Drink From The Carton Podcast



Irreverent Dads talking about the world. Occasionally funny and almost always idiotic, but in a really good way. And we, of course, drink from the carton. (Whenever our wives aren't looking)


  • Episode 8: The Carton Is Spoiled

    18/01/2016 Duration: 49min

    More Star Wars talk. This time, no holds barred. SPOILER ALERT, we talk about anything and everything related to The Force Awakens. EVEN Carl Kenobi! :)

  • The Carton Awakens

    29/12/2015 Duration: 18min

    Our first episode in WAY TOO long, focuses on the most talked about topic/movie in the galaxy. THERE ARE NO SPOILERS. Also, we aren't experts. Don't claim to me. Just fans who are talking. Also, also, yes, it's Oscar Isaac. Not Oliver. I was stuck on Oliver dammit and Oliver would not leave me alone. :)

  • Episode 6: Don't Drink & Dad

    02/07/2015 Duration: 51min

    We are joined by my (Paul) old friend, Mark Gross. Executive Producer for Mike & Molly on CBS, but also a Dad and comedian. Plus all around fine human. We discuss music, more specifically kids' music, how being a Dad changes how you approach your job and life, really. PLUS, we, OF COURSE, play Winery Or Old Folks Home (#WOFH) Classic.

  • Episode 5: Carnivorous, Concert Going Carton

    18/06/2015 Duration: 52min

    Whew....this one took a lot out of us. LONG WINDED to say the least. Episode 5 IS the carnivorous, concert going, carton. We, of course, play "Winery/Old Folks Home". Movie chatter; "Entourage", "Love & Mercy". Plus lots of random babble.