Martes At The Movies



Top Ten Movie List Podcasts every Tuesday with Briony


  • Ep 10 – Best movie closing songs


    Be warned, here there be spoilers. Spoilers ahead. X on the map marks the spoiler. Spoilerly waters coming up. Have I made myself understood? I will try my very best to talk in as general terms as possible about the relationship between these songs and spoilery movie endings, but I’ll probably end up mentioning at […]

  • Ep 9 – Best songs sung by a movie’s hero


    So we’ve talked about the villains, now it’s time for the heroes, by which I mean by the way, both male and females, They are the protagonists, the goodies, the main characters, who are usually noted for their courageous actions.. Admittedly, because they are the ones who drive the plot along, and we as the […]

  • Ep 8 – Best movie serenade moments


    The huge, sweeping, over the top romantic gesture is a staple of the romantic comedy, the romantic non-comedy, and basically any movie featuring a romantic plot, sub plot, or thread of some sort. Movie couples are very rarely low-key about anything, are they? Public declarations of love are more than common, and the bigger the […]

  • Ep 7 – Good songs featured in not so good movies


    Now this is a subjective episode indeed, if ever a subjective episode I did see.  It’s got double the opinions. I’m defining what I think are good songs, and what I think are not so good movies. There’s plenty of room for controversy here. To me it’s pretty easy to define whether or not a […]

  • Ep 6 – Best Performances from fictional movie choirs and bands


    Almost everyone’s got a favourite band, choir, or other type of musical ensemble, right? Whatever the style of music that you like, across every genre from country, to hiphop, by way of choral and classic rock, for generations upon generations people have been coming together to make music. And it’s great, the whole collaborative process…sparking […]

  • Ep 5 – Best Movie Villain Songs


    I’m not sure what exactly it says about me that my favourite song off any given movie soundtrack is almost always the villain’s song. When I was about ten years old I took a presumably highly scientific quiz online which decided which Hogwarts house I belonged in…and it did put me in Slytherin , so […]

  • Ep 4 – Most iconic movie themes ever


    Iconic (adjective) icon·ic \ī-ˈkä-nik\ 1. of, relating to, or having the characteristics of an icon 2. widely known and acknowledged especially for distinctive excellence <an iconic writer> <a region’s iconic wines> Some movie theme songs are just iconic. They are so widely known, and so recognisable, that even if you haven’t seen the film itself, […]

  • Ep 3 – Best dance numbers from movies which are not dance movies


    Wouldn’t life be wonderful if sporadic singing and dancing broke out and we magically were all able to join in because we all knew the words and the steps? In musicals we grow to expect it. There are sing-a-long versions available on DVD, West End runs, revivals, and re-runs, and we’re fully aware that we’re […]

  • Ep 2 – Best Movie Montage Songs


    It is a truth universally acknowledged that any movie hoping to show change, progress, or passing of time in a nice, little, three minute package will deploy a montage. This most time honoured of techniques tends to involve a sequence of short shots showing time go by as the athlete trains for his big match, […]

  • Ep 1 – Best Original Song nominees which should have won the Oscar


    I love awards season. I find it fascinating to pore over predictions, discover if I’ve actually seen any of the nominated films, and hope for a big musical number on the night. Despite this I’m well aware that the Oscars are imperfect. The voters of the academy are not a diverse group, their picks are […]