Wednesday Night Services



Wednesday Night services


  • Natural Obstacles to Faith Expectation - Audio

    24/01/2024 Duration: 56min

    We all have expectations for our lives that have been built with our growing faith as we continually hear the Word of God. Natural obstacles seem to materialize that hinder our journey toward those expectations. We can see financial blessing from the Word, but then the rent or mortgage increases, food and gas prices go up, our hours at work or income takes a dip. Maybe you are building your faith in the area of health and healing, but then the doctor’s report comes, or you just don’t feel right. These can affect your hope for what you see the Word promising you. What is a believer to do? In Nehemiah 10 the remnant of Israel faces something very similar, and in this Midweek service we look at what this is, and how we can deal with it ourselves.

  • God’s Mercy and Covenant - Audio

    10/01/2024 Duration: 58min

    Some things God gives to us through His mercy. Others come through the Covenant we have a believers. But there is a third way. All of these are covered in this wonderful prayer from Nehemiah 9.

  • The Joy of the Lord - Audio

    03/01/2024 Duration: 50min

    What is the context of these great words “The Joy of the Lord is our strength?” These words were spoken by Ezra, and Nehemiah records them here in chapter 8:10. When you see the context and perceive the full meaning in its setting, you will realize why standing on these words hasn’t always strengthened you and understand better how to let them do so.

  • Courage Fueled By Faith In 2024 - Audio

    13/12/2023 Duration: 01h28s

    As we embark on a new year, what do you want 2024 to look like for you? Are you striving for increased courage, faith, healing, and working towards a promotion? Do you want to be blessed with wisdom, skills, and favor in the new year? In the midweek service this Wednesday, Brother Nicolae will look at Daniel who stood against King Nebuchadnezzar and his evil schemes to take down Daniel. Daniel was an exemplary role model for us in character, influence, commitment and courage - all things we can grow in! We'll use Daniel's example in championing in excellency into our lives for today and into 2024.

  • People and Their Gifts - Audio

    06/12/2023 Duration: 48min

    This may seem like a boring list of names, but in this 7th chapter of Nehemiah we find several things. First, something very important to God that we all can do. Second, that people maintained their call from God despite a lack of opportunity to operate in that call. Third, reasons why some of the priest lacked proof of their priestly linage AND how that corresponds to us today. And Forth, something missing from this list of people involved in the work that we often include today. There is more, but hopefully this gets you interested.

  • Make Up Your Mind: Overcoming Confusion with Wisdom - Audio

    15/11/2023 Duration: 30min

    Can your mind impede you from the things that God has for you? Have you struggled with hardships, things not coming to pass, or simply not feeling worthy of the things that God has for you? Faith comes from the heart but Paul tells us to gird up the loins of our mind and to be sober. Tonight, Brother Nicolae will walk through 6 steps in How to “Change your Mind and Overcome Confusion with Wisdom”. We’ll look at examples and scripture to help us Overcome those thoughts of confusion and how to transform them into a Sound Mind.

  • From Building to Guarding (Having Something of Value) - Audio

    25/10/2023 Duration: 56min

    Continue the series in Nehemiah with chapter 6-7 as Nehemiah leads them to transition from working on the wall and completing it, to maintaining a guarded wall around Jerusalem instead of an open city. We live differently when we are guarding something valuable, whether it be a city or our own spiritual well-being. Many Christians never make this transition, so we will look at what goes on in doing so. There are three ways of guarding things of value whether they be natural or spiritual. We look at all three in our day to day lives, as well as what was done in the Bible.

  • When Your Enemies Get Friendly - Audio

    18/10/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    What do you do when your enemy wants to become your friend. Is it the Christian’s responsibility to accept one who has been against you and the Godly things you stand for, and now instead wants to be on your side? Could we be hindering such a person from repentance if we don’t? You may have even conceded in the past because you felt guilty about rejecting them, or thought God wanted you to give them a chance. Well there’s a Biblical example we can learn from who faced just this exact thing. Not only will we look at what Nehemiah did, but also how God led him to find the truth behind the pretense of being friendly.

  • Now You Made Me Mad! - Audio

    11/10/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    Tonight we look at what can we do with people who push all our buttons? How does God expect us to respond? Is there a way we can respond that will change how they act with us? Here is the review I posted last week. We will spend about half the time looking at what Nehemiah did, and the rest on how we can apply it to our situations. A topic I have been asked a lot about of late is how I can know I’m hearing the voice of God? Stay with me to the end and you will find help on this!

  • The Pattern of Opposition - Audio

    27/09/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    Evil inspired opposition follows a certain pattern in the Bible. If you know this pattern you can anticipate what happens next, and when it happens you won't be as incline to think it is something about you or how you stood for the principle or project from God. The enemy wants to get you to second guess what you did or how you did it, so he can lead you into taking some of the blame for the opposition rising up. If you take some of the blame, guilt or fear can get you to stop doing what you are doing. Knowing the pattern and seeing what comes next before it happens takes the foundation away from the guilt and fear thrown at you, and you will have a much easier time standing up against the opposition. In Nehemiah 4 we see this pattern.

  • Rebuilding The Wall - Audio

    20/09/2023 Duration: 48min

    The building of the wall begins. The details can help us understand truths regarding our role in the Church.

  • Petitions - Audio

    06/09/2023 Duration: 44min

    Love for the things of God and His call on your life will get you involved, but faith that comes from what's in you will get you though. Nehemiah has a love for the things of God and for God's call on his life, but he starts out imitating what others did in faith. He will grow out of this and get to faith that's on the inside, but perhaps you can relate to how Nehemiah got started pursuing the call of God.

  • In That Day (The Millennial Reign) - Audio

    30/08/2023 Duration: 01h44s

    What will the world be like in the Millennial reign? Zechariah (along with Revelation 20) give us the best look into this upcoming kingdom. See how what you think you know about this kingdom lines up with what scriptures tell us to expect. This is our final session on Zechariah.

  • False and Misinterpreted Prophecy - Audio

    23/08/2023 Duration: 52min

    What’s the difference between false prophecy and wrongly interpreted prophecy? Both can be very damaging and both were to the people of Israel. The first are words not given by God and the second are words God spoke, but people understood or applied them differently than God intended. Israel greatly misinterpreted this prophecy and it hurt them. Since we have spent time looking at how to detect false prophecy in this study, we will look mostly at how to know misinterpreted prophecy in this one.

  • Jerusalem's Final Defeat - Audio

    16/08/2023 Duration: 47min

    It seems out of place for this prophecy to foresee the coming destruction of Jerusalem. After their repentance and God's promises of renewal, why does it jump to this? In looking for the answer we will also see why all the nations of the world rise up to come against Israel, and it seems to be more than just hatred of them.

  • The Cleansing Fountain - Audio

    09/08/2023 Duration: 52min

    The repentant Jewish people have a fountain of cleansing made available to them, and God cleanses them from their idolatry, false prophecy, and the spirits behind them. God says that in that day Israel will not have any tolerance of false words or the people that give them. In our day people seem very tolerant of false words, in fact have no trouble welcoming them and even in the churches. So what makes people desire to hear or give a false word over a true one?

  • The Coming Deliverance - Audio

    02/08/2023 Duration: 51min

    What do all the promises of restoring and preserving Israel against all their enemies have to do with us today? Is it just so we know what will be going on with the nation of Israel or is there more to it? This 12th chapter of Zechariah is filled with the future of Israel. As we look at it we also want to see how it helps us in our Christian life.

  • Can This Word Really Be From God? - Audio

    26/07/2023 Duration: 01h06min

    How can we determine that a word seemingly so very contrary to others we have heard is or is not from God? After some very positive words from the Lord given to Zechariah to encourage the returnees who came back to Judah and Jerusalem, here comes this word prophesying a coming destruction. How would you take this shift if you were on of the Jews in Jerusalem hearing this? We also see the context for the prophetic word about Judas receiving 30 pieces of silver to betray Jesus.

  • The Value of Prophetic Light - Audio

    20/07/2023 Duration: 49min

    If God’s promises are for a future time and it is possible I may not even be around to see them, what good are they to me now? How does future glory help me out of my present gloom?

  • What’s Coming - Audio

    12/07/2023 Duration: 01h05min

    A hidden prophecy can be found in the first 8 verses of Zechariah 9. Verses 1-8 seem to predict something that was not likely able to be know until the prophecy was fulfilled. After that verses 9-10 bring the well known prophecy of Messiah coming into Jerusalem riding on a donkey. The prophecy finishes the chapter describing how God will fight for them. The order of this chapter seems very interesting to me and in the end I look to show you a purpose in it.

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