Internet Marketing For Beginners



The podcast has a focus on helping new internet marketers to understand how best to get started online. Simple practical advice is given on a whole range of topics including how to make money with affiliate marketing, email marketing, video marketing and blogging.


  • Your Signature Talk - Putting It All Together

    21/06/2020 Duration: 05min

    Hi it’s Peter Beckenham, the Village marketer and at this point, after sharing the awesome mentoring I received from Pete Vargas and Paul Quinn you should now have your signature talk crafted. That really excites me because I remember the first time I had to do a big presentation, it was to a group of 7,500 insurance agents and managers in San Diego, in the mid-1980’s – and yes I realize I’m dating myself. But at the time, I didn’t have these skills but I still managed to deliver based on pure enthusiasm, proven results, and self-belief in what I was talking about. You see, I was promoting the complete opposite to the traditional sales training that was done I those days and I know for sure, every training and sales manager in the room would have been well and truly pissed. The result – I was booked before leaving the room for 11 more presentations where I would be paid very well, but I could only do 5 of them as I needed t get back to my team in Australia And that’s my final message to you – when it

  • Call To Action - Your Closing Heart Story

    14/06/2020 Duration: 19min

    We have talked about the opening heart story and the head or content portion of your presentation. In this session we're going to talk about the last two sections of your presentation, the hands or call to action, and the closing heart story. The hands is your call to action and different presentations have different calls to action. But this is always located right here after the content part of your presentation. Some presentations that you give, you'll just want the audience to think about something differently or teach them something new. But we also want you to ask them to do something very specific.

  • Head - Your Content

    07/06/2020 Duration: 17min

    Welcome back. I'm Peter Beckenham, The Village Marketers and we’re smack bang in the middle of crafting your signature presentation that was taught to me by 2 of my mentors, Pete Vargas and Pat Quinn. I'd like to talk to you in this session about the second of the four sections of your presentation. The first section we covered was the opening heart segment. And now we're going to talk about the head section or the content that you're going to teach the audience. This is usually the longest section of your presentation. And please note that this is also the section that's going to expand or contract based on how long you have to speak (never cut short your opening heart story).

  • Your Opening Heart Story

    31/05/2020 Duration: 18min

    There are four parts to a signature presentation and the first is the opening heart story. Now, some people start right away with their content. But I want to encourage you to include something before you break into your content, and that is the opening heart section of your presentation. There are three things that you have to do in the first five minutes of a presentation. There's kind of a clock that starts ticking the moment you get on stage and the audience is going to make a decision. Should I listen to this closely and engage with the speaker? Or should I think about other things? And you have five minutes to do three things. The three things that you have to do in the first five minutes of your presentation is to be ordinary, be extraordinary and show your why.

  • It's All About Clarity

    24/05/2020 Duration: 09min

    Hey, everybody, Peter Beckenham, The Village Marketer here and I’m excited to share what 2 of my mentors, Pete Vargas and Pat Quinn from “Advance Your Reach” taught us about how to get started putting together your signature talk presentation that, by the way, will become the #1 marketing tool in your toolbox.

  • Your Signature Talk

    07/05/2020 Duration: 33min

    All business is based on communications One of the key communication skills is having what is referred to as a signature talk – a signature presentation. I was lucky enough to learn some awesome communication skills from 2 of the world’s best communication coaches, Pete Vargas and Pat Quinn. Today I’m sharing their secrets of getting people to want to engage with you after you have communicated with them with your signature talk. If you enjoyed my “Communicating with Compassion” then you’ll love this this follow-up audio called “Your Signature Talk”.

  • How To Run A Succesul Free Coaching Session

    08/04/2020 Duration: 36min

    Today I'm going to share how to run a successful free coaching session or an initial sales conversation. I learned this from my mentors, Bill Baren and Christian Mickelsen

  • 4 Steps to Become a Better YOU

    07/04/2020 Duration: 14min

    Today I am sharing with you 4 steps to become a more valuable person in the minds of your prospects. “WORK FROM HOME” may become a permanent way you do business in future and your online success requires specific skills

  • Sales Psychology - Shootin' The Breeze About Sales

    31/03/2020 Duration: 39min

    You have probably never considered sales psychology in these times of worry and uncertainty But this is the time to skill up because, believe it or not, every small business owner needs to learn how to teach and sell online Why? No sales means you have no business and because sooner or later you will need to speak to others online via platforms like Facebook or Zoom or Skype So, stop feeling bad about the term “sales” If truth be known this is your survival ticket Watch this interview with 2 old guys shootin’ the breeze about sales

  • Be a Shining Light TODAY

    21/03/2020 Duration: 06min

    There’s a lot of scary things happening in the world. There’s the coronavirus, the economic meltdown, and many parts of the world on extreme “self-quarantine” Economists are saying that the Coronavirus may cause a loss of over 1 million jobs in the US alone. We all have to adapt to “social distancing” and that’s not easy We had the largest single-day drop in the stock market in history. And we are almost certainly at the beginning of a global recession. BUT as an entrepreneur we MUST do out bit to help others in this critical time

  • Smart Ways To Enroll Prospects

    12/11/2019 Duration: 37min

    Hi its Peter Beckenham, the village marketer and today I want to share some ideas about how to get better results when you go about enrolling or recruiting people into your network marketing team.

  • Talking With Prospects

    01/11/2019 Duration: 15min

    You would think that talking with prospects would be easy but for many folks, this is a real challenge – and understandably so as people can be very shy and hesitant about talking with strangers Whilst this session was designed for those involved in the network marketing business, you will find these principles of real value in any type of business platform. Today I’m sharing with you important lessons taught to me by some of the legends in the marketing world including Dan Kennedy, Eric Worree, Marc Waychak, and Eben Pagan.

  • Proven Social Media Transition Tips

    19/10/2019 Duration: 13min

    Use this 3-step approach to get more qualified leads and recruit more team members in relatively quick time with no paid advertising. This 3-step approach shows you how to easily start a conversation with a quality prospect without feeling awkward or sleezy. You’ll learn exactly what to day and when to say it to transition the conversation to business so you get to the point fast and stop wasting time. You’ll also learn the exact words to say to get an interested prospect to eagerly watch your presentation.

  • What Do You Really Want In Your Business?

    28/08/2019 Duration: 16min

    You can choose to either – Have small goals and small self-image OR you can choose to focus on growth and big goals, be a giver and be generous The key is you are going to attract people like who you really are So, if you think small, you’ll attract other small thinkers – others who have small or no goals and your business potential will be extremely limited Are you focusing on what you currently lack OR What is really possible for you and your business?

  • Dealing With Sales Objections

    15/08/2019 Duration: 33min

    In today’s session it's all about dealing with sales objections. Objections are a very real part of the process. If you are having phone calls with people, then you are going to get objections. But don't fret because objections can actually be fun. To be honest, I find that objections are my favorite part of a phone call because that's when stuff starts to get real and it's when you really have to tune and turn up. And, when you hear your prospects say things to you like, I can't afford it or, I need some time to think about it or, I got to talk to my partner about it… Then these are just escape mechanisms – we all do this.

  • Messaging Essentials

    15/08/2019 Duration: 21min

    In today’s session, we’re talking about messaging and your messaging strategy - and in particular your messaging strategy using Linkedin Messaging really is the glue that holds it all together. You can have a great sales funnel setup, but if you're messaging is no good, if it's not compelling and attention-grabbing, then you’re going to lose people. But if you get the messaging right. If you do it properly, it can be so powerful and people will go through your funnel. They will be captivated by what you have to say. They’ll want to hear more. And ultimately they will become dream prospects. They will book calls with you and you will generate new clients.

  • Closing Sales On The Phone

    07/08/2019 Duration: 46min

    In today’s session, which is #100 in our series of Internet Marketing For Beginners, we’re covering how to close on the phone. This is a really important skill because when you are using your sales funnel, this is usually the last step on the process. You are going to be taking your prospects through a journey, an emotional sales sequence on the phone. So it is very important that you have a process for running these phone calls because there is a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it.

  • Authority Building Content

    28/07/2019 Duration: 49min

    An authority building article is probably the most important part of a sales funnel. It qualifies and filters the people that come through your funnel so that you are only spending your time messaging and getting on the phone with people who are the right people qualified and who will be pre-sold by your content.

  • How To Create Posts That Attract Leads?

    21/07/2019 Duration: 13min

    How would you like to learn the all-time #1, time-tested social media post formula for attracting red-hot, ready-to-buy (or ready-to join) prospects into your network marketing business? Sound good? Excellent! That's what I'm abolut to reveal

  • How To Communicate Effectively?

    11/07/2019 Duration: 26min

    This is a really foundational lesson because it’s going to affect everything you do in marketing. From creating posts and an authority article that we’ll look at in our next session, to the optimizing of your profile, your messaging and your content strategy. So the skills in this lesson are going be useful throughout. And that's why I consider it a foundational piece for the sales funnel that we are building.

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