Reformed Bible Church, Central Virginia



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  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 66

    24/06/2024 Duration: 43min

    Throughout Scripture, God is careful to list many of the warriors of liberty that served Him faithfully. But what of the faithful liberating warriors of Church History-- Today we examine some of those warriors who have changed the face of Western Civilization.--This is the Sixty Sixth Sermon in the series, Kingdom, Dynasty, and Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 65

    17/06/2024 Duration: 39min

    Whenever a nation forgets God and His Law, -like Israel of old-, that nation stands on the brink of destruction.--This is the Sixty Fifth Sermon in the series, Kingdom, Dynasty, and Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 64

    11/06/2024 Duration: 46min

    Whenever Christianity was faced with oppression by tyrannical men and governments, in order to return society to a Biblical order of liberation under God, resistance became a natural response, even one commanded by God.--This is the Sixty Fourth Sermon in the series, Kingdom, Dynasty, and Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 63

    03/06/2024 Duration: 43min

    Those who are liberated from sin will always seek to be liberated from sin and the tyranny of evil men. Those who are ignorant of what True Liberty is, will always tolerate bondage with the chastening sorrows associated with it. --This is the Sixty Third Sermon in the series, Kingdom, Dynasty, and Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • KIngdom, Dynasty & Glory 62

    28/05/2024 Duration: 45min

    Those who are liberated from sin will always seek to be liberated from the tyranny of evil men. While involuntary slavery is evil, Biblical servitude is commanded, sometimes even to restore the balance in God's Universe. This sermon explores Salvery- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 61

    23/05/2024 Duration: 40min

    Those who are liberated from sin will always seek to be liberated from the tyranny of evil men- and like David's war heroes, they will fight for freedom under God.--This is the Sixty First Sermon in the series, Kingdom, Dynasty, and Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 60

    07/05/2024 Duration: 44min

    In David's final words he reflects upon his courageous warriors who stood by him during the fight for God's Kingdom and the Liberty of Israel.--This is the Sixtieth Sermon in the series, Kingdom, Dynasty - Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • The Geo Political Pentecost

    30/04/2024 Duration: 44min

    Pentecost was more than just the outpouring of God's Spirit for the salvation of sinners. It was a Geo Political event that woudl change the world. This Geo Political Pentecost had global ramifications which would inaugurate the Christian reconstruction of nations.

  • The Ascension & Coronation of the King

    23/04/2024 Duration: 52min

    One of the critical components of the Resurrection is the Coronation of Christ at His Ascension. This sermon explores the ramification of that event and how it impacts the Church and the World.

  • Christ's 40 Day Public Declaration

    10/04/2024 Duration: 42min

    While the public Triumphal Entry of the Lord Christ into Jerusalem only anticipated His Magisterial Conquest, His post resurrection -40-day presentation was proof that the King had actually been victorious as the Dominion LORD.

  • The Centricity of the Resurrection

    07/04/2024 Duration: 40min

    While many in modern Chritendom view the crucifixion as the central theme of Scripture, it is actually the Resurrection which takes center stage before men and nations. --This sermon focuses upon the centricity of the Resurrection of the Lord Christ, and the guarentee of the resurrectrion of His saints.

  • Foot Washing & the Passover Cleansing

    07/04/2024 Duration: 47min

    By a dramatic example, the Lord Christ demonstrates what Christian service really means.

  • The Anticipation of the King Enthroned 2024

    27/03/2024 Duration: 50min

    Christ's Royal procession into the Holy City marked His long-anticipated enthronement over men and nations. This sermon focuses upon that historical and universal event - one that changed the World.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 59

    18/03/2024 Duration: 35min

    Even though David made many mistakes in his life, he remains humble before the LORD by accepting and owning the reality that he was not the model king that he should have been.--This is the Fifty Ninth Sermon in the Series Kingdom, Dynasty - Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 58

    11/03/2024 Duration: 46min

    It is not enough to desire the rebuilding of Christendom. One must take action. By laying the foundations of a Christian culture, one which is built upon the Pillars of Truth, Reconstruction takes place.--This is the Fifty Eighth Sermon in the Series Kingdom, Dynasty - Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom,Dynasty & Glory 57

    04/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    Evil is a realty. It is the outworking of the corrupt mind of fallen humanity, and extends into the reality of life. It is destructive and knowns no mercy and its appetite for blood is never satisfied. In order to neutralize and destroy evil, it must first be properly defined and recognized as evil. If it is not - then it will destroy everything in its wake.--This is the Fifty Seventh Sermon in the Series Kingdom, Dynasty - Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 56

    14/02/2024 Duration: 54min

    In the face of extreme Civil and Ecclesiastic tyranny, history gives us both a picture and a direction, of how God's people dealt with the tyranny of men.--This is the Fifty Sixth Sermon in the Series Kingdom, Dynasty - Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 55

    05/02/2024 Duration: 49min

    In the face of extreme Civil and Ecclesiastic tyranny, the Apostle Peter gives us a stern warning. We must obey God rather than rebellious man.--This is the Fifty Fifth Sermon in the Series Kingdom, Dynasty - Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • KIngdom Dynasty & Glory 54

    29/01/2024 Duration: 46min

    In David's final words, he points his hearers back to the Law of Moses and to those men who exhibited True Biblical Leadership.--This is the Fifty Fourth Sermon in the Series Kingdom, Dynasty - Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

  • Kingdom, Dynasty & Glory 53

    23/01/2024 Duration: 53min

    In David's final words, he points his hearers back to the Law of Moses, as it is recorded in Exodus 18, detailing the requirements for men who would rule--This is the Fifty Third Sermon in the Series Kingdom, Dynasty - Glory- an exposition on the Second Book of Samuel.

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