Accelerate your fluency in any language with bestselling language expert Mark Frobose's fluency shortcuts, tips and strategies and free language lessons with his trained native speaking teaching assistants. Free Spanish, Italian, French, German, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese and other language lessons, fluency strategies, creating your own automatic fluency system, language memory techniques, travel vocabulary, common language learning pitfalls and remedies, 10 Commandments of Automatic Fluency, discovering your own unique language learning style, making your otherwise wasted down time into language learning up time and more.
Free Korean fluency lesson
08/06/2017 Duration: 10minLearn to speak your own original sentences in Korean in just 7 minutes with the fabulous free lesson featuring a trained native Korean speaker and Mark Frobose, the Language Guy®.
Free Thai fluency lesson
01/06/2017 Duration: 08minLearn to speak your own original sentences in Thai in just 7 minutes with the fabulous free lesson featuring a trained nati ve Thai speaker and Mark Frobose, the Language Guy®.
Free Italian Lesson
25/05/2017 Duration: 10minA fabulous free Italian fluency lesson with the Language Guy® and a trained native Italian speaker.
Free French Lesson.
18/05/2017 Duration: 08minA fabulous free French fluency lesson with the Language Guy® and a trained native French speaker.
Let’s Learn More Japanese!
11/05/2017 Duration: 08minAnother Free Japanese fluency lesson with the Language Guy® and a trained native Japanese speaker.
Learn Mexican Spanish!
04/05/2017 Duration: 11minFREE 10 Minute Lesson in Mexican Spanish and several native Mexican Spanish speakers.
Learn Travel Japanese!
27/04/2017 Duration: 08minFree 8 minute Japanese travel lesson with native speaker.
Select the right language for you!
20/04/2017 Duration: 12minA language that is good to know for one person isn’t necessarily a good language for another to learn. If you’re undecided, consider learning a Romance language like Spanish so that you’ll automatically be learning major portions of related Romance language like French, Italian, Portuguese, and Romanian at the same time. Free 7 minute fluency lesson in Russian with a native Russian speaker.
The key to becoming fluent is to first learn Why? you want to learn language and then set meaningful language fluency goals.
13/04/2017 Duration: 12minFree 7 minute Spanish fluency lesson with a native Columbian speaker.
The Fluent "Me" I see is the fluent "Me" I’ll someday be. Visualize your fluency daily and speak words you love with passion
06/04/2017 Duration: 09minBecome fluent by first studying the words that interest you most. Study first the words and vocabulary that relate most to your interests and your passions, and allow your passion to drive your fluency.
What’s The Simplest Way To Learn a Language Fluently?
30/03/2017 Duration: 08minThe easiest way to learn to speak any language fluently is to buy and use a cutting-edge language program and incorporate its use into your daily routine. Free 5 minutes fluency lesson in German is included.
Make becoming multilingual easier by learning 2 languages at the same time within the same language family.
23/03/2017 Duration: 12minSpanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Catalan are all Romance Languages so when you learn one, you are simultaneously learning large portions of the others.