanks to Luke for being open and sharing his experiences of life beyond BC. Sometimes we really don’t see the practices and the discipline clearly until we get outside and look back in.   Do you have an observation, comment or reaction to what we talked about today? You are welcome to discuss these or any of the issues raised in the show at the LinkedIN community. Here’s a radical idea, instead of the social media communities, why not go to a local forum or chapter meeting and discuss these issues w

  • BBS030 - Fit for purpose Part 2. Capabilities and Disabilities

    18/04/2016 Duration: 24min

    G’day this is Ken Simpson and welcome to Episode 30 of Beyond the Black Stump. Over recent weeks I have been talking to a range of people about the need to build capability – not just produce documents. Even if those documents have “plan” in the title. To be totally accurate, I have been having those conversations for the past 20 years, it has just been a feature of the podcasts for the past few weeks. To some extent the current theme started with Rina Bhakta in Episode 25, then the first part of “Fit for Purpose” in #26, a significant feature of the thinking of Andy Osborne in show 27 and also with Karen Stephens in episodes 28 & especially episode 29. This show is the second part of the “Fit for Purpose” story. There has been a clear message from the various people I have spoken with on this subject over the years – capability comes from practice and rehearsal, not documents and procedures. Karen summed it up really well in the last show “firemen don't learn how to put out a fire by reading a plan.” In 

  • BBS029 - Resilience = Fn(Confidence + Trust + Capability) IN Context

    05/04/2016 Duration: 29min

    G’day, this is Ken Simpson and we are back with a mid-week episode - the 29th Beyond the Black Stump Podcast.   This show is the final part of my chat with Karen Stephens from the Kestrel Group in New Zealand. I have known and worked with Karen for 17 years, we have delivered a number of engagements together -and at one point in her career she was also my client!   Here is a link to part 1 in case you missed it. Lets pick up the conversation talking about capability - what it is, and example of how Karen has delivered it - and how it helps engage Executives.   ..   Thanks for listening across these two shows with Karen. As always if you found the show useful, please feel free to tell your friends and colleagues about it. Send them to to listen. If you have 5 minutes free to leave a comment or rating on iTunes that would also be much appreciated.   Join me again in a few days time for the second part of the Fit for Purpose story - where we wrap up some of this discussion around capability

  • BBS028 - EM in Middle Earth and embedding vulnerability into the culture - Karen Stephens Pt1

    02/04/2016 Duration: 35min

    G’day, this is Ken Simpson and welcome to episode 28 of Beyond the Black Stump.   As it turns out this is really the introduction to episode 28 and episode 29 of the show. After I recorded this interview I decided it needed to be split into two shows.   You see this is an interview with somebody I have known and worked with for about 17 years, so it was both a little odd at first, but we ended up chatting for over an hour!   My guess today will probably not be widely known outside her current adopted country of New Zealand. So while she might fall into the “new voices” category for a global audience, she has 20+ years of practice behind her.   We are going to explore her background in Business Continuity, Crisis Management and Emergency Management. She has worked extensively in the financial services sector, been a BC/CM consultant/manager for a "Big 4” firm, worked in Emergency Management for local government and consulted to a range of private sector, local government and national government entities.   She

  • BBS027 - Book Club and a nice cup of tea, with Andy Osborne

    24/03/2016 Duration: 47min

    G'day this is Ken Simpson and welcome to episode 27 of Beyond the Black Stump. This episode is being released on a Thursday because of the Easter weekend. Ordinarily the show would have been on the last Friday of the month - so it must be time for Book Club. If you haven't caught up, Book Club is a monthly feature show we you are encouraged to read a book. My fear is we do not read enough, it this is an attempt to encourage wider reading. (And no, the latest article on Continuity Central, DRJ, Continuity Insights or Continuity magazine does not qualify as either a book, or reading widely). Normally for book club I would encourage you to pour a glass of wine and settle back to listen. For my guest today I would suggest he might prefer to be offered a "nice cup of tea" instead. Our author today has produced four books, which is a fairly major piece of work. In addition he has been an active blogger in the industry for many years - and he has a unique and entertaining style. With 20-odd years of experience in th

  • BBS026 - Are we "fit for purpose" (Part 1)

    21/03/2016 Duration: 16min

    G’day, this is Ken Simpson and welcome to episode 26 of Beyond the Black Stump. The podcast that seeks to encourage leadership and learning in the risk and resilience disciplines. Another variation in show format today. No interview or guest, instead let’s talk about one of the core practices within the Business Continuity discipline, and how we could make that a core contributor to the wider concept of resilience. We touched on this in the last show with Rina also. This is a subject that I have written several papers and blog posts about so the show is also a bit of an experiment to use the audio format as an alternative to the written paper. The written versions are all linked in the show notes if you are motivated to read further. The practice I am talking about today is known by different names, and unfortunately they actually describe very different practices. Do you use these words interchangeably? Testing, Exercising, Rehearsing Perhaps you just lump all of these things under the compliance-oriented

  • BBS025 - Talking bout my generation ... culture and gender with Rina Bhakta

    03/03/2016 Duration: 35min

    G'day this is Ken Simpson, and welcome to episode 25 of the show. Back on this side of the microphone to mark the quarter century milestone - many thanks to James Stevenson for hosting the leap day show earlier this week. Today is a "rewind" type of episode. My guest is somebody I have interviewed in an earlier show. Since then she has changed jobs - new company, new industry sector. Listen as we explore a young practitioner expanding her responsibility as a team manager - and learning to adapt to different cultures. We also explore some different ideas - generational and gender expectations around the present and future of risk/BC practices. Let's find out if the Black Stump has moved for Rina Bhakta. ... Some interesting observations there from Rina - do you have a view on the generational and glass ceiling questions? If you want to discuss those or any other issues raised in this show, then come over to the Black Stump LinkedIn Community and share your views. Check out Rina's Blog and as always, if you fin

  • BBS024 - Role reversal for Sadie Hawkins Day

    28/02/2016 Duration: 01h08min

    G’day, I am James Stevenson and this episode is being released on February 29th, 2016.It is a leap year and traditionally in a leap year the tables are turned – men run scared for the day as women get to pop the big question. In this unusual context Ken has agreed to take the hot seat and I will be asking him a few questions – but not THE question. We will learn about the man behind the Black Stump podcast, we will chat about his background, his thoughts on resilience, personal development and what he thinks is Beyond the Black Stump. In case you are wondering about me, I am James Stevenson. I have been working in risk, BC and insurance for about 20 years – working with a range of internationally known companies. I have recently taken over as Director (Risk Management) at Burberry. ... Links for this show Sadie Hawkins Day My Online platforms Blog "Contemplating ..." Resilience Ninja Newsletter Blanchard Books Self-Leadership and the One Minute Manager Blanchard catalog on Amazon 3 Pieces of Media Ste

  • BBS023 - Disaster Heroes, book club with Suzanne Bernier

    26/02/2016 Duration: 58min

    G'day, this is Ken Simpson and welcome to episode 23 of Beyond the Black Stump. It is the end of another month so this is a book club episode.   Pour yourself a glass of wine, as is the book club tradition. Perhaps if you are risk averse and driving while you listen, wait until you get home for the wine.   This month my featured book is “Disaster Heroes” - a collection of stories about ordinary people who have made an amazing impact in the aftermath of a disaster.   Sit back and listen to the inspiring stories of both  the book, and its author Suzanne Bernier.   ...   This book has more to offer the practitioner than just some inspiring stories. It is a practical example of some of the skills we need to be successful in the corporate world of the 21st Century.   I am talking about the skills of narrative and story telling. These are critical skills we need to sell our purpose and get buy-in to building resilience. This book provides a great role modelling of those skills - read and learn.   Even if you don’t

  • BBS022- Three horizons and somebody moved my Black Stump!

    21/02/2016 Duration: 27min

    G'day this is Ken Simpson - and it is a great pleasure to finally welcome you to episode 22 of the show! Here are the key links for this show; World Economic Forum Global Risks Report 2016 My blog posts on previous WEF Reports Blogs on Horizon Scanning WEF 2013 Report Whitehaven Coal - Hoax Media release War of the Worlds - Orson Welles 1938 radio production, full show BCI Horizon Scan DRII 2016 Predictions Resilience Ninja Newsletter - promoting Collaboration, Curation and Coaching BCI Position Statement on Organisational Resilience Continuity Central commentary on the statement   Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you started work on a plan or report, then something changed in the the environment - so you re scoped your work to include those new factors. That work takes a little longer to finish, and guess what - something else changes while you are completing the assignment! This episode started out on the editorial schedule as the January Book Club, with a slight difference. The

  • BBS021 - 3 words for self-improvement in 2016 from Glen Redstall

    29/01/2016 Duration: 44min

    G'day, this is Ken Simpson and welcome to Episode 21 of Beyond the Black Stump. The impact of my late start to the show in 2016 is that the January programs are a lot closer together than normal - hope you can keep up with all this listening!   Last week I shared some ideas about planning for 2016 and my 3 focus words. This week we have a practitioner sharing 3 words - but not just from a purely personal perspective. When I approach my gues today I explained the concept and asked him to come up with 3 words that he thought could be applicable across the discipline.   Our thought leader today is uniquely positioned to offer that advice. He is a practitioner and leads the BC and EM practice for a large government agency, and in that role he is a previous winner of the BCI regional Public Sector Manager of the Year. He also serves on the Board of the local BCI Chapter.   His third, and in my view most important, role that qualifies for this assignment - he Chairs the organising committee for the Australasian BC

  • BBS020 - Commitment, Dogma and Changes : focus for 2016?

    25/01/2016 Duration: 16min

    G'day, this is Ken Simpson, and welcome back to Beyond the Black Stump for 2016. Despite January being almost over, I guess it is still appropriate to wish listeners a Happy New Year. This is Episode 20 of the show that I launched back in September last year. This episode was originally supposed to be published 2 weeks ago on the 8th of January - but I have been a little slow getting back into things this year. Traditionally many use this time of the year as a trigger to reflect on the last 12 months, and to plan for the year ahead. That's what this week and next weeks shows are about - ideas about how we view, plan and achieve our objectives. First, and most importantly, Thank you to all those who have listened to the show during 2015, and a special thank you to those who have offered feedback. You are the people who make it all worthwhile. Also thank you to those practitioners who took the time to talk to me and share their ideas and experience with the wider community. When I checked the stats on 21st Janu

  • BBS019 - Partnering and "just in case" Book Club with Betty Kildow

    24/12/2015 Duration: 47min

    G’day, welcome to episode 19 of Beyond the Black Stump - the final show for 2015. As it is the last show of the month, then it must be time for Book Club!   This month I am talking to Betty Kildow, Fellow of the BCI and Certified BC Professional with the DRII.   Betty is a good fit for our Book Club. Like me she agrees that we need to read more.   What do you think, do you make the time to read an improve your practice? Hopefully you will have some time free over the holidays - perhaps try to read one of the books Betty recommends later int he show.   Betty has written two book, which is pretty good for somebody who will only admit to 20 years of work in the field!   In keeping with the theme of the month, we are talking specifically about her book “A Supply Chain Management Guide to Business Continuity”.   In the spirit of book club, settle down with a glass of wine and enjoy a festive conversation with Betty.   ….   Thank you for listening, not just today, but over the last 4 months. As I said earlier this

  • BBS018 - A mission to think and apply resilience with Jan Husdal

    23/12/2015 Duration: 01h03min

    G’day, this is Ken Simpson and welcome to Episode 18 of Beyond the Black Stump - the podcast for the risk and resilience community - that offers ideas on leading, learning and recognising the limitations we impose on our own thinking.   This is show continues the conversation around supply chain risk and resilience - and my recent supply chain disruption has resulted in a number of shows available for you t o binge listen over the holiday season.   My guest today was the person who inspired the idea about future practice having a supply chain. He has an unusual mix of academic and practical experience.   So join me on the long and winding road that takes us beyond the black stump, and to the door of Jan Husdal.   Links in this episode Jan's Blog - Does a blog have a supply chain? - inspiration for Supply Chain for Future practice Robustness, resilience, flexibility and agility Frank Furedi article - "Precautionary Culture and the Rise of Possibilistic Risk Assessment" Jan's review of Sheffi's "The

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