Dark Twitter



A show about the dark side of Social Media.


  • Hitler vs Stalin and the truth about the Holocaust

    08/11/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    Victors write History.  If there is anything we've learned since the collapse of the Soviet Union, it's that the data they provided on the Holocaust and German war crimes was not only inaccurate, but deliberately falsified.  The Polish curator at Auschwitz (a Jew, btw), obtained the Red Cross and German registration records in 1990, 45 years after Stalin claimed they had all been destroyed.  The original estimate of 4 million deaths at Auschwitz was revised to 1.1 million, forcing the Auschwitz museum to change it's Memorial plaque.  The Soviet Union had, of course, motives for falsifying data. They used bogus numbers to justify their occupation of half of Europe and to distract the world from the war crimes they themselves committed when Germany fell.  The truth that most Americans choose to ignore is that Stalin was equally, if not more brutal than Hitler.  We're going to compare hard evidence on both sides.  My guest is Nathan Jankov, a dear friend and a man whose family suffered while under the rule of th

  • Election Day

    05/11/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    Happy Election Day!  Political junkies have been anxiously awaiting midterms since the night President Obama won his second term.  It's finally here and I can't help but notice how uninterested people seem.  The general mood is apathetic...why bother voting for Representatives when the President can ignore the will of the people via Executive Orders?  Rep Dan Gordon will join me to explain why he hasn't voted since the day he was elected in Rhode Island and why these elections are meaningless.  ALSO:  We are doing two e-giftcard giveaways tonight, so tune/call in.  

  • Hashtag Feminism

    01/11/2014 Duration: 01h03min

    LC and I have been so busy lately that we nearly missed the self-loathing tweetstorms by the Feminazis.  You see, these broads are all about promoting the sisterhood, unless you're a sister who disagrees with them, ofc.  If you troll them, you can get them to expose themselves as hypocrites within one or two tweets.  They're not about supporting other women, they're promoting an agenda.  We are going to explore the hypocrisy and if you disagree with us, it's because you're sexist and want to bring women back to Victorian era.We are also going to talk about boys and makeup because we are shallow like that.  Happy Belated Halloween.  Let's turn some tricks and give away some treats.  We have Victoria's Secret and Sephora ecards to give away, so tune in to win.  

  • Swas is Nothing But a Troll

    23/10/2014 Duration: 01h05min

    Dear Marcie, call me.xoxo

  • Speechcraft

    21/10/2014 Duration: 01h29min

    Across the pond Secretary Chris Gayling is seeking to implement harsher penalties for internet trolls.  The proposed law stems from rape threats tweeted to Chloe Madeley (welcome to my world) and focuses on quadrupling the current sentence from six months to two years.  Yes, that's right. If you troll in the UK, you can be jailed for two years.  Cohosting tonight LIVE from the UK is my favorite British troll (@swastika_cat) who will share his opinions and possibly start a wepay for bail money.ALSO:  We will have an exclusive update from FSA Special Agent Webster on the ongoing investigation of Lauren and her boyfriend Ren.