Divine Joy Circle



The Divine Joy Circle podcast is for soul-inspired entrepreneurs who are ready to discover how to let joy be their guide to creating money, miracles and true wealth.


  • Transition Message 2017

    06/01/2017 Duration: 11min

    What's in store for 2017? This is a pivotal year for prioritising SELF care. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I share some re-mind-ers to support you with staying aligned with your essence. Plus some insights about the general theme for the year from a color perpsective.  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC. To connect with Tina and for more information and resources for supporting you with creating a Joyful Soul Business, go to http://innerdelight.com

  • What Makes You Come Alive

    30/12/2016 Duration: 16min

    Do you know what your life purpose is? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I share some powerful reflective questions with you to tap into what makes you come alive and how that relates to your life purpose...  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.

  • Healing Post Election Shock and Trauma

    11/11/2016 Duration: 19min

    Wow, how are you feeling after the USA election? Could it be another giant global wakeup call? This is where the rubber meets the road. Join me inside this episode of the Divine Joy Circle as I share a few suggestions and tips for healing (post election) shock and trauma. I recently experienced some deep intense clearing, as if old patterns were being purged from my cells. It felt very similar to an experience I had soon after 9/11 and perhaps we are at a collective choice point to purge the hatred and resentment of the ages so that we may BE the love, light and joy we truly are. Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC. To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on November 2016 Energy Update

    04/11/2016 Duration: 23min

    After the last few months of intense purging of outdated programs, beliefs and agreements, it is now time to allow the nurturing of those parts of the physical body that never really felt whole or healed so that you may bring into your life what truly works for YOU; not what you had to settle for. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning for an energy update for November 2016.  Nalini shares some great insights into the ways our bodies were programmed for the old martyrdom cycle and how this must now be cleared and shifted as the energies of this new cycle simply no longer support those programs. Plus some very practical tips for daily practice to support your body with integrating and grounding the light. To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com   Intro music is an excerpt from

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on Joy, Abundance and Flow

    21/10/2016 Duration: 21min

    What does abundance based in joy FEEL like? Join me for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom as we talk about joy, abundance and flow. We've been so conditioned to play the 'no pain, no gain game' that there's a lot of unlearning to be done as we re-integrate and re-assimilate what's real: Source's abundance, joy and flow.  Nalini shares a few great re-mind-ers to shift your focus to allow each moment to be Sourced in radical joy. To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC. To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

  • My Not So Obvious Approach To Making Money Fun

    14/10/2016 Duration: 14min

    I wonder if any of what I'm about to share with you sounds familiar? When I left my airline career to fully commit to my soul business in 2008, it was scary to let go of that steady pay check after 15 years but I felt confident that I had what it took to succeed. Oh my, was I in for a few wake up calls. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about one of the lowest points in my life and a series of events and questions that led to my [not so obvious] approach to making money fun. And trust me when I say it wasn't always that way!  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.  To find out more about the 21 Day Money Mojo game, go to http://innerdelight.com/21-day-money-mojo

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on October 2016 Energy Update

    07/10/2016 Duration: 13min

    October is promising to be a month in which to expect the unexpected, including unexpected abundance. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning for an energy update for October 2016. Nailing shares some great tips to increase your awareness of the abundance in your life and to follow your joy. To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC. To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

  • Joyful Connections with Aodaoin Behind The Scenes at Dances With Dragons

    30/09/2016 Duration: 27min

    How can you bring the magic into your life that allows you to embody the magic you are here to be?  Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for this Joyful Connections episode with my special guest Aodaoin Hathaway for a behind the scenes look at Dances with Dragons.  Aodaoin reveals how this magical name for her business came into being and how the vibrational essences are created, as well as how they offer us support with receiving the core essence qualities to best support us in each moment to fully be and thrive. To find out more about Aodaoin and her magical essences, go to http://danceswithdragons.com Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC. To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on DNA and Business

    23/09/2016 Duration: 37min

    The foundational energy on our planet has shifted and continues to do so, have you noticed? So how is this impacting our DNA and how does that play out when it comes to business and your bottom line? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning as we talk about dissolving the concepts of being male or female, masculine and feminine energy and how that has been programmed in our DNA. What happens when these codings are replaced with light? And how does that change the game of business?  Listen in and find out why this is one of my favourite conversations to date about practical applications of joy and who knows, you might experience a shift simply by listening and allowing yourself to receive what supports and nourishes your divine essence. Plus Nalini shares a fun game to play over the coming months to tap into what's possible NOW by connecting with your future experience.  To find out more about Nali

  • Joyful Connections with Shann VanderLeek Behind The Scenes At Goddess Talk Sessions

    16/09/2016 Duration: 34min

    What happens when you break free from the golden handcuffs of a life that simply no longer resonates with your essence and you choose to reinvent yourself?  Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest, Transformation Goddess and women's empowerment mentor Shann Vander Leek. She shares the story of how her experiences in previous careers and her passion to walk in beauty led her to create multiple income streams by doing what she loves and how that inspired her to create the Goddess Talk Sessions global online summit. >> http://bit.ly/1WOOQcZ  Her award winning Anxiety Slayer podcast recently reached 3.6 million downloads and Shann shares some fabulous tips for how to explore a variety of ways to consistently create content to share your message with the world and how that relates to every other area of your life as well. We take a peek behind the scenes of her upcoming Goddess Talk Sessions event and the red thread running through the conversati

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on September Equinox Total Life Reset and How To Let Your Resonance Navigate You Through The Chaos

    09/09/2016 Duration: 32min

    If you've ever judged yourself for doing things you really enjoy but labeled as not being spiritual then what would happen if you let the judgments go and choose to use discernment instead?      Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning as we talk about the extraordinary opportunities we're being offered this month to allow a total life reset and how to let your resonance navigate you through the chaos with ever increasing joy. To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC. To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

  • How Do You Stay Committed To Your Vision?

    02/09/2016 Duration: 13min

    How do you keep showing up for what really matters to you, especially when you don't seem to be making any progress? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about staying committed to your vision and how to get crystal clear on your core values so that you can easily assess what to invest your energy in to and where to step back.  If you'd like to read the article I reference in today's episode on simple ways to bring the joy back onto your life and business, then go to http://innerdelight.com/10-simple-ways-bring-joy-back-life-business-2-prioritise-create-space/   Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on Shifting Perspectives on Money and Relationships

    26/08/2016 Duration: 36min

    When you shift your perspective, you shift your perception and experience of your reality. So how does that play out in regards to money and relationships? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning as we talk about shifting perspectives, communicating Essence to Essence and how that applies to practical matters such as money, relationships and wellbeing. To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC. To connect with Tina go to http://innerdelight.com

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on August 2016 Energy Update

    19/08/2016 Duration: 36min

    With the abundance of fire energies being activated at the moment you might be feeling restless, irritable or even experience or witness outbursts of rage within yourself or others. There are some very practical ways to apply this energy to move creative projects forward. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning for an energy update for August 2016. We talked about how to best utilise the abundant fire energy leading into eclipse and equinox season plus why moving locations can be so helpful with shifting perspective and how that affects your manifesting. To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on Practical Applications of Joy

    12/08/2016 Duration: 18min

    If you've ever thought that joy is something to find outside yourself then you're in for a treat of practical spirituality. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections episode with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning.  We talked about my favourite topic of all time: Joy and its practical applications. Find out why radical joy shifts your energetic field into what is authentic and your true nature and how that changes absolutely everything. To experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com and for Creating with Light and other resources and support go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on Armchair Journeys in Consciousness

    05/08/2016 Duration: 16min

    Have you ever felt drawn to visit certain power spots on the planet? What if you could go on an armchair journey in consciousness to align with the energies of those locations? Join me for a Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning. We talked about the new mystical journeys being facilitated in person and how the armchair versions offer a very practical way to create harmony with your world and mystical nature, wherever you currently find yourself on the planet. To find out more about upcoming journeys with Nalini or to purchase the app, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com  To experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

  • Creating Just For The Fun of It

    29/07/2016 Duration: 12min

    Something magical happens when you give yourself permission to create or do anything, just for the fun of it. Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about shifting from the 'no pain, no gain' conditioning to letting joy be your guide and creating just for the fun of it. If you'd like to experience more fun in your life, relationships or business, then you'll love this week's episode. Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on Truth About Guilt

    22/07/2016 Duration: 09min

    Have you ever held yourself back from doing what you really desired because you suddenly felt guilty? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections episode with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning.  We talked about being caught in FOG, also known as fear, obligation and guilt. Plus Nalini revealed the truth about guilt and its function. A juicy topic that invites you to experience a shift as you ditch the guilt programming and choose infinite expansion of consciousness with joy, ease and grace. To experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com and for Creating with Light and other resources and support go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

  • Joyful Connections with Nalini on What The Heck Is Going On? July 2016 Energy Update

    15/07/2016 Duration: 26min

    Have you been feeling overwhelmed a lot lately? Wondering what the heck is going on with all the crazy crap happening in the world? Intense doesn't even begin to describe the roller coaster of emotions? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for another Joyful Connections conversation with special guest Nalini from Chalice of Wisdom and Field Tuning for an energy update for July 2016. We talked about all the crazy stuff happening on the planet at the moment from an energy perspective and how to shift your default settings to allow the transformations to occur with more ease and grace. Plus a few practical tips to optimise your energy right away. To find out more about Nalini and her upcoming events, go to http://chaliceofwisdom.com and to experience field tuning for yourself, go to http://fieldtuning.com  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music, LLC.

  • What Are Your Guilty Pleasures?

    08/07/2016 Duration: 13min

    What are your guilty pleasures and are you caught in the guilt trap without realising it? Join me inside the Divine Joy Circle for today's episode as I talk about a recent experience that shed light on how I had been sabotaging myself after a great yoga class or receiving a fabulous body treatment. You might be surprised to find out how this could be playing out in your life. This is definitely one of those things you'd never consciously agree to and yet, many find themselves caught in the guilt trap without realising it. Listen in and set yourself free.  Intro music is an excerpt from The Wonder of Miracles by Craig Urquhart, available at Hearth Earth Music,LLC.

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