Taming Dragons



An 'A Game of Thrones LCG podcast hosted by Kyle, Mark, Peter, and Tim.


  • Taming Dragons Episode 3 - The Road To Winterfell

    03/03/2016 Duration: 01h18min

    With editing and illness causing us to be fashionably late to our own party, episode 3 is now live! Our meta is flush with store championships both past & upcoming, so we spend some time discussing them. We also have had lots of time to play since the last cast so we talk about our experience with The Road to Winterfell and how it's affecting decks. We also get your hopes up with talk of The Melee Pit and You've Been Duped!, but due to the length of the episode we've pushed those sections to a special, early release episode which will be very coming soon. It's a tease, but when you hear it you'll be pleased!

  • Taming Dragons Episode 2 - Taking The Black

    03/02/2016 Duration: 01h20min

    Back in the ring for another swing! Round two is up and we're all about Taking the Black and what it's done to the meta. We also go over news, local upcoming events, and a tournament report. Plus we're introducing our two new signature segments: The Melee Pit, and You've Been Duped!