Jacked Up



Straight talk about being creative, making stuff, and real life. Justin Jackson riffs on technology, business, the web, heavy metal, parenting and breakfast cereals.


  • Beardless and unemployable

    10/01/2015 Duration: 10min

    Finding theme music is hard. Which do you like? High School Prom Young & Fun I don't have the beard anymore. How do I feel about it? I dunno. Part of me feels like less of a man. I used to have luxurious hair growing from my face, and now it's just skin. Are you really unemployable? I hear a lot of people in the entrepreneurial community say they're unemployable. For a lot of us the important question is: what is the best way I can put food on the table right now? There will be seasons of your life, where having a day job will be the best fit. Show Notes Justin shaved Episode 66 of Show me Your Mic Alex Carpenter on Twitter ibrewmyowncoffee.com This American Life: Episode 543

  • What are your plans for 2015?

    24/12/2014 Duration: 10min

    How did your 2014 go? Did you accomplish everything you wanted to achieve? "The person who chases two rabbits catches neither." - Confucius Justin talks about setting goals for 2015, and which goals he missed in 2014. Show notes Music: Holding onto whatever it is by the Waking Eyes (available on iTunes) Jamie Lawrence: "A good goal should have a 50/50 chance of success. Anything harder is demoralizing; anything easier isn't challenging enough" The 2013 revenue stats I didn't want to share Succeed in 2014 My mastermind group: Paul Jarvis & Jarrod Drysdale Jason Evanish

  • Don't touch that microphone

    20/12/2014 Duration: 10min

    Justin tests out a new microphone and ends up creating an entirely new show. He riffs on the podcasting, and what it means to get started doing anything creative. Do you really need to buy expensive gear to get started? It's a 10 minute rant on starting small, and practicing doing your thing before you worry too much about anything else. Show notes: Music feature: Battle Beast - Touch in the Night (available for pre-order on iTunes) Back to Work, Episode 199 Product People, Episode 1 Build & Launch: the show I'm launching in 2015.