Jewish Charter Of Values



Each Class, Rabbi Bernath and leading Quebec Lawyers will update us on the debate and how it will effect us, as well as compare Jewish values to the values Bill60 wants to enforce


  • Lesson 7: Time & Space

    10/03/2014 Duration: 01h38min

    Where is the most important space in Judaism? What is more important than how big your house is or how nice you car is?

  • Lesson 6: Struggle

    03/03/2014 Duration: 01h39min

    Struggle, perhaps the greatest of Jewish values that define who we are as a people. Great lecture

  • Lesson 5: Marriage and Relationships

    24/02/2014 Duration: 110h00s

    Who were the greatest men of all time? Alexander, Gengis Khan, Achilles. Who were the greatest of the past century? Ghandi, Martin Luther King. What does this have to do with Jewish values and Marriage? listen

  • Lesson 4:Conflict and Heroes

    10/02/2014 Duration: 103h23min
  • Lesson 3: discussions on bill 60

    03/02/2014 Duration: 100h08min

    fascinating lectures by montreal lawyers Michael Bergman (Outstanding lawyer, civil libertarian)Guy Bouthillier,(Quebec political expert and lawyer, former President of the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society and of the Mouvemen

  • Lesson 2: Redemption vs Salvation

    27/01/2014 Duration: 01h23min

    Redemption, what does it mean? What gives us hope? Is it all about what you achieve before you die or the impact you make before it? All that and more Me. Michael Bergman's legal analysis this week

  • Lesson 1: Fate vs Destiny

    20/01/2014 Duration: 01h35min

    The ancient Greeks believed in something called Fate,so does Christianity. North America believes in meritocracy. So what is it? Fate? Destiny? Free choice or not? Featuring Me. Michael Bergman's take on the legalities o