Beyond Reason

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  • Publisher: Podcast
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Beyond Reason is a talk show focusing on spirituality, the metaphysical and the paranormal, with guests including best selling authors and researchers. Hosted by Teddy Bart and Karlen Evins, Beyond Reason originated in Nashville, TN as a radio talk show in 1987 is now heading into national syndication. Visit our site at


  • Follow Your Passion with Bob Doyle


    Thanks to the popularity of bestselling book and video, The Secret, the phrase "Law of Attraction" has become a mantra for many seekers, but what makes this concept "law" and are there exceptions to its rules? Is it truly as simple as "Think it, state it, believe it" if so, why are so many not heeding the advice? Bob Doyle (featured in The Secret) says the first key is paying attention to where you are; next is being abundantly clear about what you want. A must for those who long to prove this concept really works.

  • The Path of Energy by Dr. Synthia Andrews, ND


    The world we live in is far greater than anything our five senses interpret it to be. It is a sea of energy from which all events, circumstances and creations unfold, and according to Dr. Andrews, our bodies are pre-wired to tap this potential and utilize these frequencies. As more and more of us awaken to the realization that our inner sensitivities hold far greater powers than we ever realized, and we can learn to tap this invisible energy force, using it for the good of ourselves and the planet.

  • Life from Another Perspective: A Spiritual Look at Autism w/ Gayle B. Lee


    What if suddenly, autism took on a different light? What if autistic children were not different, not lower vibrational beings, but higher ones, here to be our teachers, leaders and guides? When her daughter was diagnosed with autism some 30 years ago, Gayle B Lee vowed never to give up. Rejecting the notion of institutionalizing her child ( a common treatment at the time) she set upon a journey to understand this condition and to break into her child's world . . . a world blessed with spiritual abilities and possibilities that could change not only the way you view autism, but the way you view life.

  • Surviving Death (Again) w/Scott Degenhardt


    Most everyone's heard of NDE's (Near Death Experiences), but now a new light on the subject... the SDE (SHARED death experience), wherein a love one left behind literally shares the experience of the one crossing over. Join us as we talk with physicist and author Scott Degenhardt about tunnels, white lights, end of life reviews, with one who has actually lived it first hand. Beyond Reason takes up one of our most asked about topics: What Happens When We Die?

  • Questions without Answers w/Heather Lende


    What happens when we pray? Why do some prayers get answered and others seemingly go unnoticed? Recounting her near fatal accident when her bike was overtaken by a semi, NPR commentator and author Heather Lende discusses our human attempts to understand the spiritual nature of happenstance. (A thought provoking conversation that serves to remind you that we don't have all the answers either. But we sure do ponder the questions.)

  • Release the Fear and Transform Your Life w/Guy Finley


    How do we let go of the self we do not want to be? According to Guy Finley, the secret to transforming our lives is not to try to become someone different, but to recognize the need for change and want this more than anything else. With this, the transformation happens naturally.



    In the spirit of all things "heart", Teddy Bart and Karlen Evins talk about the show that brought them together 23 years ago this very weekend. Karlen and Teddy offer a candid glimpse of their own life dealings with death, starting a business, and writing books---all while sharing their passion, their vision and new plans for Beyond Reason in the days ahead.

  • Beyond Reason Behind the Scenes w/Teddy Bart and Karlen Evins


    Talking shop, show and the current state of life in these hectic if not trying times, hosts Teddy Bart and Karlen Evins talk candidly about the early days of Beyond Reason and where it goes from here.

  • The Case for Reincarnation w/Scott Degenhardt


    Does life continue after our bodies decease? It's a theory held by mystics, ancients and even some biblical scholars. According to Scott Degenhardt, author of 'Surviving Death', we can and most do choose to return for another round of classes at "Earth 101". It's classic "Beyond Reason... for those who dare to think." Join us.

  • Swine Flu 101 w/Dr. James Williams


    With the latest news of swine flu, what can each of us do to prepare? Dr. James Williams, author and infection disease specialist says flu epidemics and pandemics have been the focus of scientists for years. Question is: how can we brace for the unknown in practical ways, while offsetting the spiritual emotion of fear?

  • Spiritual Principles and Dating in the 21st Century w/Matchmaker Marla Martenson


    If ever there were testing grounds for "practical spirituality" can we agree...? There's no better arena to examine your basic "Laws of Attraction" than the world of dating. Marla Martenson, author and professional matchmaker offers a spiritual, yet down-to-earth approach to one of the most confusing areas in the world today: the dating market.

  • The Living Universe w/Duane Elgin


    Einstein said if he could ask God one question, it would be, "Is the Universe friendly?" Our guest would ask: "Is the Universe ALIVE?" Educator, lecturer, social scientist and best selling author Duane Elgin discusses the future of our world, the human race, the ecology, our economy, governmental structures and what he calls "The Perfect Storm," which, as he concludes, will test the metal of our consciousness as a species.

  • Sound Healing w/Jonathon Goldman


    If, as quantum physics reveals, all life is vibration, can sound alter our ailments ...even heal our bodies? Musician, author and sound researcher, Jonathan Goldman says "Yes!" In his book, "The Secrets of Sound Medicine" Goldman tracks the power of sound (from loud noises to the music you love),..revealing that frequency, vibration and the intent of sounds created, make all the difference.

  • Walking Through Walls w/Philip Smith


    During the sixties, Lew Smith was one of Miami’s most sought after interior decorators. His exclusive client list included Caribbean dictators, mobsters, boxers and assorted celebrities. But when he came home from work, took off his tie, and rolled up his sleeves, he got down to his real work— healing people from incurable disease and communicating with the dead. Philip Smith, author of "Walking Through Walls" discusses his father's life, gifts and the insights gleaned from daily exchanges with realms beyond.

  • Living Without Fear w/Guy Finley


    Most of us have lived with fear for so long, it's our natural approach to everyday experiences. How did we become so compromised? In his latest book, The Essential Laws of Fearless Living, Guy Finley addresses the effects of fear and how it holds us back from our true natures, while offering principles for fearless living that can change your life starting TODAY!

  • The Wisdom of Recessions w/Dr. Mario Martinez


    What happens when our collective consciousness is hypnotized in fear? Such is too often the case in times of recession and economic downturns, but according to Mario Martinez, recession is about correction and correction in spiritual terms is good. Offering an alternative perspective on things otherwise deemed "bad news" Dr. Martinez offers insight on how to stay clear of the black hole and turn the darkest of times into a positive new beginning.

  • Three Marriages: The Three Commitments That Matter Most w/David Whyte


    When it comes to a balanced life, three key relationships merit equal attention. Sadly, most of us are out of kilter, prioritizing one over another. Bestselling author, poet and international speaker David Whyte says only in balancing our commitments to our significant other, our life's work and our inner selves can we hope to achieve a full and harmonious life.

  • Transcending the Speed of Light, w/Marc Seifer, Ph.D.


    What is science learning that enlightened teachers have been saying all along? Is there an ultimate connection between science and religion? Dr. Marc Seifer contends there is a fifth dimension of mind breaking the laws of relativity and all things physical, revealing a conscious and self aware energy that was here all along.

  • Creativity as Your Spiritual Outlet, with Julia Cameron


    Whether artist by calling or accountant by trade, there is a voice inside each of us that longs to be heard. Author, writer and creative counselor Julia Cameron addresses the necessity of unblocking your creativity, to find what it is that longs to express itself through you.

  • Shifting Economies/Shifting Careers: Finding the Work You Love vs. Finding Work (period)


    In economic downturns, does it really make sense to hold out for the work you love? When fearful about your next paycheck, do you hold out or sell out? It needn't be an either/or according to career coach, Dan Miller (author of "48 Days to the Work You Love"). Transitions bring opportunities, but first, you must ask yourself, "What is it I long to do?"