Libvibe: The Library News Podcast



A check of news from the library world


  • LibVibe - 3 June 2008


    Click here to listen to the five-minute newscast, anytime.Stories reported:Library will not privatize; Library director's job in jeopardy (1, 2); Did he spray toes at the library?; Library has turned into a shelter for the homeless; Library-a-Go-Go (1, 2); Central library turns new page.

  • LibVibe - 21 May 2008


    Click here to listen to the six-minute newscast, anytime.Stories reported:Library: a study in bad behavior (1, 2); Council to reconsider policy on porn filters at libraries; Grand jury urges library chief's ouster over alleged billing scheme; Council members say votes are there to save library branches.

  • LibVibe - 15 May 2008


    Click here to listen to the five-minute newscast, anytime.Stories reported:Congressman takes aim at Second Life in libraries (1, 2); Downtown library plan scrapped in favor of luxury hotel; Arson at library; Cuts may add layer of dust to library shelves; Man charged with stealing $24K in library books and CDs; Library gets $25M donation.

  • LibVibe - 8 May 2008


    Click here to listen to the five-minute newscast, anytime.New ALA president-elect tells LibVibe - and you - about the impact she hopes to makeStories reported:Library cuts 94 part-time jobs; Penguin tale tops list of challenged books (1, 2); Library patron arrested after bomb threat (1, 2); Town library picking up the pieces; Camila Alire elected 2009-2010 ALA president.

  • LibVibe - 1 May 2008


    Click here to listen to the five-minute newscast, anytime.Stories reported:Patron beaten, raped outside library (1, 2, 3); District to lay off 70-plus at school; District seeks alternatives to plan to eliminate librarians (1, 2); New ARL executive director announced; Library keeps storehouse of world news stories on film (story, library).

  • LibVibe - 17 April 2008


    Click here to listen to the seven-minute newscast, anytime.Stories reported:State of Libraries (1, 2); Officials: library cuts devastating (1, 2, 3, 4); Library visitor arrested in child porn probe; Librarians target of ID theft; Library of Congress Experience (1, 2); Library of Congress partners with History Channel; Seattle City Librarian resigns; Cleveland PL director to retire; Saying goodbye to the old library.

  • LibVibe - 10 April 2008


    Click here to listen to the seven-minute newscast, anytime.Stories reported:County reveals reasons for firing library worker (1, 2); Whistleblower: no internal controls at library; Library 'excess funds' law takes effect; School closed following library fire; New director wants to transform library's role; National Library Week.

  • LibVibe - 3 April 2008


    Click here to listen to the eight-minute newscast, anytime.Author of new book tells LibVibe - and you - how we can renew librarianshipNo other library news source brings you the voices of people in the newsStories reported:Union ratifies deal with library; EPA to reopen libraries (1, 2, 3, 4); City to shut down five libraries (1, 2); Two towns weigh privatizing libraries; Library deficits deepen; Renewing Professional Librarianship; Three arrested in kickback scheme involving Sacramento library; Man charged with stealing library's historic documents (1, 2, 3).

  • LibVibe - 20 March 2008


    Click here to listen to the eight-minute newscast, anytime.Stories reported:Librarian fired after reporting man viewing child porn (1, 2, 3); Librarian sues university to get his job back; Gangs put library under siege; Shocked teens see librarian slashed as she serves man (1, 2); Director, couple scuffle at library over book; Branching out (1, 2).

  • LibVibe - 13 March 2008


    Click here to listen to the nine-minute newscast, anytime.Stories reported:Internet's impact on us; Innovate or decline; Library power struggle (1, 2, 3); Compromise found on library funds; The world has changed, but not our books (1, 2); Two sex books taken off library shelves (1, 2); Library offers international television access (interview, print, library); Financier announces donation to library; New library proposed.

  • LibVibe - 6 March 2008


    Click here to listen to the eight-minute newscast.'Advocacy Guru' tells LibVibe - and you - what the library community needs to doHear the difference, in content and presentation: no other library news source does what we doStories reported:Sex offenders banned from city libraries; Man wants sex books banned; Pull the plug on the library; 'Advocacy Guru' advises librarians (interview, site); $4.5 million proposed in library cuts; cuts 40 jobs in reorganization (1, 2).

  • LibVibe - 28 February 2008


    Click to listen to the eight-minute newscast, anytime.New Memphis library leaders have no library backgroundWisconsin county slashes librarian salaries, administrator tells LibVibe - and you - replacing us with the Internet is a "best practice"Stories reported:Closed book: mayor firming up his team (1, 2); Librarians demoted (interview, 1, 2); Vanishing Librarians? (interview, column); Mayor and librarian clash over control; Library system set to grow; LJ for sale (1, 2).

  • LibVibe - 21 February 2008


    Click to listen to the seven minute newscast, anytime.Pay equity dispute leads to lockout. Representatives of both sides talk with LibVibe.ULC president tells LibVibe - and you - about his new report on services for immigrants.Stories reported:Library workers locked out (interviews, 1, 2, 3); LSSI begins labor talks; Welcome Stranger: Public Libraries Build the Global Village (interview, report); As economy struggles, more people rely on libraries; Library buys queen's death warrant (1, 2).Your message here or your organization'sown podcast/'radio programs' there.Reach people with professional, listenablecontent. Contact us to learn more.

  • LibVibe - 14 February 2008


    Click to listen to the eight-minute newscast, anytime.Hear the differenceProfessional sound, format, commitmentStories reported:Panel votes to monitor Web usage at libraries; School district vows to fix libraries -- but not by the book; Lawmakers seek more teacher librarians in state's schools; Man accused of looking at child porn on library computer (1, 2); Vandalism at public library (1, 2); Laptop thieves hit library; ALA on library security?; Mold hits rare book library; Owner of used bookstore leaves half of estate to library.