Dw Radio



Author Consulting and Publishing.We cover Publishing Tips and Tricks, Author Interviews, and just about anything that might help authors get more visibility.


  • Episode 7: Stephen Brayton Interview

    02/08/2016 Duration: 33min

    Today we interview author Stephen Brayton as he tells us how he got his start in writing, all about his books, Alpha and Beta, and his process for researching his novels. Check out his works at http://amzn.to/2avR16q

  • Episode 6: Change The Conversation, Be A Business

    02/06/2016 Duration: 10min

    If being an Indie Author isn't working for you, try being a business instead. You're selling a product, don't let your status as an independent author make you a push over when your dealing with potential vendors for your product. Today's episode goes in depth about that. www.davenportwrites.com

  • Episode 5: Michael La Ronn

    17/04/2016 Duration: 11min

    A few small technical difficulties didn't stop us from having a great episode. Michael La Ronn joined us to talk about his books and his company Author Level Up. You can find Michael's books at http://amzn.to/1SkStql You can check out Author Level Up at http://authorlevelup.com/

  • Episode 4: Jordyn Meryl

    28/02/2016 Duration: 16min

    DW Radio presents Jordyn Meryl. This is our interview with Author Jordyn Meryl. Her new book Katie's Wind is on Amazon!

  • Episode3: Dan Amsden

    13/12/2015 Duration: 15min

    interview with author Dan Amsden.

  • Episode 2: Getting Real-time Sales Data

    21/11/2015 Duration: 08min

    Some authors (most indie authors) can see their sales data on KDP.amazon.com, but that isn't the case for all authors, and for those that it is, that reporting isn't the best. So how can we get better reporting? With NovelRank.com and IFTTT.com. This tutorial (Hover your finger over the pause button) is a quick walkthrough on getting better reporting through free tools available online.

  • Episode 1: Author Interview: Nan McAdam

    06/11/2015 Duration: 14min

    Pilot episode of DW Radio. Covering Author news, tips, tricks, events, and author-specific interviews. Today we spoke with Nan McAdam, author of Saving Mim and Surviving Your Parents Old Age. You can find her books here: http://amzn.to/1HvakU8