Soma Spokane Sermons



Our vision is Gospel Saturation: that every person in our region would have a regular encounter with the good news of Jesus Christ in both word and deed.


  • Legacy of a Trouble Maker

    26/05/2024 Duration: 40min

    Elijah’s final work as a prophet is to raise up Elisha, who requests — and receives! — a “double portion” of his spirit. Like Elijah, our mission is not simply to be faithful in our day but also to help others be faithful, who can help others be faithful. This is the pattern we see in Jesus, too, and the command he gave us as his disciples. As we conclude our series in Elijah, we consider what it looks like to replicate, becoming communities that exist to grow, wrap others in, and continue to form disciples.

  • Running from Jezebel

    19/05/2024 Duration: 44min

    With one short sentence from Jezebel, Elijah runs for his life. He’s gone from the mountain top of spiritual revival on Mt Carmel to the depth of despair, ready to quit. God meets him in the wilderness and provides a snack and a nap, and he’s enabled to carry on. As he arrives at Horeb, he’s still spiritually uncertain and feeling abandoned by God — but God meets him and gives him fresh direction. Elijah is renewed by time away and time in God’s presence. The gospel assures us of God's unfailing love and grace, which sustains us through every trial and empowers us to overcome fear with faith in Him. When we face fear and discouragement we can find comfort and strength in Jesus, who promises to never leave us nor forsake us.

  • Praying the Promise

    12/05/2024 Duration: 36min

    Elijah prays for the rain to come and... nothing happens. But Elijah persists in prayer until a breakthrough comes. Like Daniel in Babylon, or the widow before the unjust judge, there is a persistence and tenacity in his prayer life. We likewise are called to be consistent and tenacious in our prayers, trusting in God's goodness, and recognizing prayer as an act of war. James says Elijah is a man just like us, and we too can approach the Lord in faith, trusting Him for great things.

  • YHWH is God

    28/04/2024 Duration: 44min

    In this famous story of Elijah's bold challenge to the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel, we learn the importance of confronting idolatry and false gods in our lives and society with unwavering faith in the one true God. In particular, we're looking this week at political idolatry, and the ways in which political partisanship has gained our allegiance, deformed our faith, and tarnished our witness. In Elijah's prayer, we see God's true goal: to have the allegiance and affections of our hearts.

  • Stretched Out

    21/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    In a surprising twist of events, the widow to whom Elijah was sent finds her son near to death, and blames Elijah! Elijah moves in faith and prayer and puts his life on the line to give life to the widow’s son. How can we go to the places where death is currently reigning, and stretch out like Elijah to bring life and wholeness? How does the gospel empower us to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God?

  • Sent In Weakness

    14/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    Elijah is called out of "Babylon”, but also sent back in, on mission. God sends him to a widow's house, in weakness and vulnerability. As he steps out in faith, God does a miracle. This isn't a one-off, it's a pattern for how God wants us to live. We're sent into Babylon, on mission, in weakness and vulnerability, and it's in this context that God will supply the bread.

  • The Call of Elijah

    07/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    Elijah found himself in the middle of one of the worst national apostasies in Israel’s history and yet was determined to be faithful to YHWH. Elijah is willing to be out of step with his cultural moment in order to be faithful to God and the Covenant He’s made with Israel. And that makes him a Trouble Maker (1 Kings 18:17). In this series, we’ll consider 7 Practices that help anchor our allegiance to Jesus and his Kingdom in the midst of our own cultural moment.

  • Easter: Jesus Is Better!

    31/03/2024 Duration: 20min

    Our study in Hebrews comes to a close with an incredible one-sentence summary of the entire book: Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever! Over 13 chapters, the author of Hebrews has shown us the sufficiency and uniqueness of Jesus, urging us to leave behind all the substitutes and distractions, and to press on in faith and obedience. In this Easter message, we celebrate all Jesus has done in history, his personal presence with us today, and his future renewal of all things. Because Jesus alone is "yesterday and today and forever," we can trust him completely and worship him unceasingly!

  • Bear The Reproach!

    24/03/2024 Duration: 45min

    This Palm Sunday, we look at a savior who entered the holy city, only to leave it again. The shouts of the crowds and the bustle of the elite's religion didn't entice Jesus to stick around. Jesus was compelled by a deep compassion for all people, especially the lost. Jesus was constantly finding his way to the margins. He constantly drifted toward the outsiders on the edges of society. Hebrews 13 tells us that he "suffered outside the gate to sanctify the people through his own blood." Likewise, we should go to him outside the camp, bear the reproach he endured, and there find our hearts encouraged by his grace.

  • Run With Endurance!

    17/03/2024 Duration: 40min

    Hebrews 11 is a long list of biblical figures who “by faith” conquered kingdoms, enforced justice, quenched the power of fire, and were tortured unto death. They were made strong out of weakness, because of the one in whom they placed their faith. Hebrews 12 turns the corner and says “since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses… let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” Chapter 12 is a call to keep our eyes on Jesus, keep our faith in Jesus, and repent of our desire to quit and drop out of the race. We all face hardships, we all struggle with sin, we’re all disciplined by the Lord for our good, and as a result, we’ll all be tempted to quit at some point along the way. The challenge of Hebrews 12 is to repent of that desire to quit: “lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees,” consider Jesus and the opposition he faced, consider the great cloud of witnesses around him, and carry on in God’s strength.

  • Draw Near!

    10/03/2024 Duration: 42min

    Hebrews 8-10 is a rich exposition of the supremacy of Jesus and his sacrifice over the sacrificial system and high priests of Judaism. The old system was a mixed bag: God gave his people a way to deal with the sin problem, but it actually served to continuously remind them of the sin problem. It was simply insufficient, unable to really cleanse the conscience of the worshipper, and sin's guilty weight remained. But Jesus, by means of his self-offering, has done perfectly and in reality what the priests could only do imperfectly and figuratively. By offering himself as a perfect sacrifice, through the shedding of his own sinless blood, Jesus removed sin's weight and condemnation, and opened full, free, and unfettered access to God! Therefore, we can draw near to God with assurance and we can stir one another to love and good deeds.

  • Go On To Maturity!

    03/03/2024 Duration: 44min

    Hebrews 5-7 contains one of the strongest warnings in the entire New Testament, a text that has been a cause of anxious concern for disciples across the ages. On one hand, the authors are befuddled at the ongoing immaturity of the church, and are challenging the seeming passivity: They are like nursing infants when they should be mature adults helping to feed others. On the other hand, they know this church is capable of love, service, and persevering faith. The call is to grow up, becoming a people solidly grounded in the basics of faith and fully equipped for everyday lives of service and ministry. In the middle, the authors warn that what starts as a refusal to grow up can become an inability to grow up, where our hearts become hard and we sever ties with Jesus altogether. There's only one solution: Go forward, in faith and patience, having the full assurance of hope in Jesus!

  • Enter Rest!

    25/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    The unknown author of Hebrews has a 2-fold purpose in this profound letter: To wake us from spiritual slumber and to compel us to see the all-sufficiency of Jesus. Built around 6 strong warning texts, Hebrews is designed to call the reader to wake up, pay attention to their spiritual state, and turn from anything and everything that is clouding their vision and numbing their experience of the all-sufficiency of Jesus. Hebrews 3 and 4 tell us that the Word of God is sharper than a double-edged sword, cutting to the deepest places within us, performing surgery in the human heart - but only if we let it. Hence, the resounding warning of these chapters is “do not harden your hearts” as the Israelites did in the wilderness. Whenever conviction comes, through God’s Spirit and God’s word, we have a choice to make: will we repent in soft-heartedness and receive the truth, or will we harden our hearts and persist in our sin?

  • Pay Attention!

    18/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    The unknown author of Hebrews has a 2-fold purpose in this profound letter: To wake us from spiritual slumber and to compel us to see the all-sufficiency of Jesus. Built around 6 strong warning texts, Hebrews is designed to call the reader to wake up, pay attention to their spiritual state, and turn from anything and everything that is clouding their vision and numbing their experience of the all-sufficiency of Jesus. In 2:1 we get our first warning — pay attention, lest we drift! — and the author paints a vivid picture of the way we naturally go off-course in following Jesus. Lent is about seeing and naming that drift and making a decision to move the other way. Thankfully, Jesus is eager to help us as we cry out to him in repentance! In repentance, we turn from our distractions and renew our attention and affections in all Jesus is and all he's done for us.

  • The Revealer of Christ

    11/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    It feels almost impossible to believe: Jesus says it is better for us to have the Holy Spirit with us than for us to have Jesus himself with us. The arrival of the Helper, the Holy Spirit, is a magnificent upgrade to Jesus' mission and ministry! In the Spirit, every single disciple of Jesus across time and space has direct access to the same presence and power of God that Jesus himself enjoyed. If that is true, then knowing and trusting the Spirit ought to be one of our highest priorities as disciples. This Sunday, we wrap up our series on the Promise of the Spirit, looking at how the Spirit comes as our Guide, personally directing each of us and all of us as a church family on mission. We'll celebrate the coming together of River's Edge and Soma Spokane into one body, tell the story of how the Spirit guided us into this partnership, and collectively ask the Spirit to continue to lead us as we live as brothers and sisters on mission in the things to come.

  • The Corrector

    04/02/2024 Duration: 48min

    In the Upper Room, as Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure, the anxiety grew and the fear was likely palpable. What would it be like without Him right in front of them? How would they make it in an antagonistic world without Him as a compass? Jesus assured them that it would be better for them after he departed. The Helper (The Ghost) would arrive! This wouldn’t only be to the advantage of the disciples, the Spirit's arrival would be better for the world. The Spirit will correct the church about right living regarding justice, and then through a corrected Church, He will bring right living and justice to a world ruled by evil forces. The Spirit corrects and empowers the Church!

  • The Witness to Jesus

    28/01/2024 Duration: 31min

    Depending on your church background, there are a lot of misguided notions about the third member of the Godhead. Thankfully, Jesus is really clear and spends quite a bit of time explaining to his disciples what exactly they ought to expect when he sends the Spirit. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and for their role in carrying on his mission and ministry. They’re afraid and uncertain, and the promise of Jesus' ongoing presence with them by the Spirit is his solution to their worry! There’s a wealth of resources in the Holy Spirit, and in this series, we'll explore all Jesus' promises to give us when the Spirit dwells in us. This week we look at Jesus' promise to empower us by the Holy Spirit to bear witness to Jesus.

  • The Word and the Spirit

    21/01/2024 Duration: 50min

    Depending on your church background, there are a lot of misguided notions about the third member of the Godhead. Thankfully, Jesus is really clear and spends quite a bit of time explaining to his disciples what exactly they ought to expect when he sends the Spirit. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and for their role in carrying on his mission and ministry. They’re afraid and uncertain, and the promise of Jesus' ongoing presence with them by the Spirit is his solution to their worry! There’s a wealth of resources in the Holy Spirit, and in this series, we'll explore all Jesus' promises to us when the Spirit dwells in us. This week we look at how the Spirit works in union with the word of God - calling us to remember God's word, reinforcing what is true, and empowering our life in Christ.

  • The Presence of Jesus and the Father

    14/01/2024 Duration: 40min

    Depending on your church background, there are a lot of misguided notions about the third member of the Godhead. Thankfully, Jesus is really clear and spends quite a bit of time explaining to his disciples what exactly they ought to expect when he sends the Spirit. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and for their role in carrying on his mission and ministry. They’re afraid and uncertain, and the promise of Jesus' ongoing presence with them by the Spirit is his solution to their worry! There’s a wealth of resources in the Holy Spirit, and in this series, we'll explore all Jesus' promises to us when the Spirit dwells in us. This week we look at Jesus’ promise to not leave us orphaned, and the Spirit’s role in bringing every disciple a deeper sense of God’s loving presence.

  • Introduction to John 14-16

    07/01/2024 Duration: 40min

    Depending on your church background, there are a lot of misguided notions about the third member of the Godhead. Thankfully, Jesus is really clear and spends quite a bit of time explaining to his disciples what exactly they ought to expect when he sends the Spirit. In John 14-16, Jesus is preparing his disciples for his departure, and for their role in carrying on his mission and ministry. They’re afraid and uncertain, and the promise of Jesus' ongoing presence with them by the Spirit is his solution to their worry! There’s a wealth of resources in the Holy Spirit, and in this series, we'll explore all Jesus' promises to us when the Spirit dwells in us. This week we look at the context of these promises and begin asking Jesus to give us the fullness of His Spirit.

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