Time & Space



Show focused on assisting women solopreneurs, coaches and consultants effectively manage their time, space and lives and positively impact their bottom line.


  • To-Do Breakdown: Analyzing Your To-Do List

    16/03/2016 Duration: 29min

    The more you continue to do what you do, the more you get of what you're doing. If you want better results, you've got the shift the way you're dealing with time and go from spending it to investing it. The big problem is that people don't know where their time is really going.Knowing where it's going and whether you're spending your time or investing it calls for a much closer look at your to-dos. Here, on this broadcast, I'm going to help you break down your to-dos. We'll look at what's on your list, see where the control really is and explore new ways of streamlining things to save you time and help you get things done. I'll help you see whether or not your hours are being spent or invested, and we'l talk about creating new habits to help you make the shift so you don't have to struggle through your days to get things done. Bring your to-do list and let's break it down. 

  • You Can't Pour From An Empty Cup

    10/02/2016 Duration: 30min

    When you look at your daily agenda, you find yourself at the bottom of the list or, you’re not even there. You’re caught up in all there is to do and your clients, children, significant other and everything else make it to your agenda before you do. When self care goes out the window so does everything else.Some women have weeks where they run out of energy before the end of the week and some are finding themselves challenged on a daily basis because they give to so many people and things. I'm going to show you how to refuel and refill your cup so that you can get things done. Join me for this broadcast and let's talk about your ongoing habit of trying to pour form an empty cup.

  • Jumpstarting Your Year

    13/01/2016 Duration: 30min

    Are you ready for this new year? It rolled in pretty quickly and time is still flying by. If you're not ready, maybe it's because you're not quite sure how to prepare and dive in, or maybe all you know is you don't want the new year to look like the last one. Let me share with you how you can jumpstart your year and get 2016 off to a great start.I'm going to share some simple yet effective planning tips with you and give you a way to continue to move forward with those plans and show you how to create a system that will support you in getting from to-do to done on a dialy basis. Join me! 

  • To-Do List Tune Up

    16/12/2015 Duration: 30min

    Your to-do is so long that it can make it hard to get to the things that really matter. You know what it’s like to have a long list as long as your arm while having more things that need to be added before you can cross off the tasks you already have.Things get jammed up because you’re not organized, don’t know how to manage it all and if you’ve got productivity challenges or habits that don’t support you, it makes it even harder. To the point that you give a lot of time to putting out fires and not getting to what matters most.During this broadcast, we're going to tune up your to-do list. I'm going to show you how to look at your list and get rid of the things that don't belong there, add the things that deserve your time so that you can get to the important theings.

  • Your To-Be List

    22/11/2015 Duration: 28min

    You might be scratching your head and asking if you read that title correctly. Yes, you did. So many times you get caught up in the every-day stuff and inside of the doing of things, that you don’t even see that you haven’t looked at who it is that you’re being or who you need to be to step up and take on the things that you’re up to.Don’t get me wrong, to-do lists are great and I highly recommend that you use them, but you can’t think about what you have to do until you look at and choose who you need to be to get things done. Let's talk about discovering who you need to be, and creating that list to help you get things done.