Soma Spokane Sermons

Pay Attention!



The unknown author of Hebrews has a 2-fold purpose in this profound letter: To wake us from spiritual slumber and to compel us to see the all-sufficiency of Jesus. Built around 6 strong warning texts, Hebrews is designed to call the reader to wake up, pay attention to their spiritual state, and turn from anything and everything that is clouding their vision and numbing their experience of the all-sufficiency of Jesus. In 2:1 we get our first warning — pay attention, lest we drift! — and the author paints a vivid picture of the way we naturally go off-course in following Jesus. Lent is about seeing and naming that drift and making a decision to move the other way. Thankfully, Jesus is eager to help us as we cry out to him in repentance! In repentance, we turn from our distractions and renew our attention and affections in all Jesus is and all he's done for us.