Institute For Local Self-reliance



Building Community, Strengthening Economies


  • “The Secret Side of Global Trade” – David Morris, International Forum on Globalization

    08/01/2015 Duration: 28min

    In 1995, David Morris spoke at the Riverside Church about localism and globalism. In his 15-minute speech David maintains that globalization and gigantism and absentee ownership were not inevitable but the result of public policies. We make the rules, and the rules make us. And the rules we’ve made, especially over the last 50 years, have enabled and encouraged an economic and political system where those who make the rules are separated from those who feel the impact of those rules. … Read More

  • Self-Reliance Podcast Episode 1: Local Self-Reliance in the Modern Economy

    30/01/2014 Duration: 23min

    What is the role of local self-reliance in the modern economy? As world travel, global commerce, and communications across the oceans bring us closer together, the role of localism changes. In our inaugural podcast episode, we bring together three ILSR … Read More