Surer Word



The Surer Word is the media ministry of the Pentecostal Missionary CHURCH of CHRIST (4th Watch) United States District. Our aim is to bring The Truth That Cares, the words of God in this generation, through various media platforms such as television, literature, and the internet.


  • The Sin of Prayerlessness


    What is sin? When asked this question, verses come to mind warning us not to murder, steal, bear false witness, commit adultery, and other grievous acts. But how about not to pray? Prayerless-ness is oft overlooked for what it really is. According to prophet Samuel, he considered it sin not to pray to God, especially on behalf of his people in need. Could we be committing the sin of prayerless-ness? Lets find out what Gods word says about the believers duty to pray, through this message by Bishop Jonathan Ferriol.

  • How to Get Your Prayers Answered


    Does God hear us when we pray? That is a question that is being asked throughout the realms of religion. Sometimes even we as Christians wonder if our voices are heard from on high. Today, in our study we will find out: who does God hear, what kind of prayers does God answer, and how can we be assured of an answer from the Lord? Lets find out more, as Bishop Jonathan Ferriol shares: How to Get Your Prayers Answered.

  • Praying in the Spirit


    What is the way to come to God in prayer? Throughout the Scriptures, there is a particular position that Gods people take when coming before His presence: The manner of praying in the Spirit. It is the prerequisite for us to come before the Lord in prayer. Before we can go deeper into the work of God of prayer, we must understand that the first requirement for us is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Lets join Bishop Jonathan as he opens our minds through the Scriptures, and teaches us how to pray in the Spirit.

  • The Fragrances of Prayer


    As we began this new series on prayer, we learned that the prayers of God's people are just like the incense that was offered by the priests in the temple of the old testament. In part 2 of our prayer series, we will discover the Fragrances of Prayer. In the Old Testament, the priests could only use specific ingredients to make the incense to burn before the Lord. Adding or substituting anything else would come with disastrous results! Today we will learn how our prayers today need these specific "ingredients" to be an acceptable and pleasing aroma before God. How should we pray in a manner that is pleasing to God? Let's learn more about the Fragrances of Prayer, by Bishop Jonathan Ferriol.

  • Prayer: The Fragrance of the Believers


    As we start this new message series with Bishop Jonathan Ferriol, we are going to take a journey through the Scriptures and find out how we can draw closer to God, experience a deeper walk with Him, and enjoy more of his presence through the spiritual discipline of prayer. In the first message of this series, Bishop Jonathan compares the incense of the Temple in the Old Testament to our prayers today, that is the fragrance we believers must bring before the Lord. Lets enjoy this message, Prayer: The Fragrance of the Believers.