Internet Marketing For Beginners



The podcast has a focus on helping new internet marketers to understand how best to get started online. Simple practical advice is given on a whole range of topics including how to make money with affiliate marketing, email marketing, video marketing and blogging.


  • Building An Audience

    31/08/2021 Duration: 14min

    As small business owners we all needd to be able to collaborate. Collaborate with others to gernerate leads and collaborate with leads to nurture the relationships you have with them

  • Swapping Stories with a Master Storyteller

    25/06/2021 Duration: 52min

    Enjoy this storytelling conversation with the master storyteller, Andrew Thorp.

  • Creating An Irresistible Offer

    15/06/2021 Duration: 21min

    Hi there. This is Peter Beckenham, the village marketer, and today I want to walk you through step-by-step, how to create an irresistible offer as a lead magnet. Before I go any further please make sure you download this audio training and the Creating an irresistible offer checklist from the links in this PDF I originally learned all about lead magnets and irresistible offers from 2 outstanding marketers, Dan Kennedy in his Dan Kennedy Academy Workshops and Michael Reyes who created Simple Social Tools So, if you follow and implement correctly what I’m about to share, it will significantly increase your lead generation potential almost instantly. And not only can it increase your lead flow, but it significantly increases the responsiveness of your email subscribers.

  • Discover Whats Limiting Your Success

    19/04/2021 Duration: 24min

    Today I'm going to share with you what I believe to be the biggest factor that could be holding you back from success. I make no claim to being the originator of this important piece of success training I’m about to share with you. I learned this life-changing message from a well-known marketer and mentor of mine called Bob Heilig. You know, there's a lot of very well-intentioned people that are trying to help and they're teaching things that they think are going to help you create results. But here's the truth, 99% of the training out there today in this area of “success essentials” is failing you because it is it is not addressing the root cause of all the problems that you are facing in your business.

  • How to Empower More People to Say YES?

    19/01/2021 Duration: 24min

    This sessions gves you the questions and framwork to use to get more prospects and people to say YES to your offers and solutions.

  • Mastermind Mastery Part 2

    11/01/2021 Duration: 22min

    In this 2 part Mastermind Mastery series, I’d like to share with you what I have learned and implemented from master marketing coaches like Ted McGrath, Eric Worre, and Bill Baren, about Masterminds and the potential impact they can have on your business In part 1 we talked about how to create a mastermind, how it should be structured, and why you should seriously consider holding them as an integral part of your business marketing strategies. In Part 2, we’ll look at the system, what to charge, how to find people that are a fit, and have them join your mastermind – and we’ll look at the best ways to hold conversations that encourage people to participate in your masterminds – we could refer to that as an “upsell” strategy.

  • Mastermind Mastery Part 1

    04/01/2021 Duration: 18min

    In this 2 part Mastermind Mastery series, I’d like to share with you what I have learned and implemented from master marketing coaches like Ted McGrath, Eric Worre, and Bill Baren, about Masterminds and the potential impact they can have on your business. In part 1 we’ll talk about how to create a mastermind, how it should be structured, and why you should seriously consider holding them as an integral part of your business marketing strategies.

  • How to Improve Your Sales Performance Without Being Salesy

    24/09/2020 Duration: 18min

    Hi, this is Peter Beckenham, the Village Marketer, and in this session, I want to share with you how to do a sales presentation and improve your sales performances without being salesy. How to communicate to convert.

  • The Power of Storytelling

    17/09/2020 Duration: 46min

    So many times as we go through life, we encounter storytellers. Some of them are easy to listen to. Some of them are fun and exciting and memorable. And we walk away with our lives changed for the better and others. Others are difficult to even listen to and difficult to follow, and difficult to remember. And the moment that we get them having the experience with that person, we forget what they told us. We forget about them. Or worse, we walk away with a bad impression of what has happened. And so today we are going to spend our time talking about storytelling, how to be a great storyteller, how to be a memorable storyteller, and most importantly, how to use storytelling so that people want to go further with you, so that people want to take the next step with you, to follow you, to join you, and to buy from you.

  • The Keys To a Successful Strategy Session

    11/09/2020 Duration: 22min

    Today I want to share some more thoughts on sales, and holding a sales discovery session in particular – or you may refer to them as a strategy session. Your approach to sales is you MUST think of sales as a service with absolutely no B.S. You’re not there to do any bait and switch, you're not there to persuade and manipulate people. You are here to serve people. You want the experience of being on a call with you to be absolutely an incredible experience. You want to leave people better off than you found them, meaning you want to actually help them on the call.

  • The PASTOR Approach to Copywriting

    04/09/2020 Duration: 12min

    Today I want to share with you some critical copywriting points that I learned from a great copywriter by the name of Ray Edwards My name is Peter Beckenham, the village marketer, and no, I make no claim to being a copywriter. I’m still learning how to master this important skill. However, you will see a definite cross-over between copywriting and sales as copywriting was once described by legendary copywriter, Claude Hopkins, as salesmanship in print. .

  • Strategy Sales Call Conversation

    16/08/2020 Duration: 13min

    How to have sales call conversations using the 3 rules of sales to close high ticket items and enroll high quality clients

  • Your Story Wrap-Up

    09/08/2020 Duration: 07min

    This is Peter Beckenham, the Village Marketer and I'm excited because this session brings the whole section of creating and optimizing your signature talk presentations to a completion. And now, I hope that you can understand, why I have so highly regarded my presentation mentors, Pete Vargas and Pat Quinn. I started this off this program telling you that your signature talk will become your #1 marketing tool in your business and I hope you agree with me that these sessions have achieved exactly that for you. Sure you had lots of thinking and work to do but you also had the workbooks framework and the skills I passed on from these 2 amazing communication experts. This entire program will influence you and your business in a major way. You now have the skills to influence more people, have an impact on more people, and generate more income

  • The Spirit of Sales

    09/08/2020 Duration: 28min

    The only way to serve people and trandorm their lives is to sell But we sell with a "service" mindset

  • Selling From The Stage

    02/08/2020 Duration: 23min

    Hey, it's Peter Beckenham, the Village Marketer, and I’m excited because in this session, I’m going to share with you what 2 of my mentors, Pete Vargas and Pat Quinn, taught me about selling from the stage. As we’ve covered previously, there are stages where you can’t make an offer but today our focus is on how you can make an offer and sell from the stage so in this session we want to accomplish “How do you craft the back end of your signature talk when you can make an offer?”. And this is absolutely essential because so many people just say “I'm going

  • Maximizing Your Call To Action

    26/07/2020 Duration: 13min

    In this session I'd like to talk to you about what you should do if you cannot make an offer from the stage… if you cannot sell anything from the stage. What we want to do in that situation is to collect the contact information of the people in the room so that we can engage with them after the presentation. Now, there's two ways to do this.

  • Mastering Embedding

    19/07/2020 Duration: 16min

    I'd like to transition and talk about maximizing the results AFTER your presentation. You know, there's a lot of great speakers that get their audiences laughing, the audience claps, the audience loves them. And, they'll walk out of the room saying that was a great speaker and the speaker will believe I'm a great speaker. But, the key point, apart from your ego, is the level of engagement with you afterward. Do they sign up? Do they join? Do they engage with you after the presentation?

  • Mastering Q & A

    12/07/2020 Duration: 18min

    Never underestimate the importance of taking questions and giving answers to build your credibility. A lot of people think I'll just wing it during Q and A, but Q and A is actually when you establish credibility. Everybody knows you can read a script and memorize a script, but when you go off script and the audience asks you questions, do you have answers? And do you handle it correctly? This is why mastering Q and A is so important for your credibility as well as getting your audience engaging with you after your presentation.

  • Presentation Magic

    05/07/2020 Duration: 10min

    Hi. I'm Peter Beckenham, the Village Marketer. In this session, I’m going to share with you ways one of my mentors, Pat Quinn, taught me that will ensure you deliver your signature talk to get the maximum results from that presentation and that the audience can learn what you're trying to teach them. I'd like to go through with you some strategies you can use to help the audience learn the most important parts of your presentation.

  • Getting Your Set-Up Right

    28/06/2020 Duration: 17min

    We’re about to start learning how to maximize the use of the awesome signature talk/presentation, you created in part 1 of Great Communication Secrets And yes, we’ll have a workbook for you to use as you work through these audio sessions. As 2 of my mentors, Pete Vargas and Pat Quinn say, your signature presentation could be the greatest marketing tool for your business to attract new clients and customers – so let’s start making that happen for you Once you have written a great signature presentation, it is time to deliver that presentation and maximize the results of that presentation.

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