When S**t Hits The Fan



When life hits you hard, you are confronted with death, grief, trauma - what now? How do you ever get back up?


  • episode 16 Peace in the Midst of Trauma?!


    You know us: We’re highly critical about everything that smells of sayings that go in the category of “inspirational quotes”. Nevertheless, this episode is about the controversial topic of peace in the midst of trauma. How is that possible? Is it even possible? My guest, Barbara Gaughen Muller, talks about her experience of SHIT hitting...

  • episode 15 How is authentic faith different from believing blindly?


    Pastor Patrick and myself explore the fine line between following a certain Guru or religion or self-made spirituality without really applying it to your life i.e. where it gets real juicy AND an authentic, lived and experienced faith. Simply put: One is to walk the talk, the other one has no connection to your own...

  • episode 14 Kiran Trace about S**T hitting the Fan


    Our first episode with a guest! And what an honour to have Kiran on our show. Kiran Trace is my teacher and mentor, who has helped me a lot in the last year and keeps on adding useful tools to navigate life. Especially life after SHIT hitting the Fan. On plus we offer our listeners a...

  • episode 13 The other Face of Grief – ANGER


    How does being angry fit into grieving? Is it ok to be angry at God, at the person who passed, at everyone around you? How can we be angry without harming ourselves and others? Is there a way, anger can transform into a creative process? Julie and myself explore this question that came in from...

  • episode 12 Prayer – an unexpected approach


    When SHIT did hit the fan for me, I found and find myself often on my knees, begging and praying for the situation to change. Trying to make deals with God, “if I give you my arms, will you send Christopher back?”. Childish, maybe. But really, it is desperation speaking out of what I just...

  • episode 11 Not all Discipline is Crap


    As promised, here is part 2 of “We have to surrender anyway, right?”. As I realised for myself: You can’t do the practice without some sort of discipline. But – spoiler – it’s not the kind of discipline we all know so well. The drillsergeant kind. As you listen along, you can witness me loosing...

  • episode 10 We have to surrender anyway, right?


    The above statement is a direct quote by Julie, from a random Fridaynight-phonecall. So we dive into the whole realm of surrender, dedication and discipline. We stroll along the topics of “there is no control”, explore a bit of “how to deal with the world” and snack on the berries of “how do choice and...

  • episode 9 The Healing Power of Gardening – a Gardening Special


    You think the titel is a bit much? Maybe you’re right. But wait until you’ve listened to this conversation and reconsider you’re judgement. Ursina and I came to our allotment “like the virgin to a child” as the saying goes in German: the garden happened without our “doing”, it simply showed up. Effortlessly. We find...

  • episode 8 How does Shock feel?


    We thought, it might be useful to go deeper into the topic of shock. How it actually feels and why “normal” behaviour doesn’t apply. It is something so far out of the every day life experience, it’s hard to understand for those around. Understanding how it feels, might create more understanding for those, who are...

  • episode 7 Trauma and the Body


    No matter in which form someone experiences trauma, it always has a physical reaction to it as well as an emotional or mental. Our bodies take that trauma in, we are affected by it on a cellular level. Often, we don’t realise that, as it happens. Mostly, we don’t. So there are lumps and heaps...