Real Estate Investing Today : Real Estate Investing | Wholesaling | Flipping | Funding | Self Directed Ira | Finding Deals |

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 11:06:56
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How to Quit Your Job and become a full-time real estate investor! REI.Today will provide short 9-minute shows each weekday that tell you which strategies (like flipping, wholesaling, rentals, private lending, etc.) are working RIGHT NOW... along with introduction to PEOPLE who are successfully using those strategies and connections to the TOOLS that make your life as a real estate investor easier, more fun and more profitable! This show is all about REALITY... no theory or fluff. Just actionable instruction each day. PLUS... listeners receive FREE access to the respected REI.Today Vault, a members-only resource library and community for today's individual real estate investor.


  • Appraisers Admit: THIS SIMPLE MOVE could make your home APPRAISE HIGHER | Episode 94

    21/07/2016 Duration: 06min

    How would you like to know something that you can do to ANY PROPERTY right this very second that could potentially dramatically hike the value of your appraisal? Appraisers deny this, but one came out and admitted it recently and hundreds of happy homeowners swear by this easy technique. I’ll tell you all about it in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 94. ---- So, want to know a simple step that might take a little time but could dramatically increase your home value as stated by a certified appraiser? I’ve got the details today, including a CRAZY admission from trial court judges about what makes them “think positive” about their cases and what that has to do with your appraised home value. Let’s get started… We all know that getting a property under contract for a certain price is only half the battle these days when it comes to selling real estate. I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard real estate investors at our local REIA groaning in frustration because they’ve found buyers for t

  • ETHICAL CHANGES to Twitter Usage that could cost you EVERYTHING | Episode 93

    19/07/2016 Duration: 04min

    What if your TWEETS are violating certain codes of real estate ethics and advertising that could put you on the LOSING END of a lawsuit? I’ll tell the latest in new Twitter-verse regulations for real estate professionals in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 93. --- Twitter may only give you 140 characters with which to express yourself, but that doesn’t mean that your local board of realtors is going to give you a pass if you tweet something that isn’t 100-percent ABOVE BOARD with their ethics regulations. Fortunately for you (if you’re a realtor, anyway, and honestly just in general to make sure you’re practicing good real estate business) the Realtors’ Code of Ethics, which tends to keep pace with other governing bodies’ regulations and ethics requirements, has recently been revised to accommodate the new needs of tweeting real estate professionals. There are three major changes that could mean great things for your Tweet promotions, but make sure you handle them correctly or you could fin

  • the OFFICIAL WORST PLACE TO LIVE in the United States | Episode 92

    14/07/2016 Duration: 06min

    Wouldn’t you want to know if YOUR CITY was the official WORST PLACE TO LIVE in the United States? I’ll have the identity of the metro area earning that dubious distinction in today’s episode, along with how you can turn that title to your advantage if you live or invest there. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 92. --- So what’s the worst city to live in in the entire country? Well, it’s probably not where you’d think. This city beat out Milwaukee, Buffalo, and Detroit for the title, and the judges of the contest, such as it is, at 24/7 Wall Street cited income inequality, high rates of violent crime, and sky-high houses prices as the reason for their decision. Oh, and the city also was recently awarded the title “rudest city in the United States” by another news and tourism outlet. So there’s that… So what city takes the cake for unpleasantness on all sides? Well, I’ll give you a hint, it’s located in sunny southern Florida, has miles of sandy beaches, and nearly perfect weather. That’s right, ladies and gen

  • the ONE THING that GOOD LENDERS are really looking for | Episode 91

    12/07/2016 Duration: 06min

    Wouldn’t you like to know the ONE THING that a truly GOOD LENDER looks for that will very nearly GUARANTEE YOU FUNDING for your real estate deals? I got on the phone WITH A HIGHLY INFLUENTIAL REAL ESTATE LENDER to get all the details, and I’ll tell you what she said in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 91. --- So wouldn’t you like to know anytime you asked for a loan for a real estate deal that you already basically HAD IT IN THE BAG because you were giving the lender exactly what they are looking for? If you’ve always wondered how real estate money gets from underwriters to YOUR DEALS, then you’re going to love today’s episode. I got on the phone with Heather Dreves, director of funding for Secured Investment Corporation, a real estate lender present in 90 percent of the U.S. that specializes in real estate lending (so you’re not dealing with someone who doesn’t understand your business like you probably have if you ever tried to get funding from a private lender or a mega-bank), to find ou

  • THIS BAD WORD can cost you MAX FINES when your buyers SUE YOU | Episode 90

    07/07/2016 Duration: 04min

    Wouldn’t you want to know if a certain word that YOU thought was covering your bases in your marketing materials was actually setting you up to pay MAXIMUM FINES AND PENALTIES if your buyers know to sue you over it? I’ll tell you the word and the court case in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 90. --- So a certain word is very popular in real estate marketing materials, and although you’d think it would protect you, in reality it could land you squarely on the losing side of a lawsuit if your buyers opt to sue. A recent case out in California set the precedent when a judge awarded a buyer the maximum amount he requested (and probably would have received more) when the seller of a certain property used the word “approximate” to describe the size of a condo in a listing. While the seller believed that the use of the word approximate covered his bases when it turned out the condo was 78 square feet smaller than advertised, a small claims court judge did not agree and said that the seller made a

  • the TRUTH about FAST-TRACK FORECLOSURES (which state is accelerating RIGHT NOW) | Episode 88

    05/07/2016 Duration: 05min

    Something that SCARES THE PANTS OFF homeowners and makes them HATE INVESTORS is coming our way, and it’s actually GOOD NEWS FOR EVERYONE INVOLVED! I’ll tell you all the details about why there are going to be MORE DEALS and MORE APPRECIATION in a certain state in the second half of 2016 today. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 88. So, wouldn’t you like to know what state just DRAMATICALLY CHANGED its housing regulations to RAMP UP APPRECIATION and give YOU better access to great deals? Oh, and why it’s actually going to make everyone HATE YOU until the media buzz dies down? I’ll tell you all about it in just a minute, but first, I’d like to mention something that’s smart, REALLY SMART: a certain city in the Midwest. This city actually just won $50 MILLION because it’s so smart about housing and development, and you could directly benefit if you know the details and are involved in real estate investing in the area. Check out all the details in the “Real Estate Investing News” Section on The ti

  • the MONSTER EATING HOUSING STOCK in the country's best markets | Episode 87

    01/07/2016 Duration: 06min

    There’s a MONSTER out there EATING UP HOUSING in today’s hottest housing markets, making it nearly impossible for homeowners and even investors to participate. This isn’t a rant against BIG REAL ESTATE folks, the monster is actually teeny tiny and, some say, DEADLY. I’ll tell you all about it in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 87. ---- There’s a monster out there, and it’s not under your bed. In fact, it very well could be living right out in the open next door. According to a new report, certain NEW factors in real estate are driving homeowners and even RENTERS right out of the equation. This method of investing is working SO WELL for certain investors that certain sectors of city and state governments are actually looking for ways to SHUT IT DOWN before things, according to them, get out of hand. I’ll tell you all details on both sides in just a minute, but first I want to take 30 seconds to mention something that is probably on your mind right now as you hear this scary story: OPTIONS.

  • Where ONE WALL FEATURE can CUT A MONTH off your time on market | Episode 86

    30/06/2016 Duration: 05min

    How would you like to know about a particular WALL FEATURE that, in certain markets, could knock more than a MONTH off your time on market? I’ve got all the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 86. ---- So wouldn’t you want to know the one particular wall feature that in a certain market nearly ALWAYS knocks a little over a month off the time on market? I’ll tell you all about it, but first, I want to mention something that might leave you feeling a little let down. It has to do with the Better Business Bureau and, well, a certain guilty pleasure a LOT of real estate professionals enjoy. Get your mind out of the gutter! We’re talking about reality real estate television! According to the Better Business Bureau of St. Louis, reality television personalities are abusing their positions of authority, and the triple B wants to make sure you’re prepared. Find out exactly WHICH STAR got an F rating from that agency and how to make sure YOUR educational investment dollars are being respecte

  • the $2,500 PITFALL LURKING underground on your investment property

    28/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    Did you know that a $2,500 MISTAKE could very well be LURKING UNDERGROUND in your next investment property? I’ll tell you what it is and how to avoid it in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 85. --- So wouldn’t you want to know if you were about to make an investing mistake that could EASILY cost you $2,500 if all goes WELL while you’re trying to fix it? Good news! I’ll tell you all about it in today’s episode. Before I do that, however, I want to talk about something that the kids are doing these days…Well, actually, 500 million people are doing it and if you’re not already, you probably should be too: Instagram! A lot of real estate professionals have steered clear of Instagram, at least in a professional sense, because it is generally considered to be "too young” or not really marketing-friendly because it focuses exclusively on uploaded pictures and videos. However, there are actually some well-documented ways other than just posting listing photos that real estate professionals are using

  • The KITCHEN COLOR DECISION that can cost you $1,442 | Episode 84

    27/06/2016 Duration: 04min

    How would you like to know the common kitchen color decision that could cost you $1,442 when you sell your home? I’ll tell you all about it in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 84. So wouldn’t you want to know which popular kitchen color would MAKE you about more than $1400 when you sell your home and which could COST YOU that same amount? Given that if you are an investor, you’re probably going to be painting a few kitchens along the way, those numbers could quickly add up. I’ll tell you which color will cost you and which color can tack a hefty chunk of change onto your price tag in just a minute, but first I want to take a minute to mention an EXCITING piece of news: the FAA has finally taken some conclusive action on drone regulations, which means all of you investors, agents, and other professionals who had to stop using drones for listing pictures and videos because the FAA was threatening to come after people clearly abusing their personal drones for real-estate-related benefit can no

  • YOUR GUIDE to “MAKING BANK” USING $487,000 in FREE MONEY | Episode 83

    24/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    You might think you know what to do with $487,000 in FREE MONEY, but the odds are that YOU’RE WRONG. I’ve got the details on how one investor used that exact amount of money  (and it wasn’t his and it wasn’t loaned to him, either) to completely REVOLUTIONIZE his business. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 83. So if you think that just having $487,000 makes you rich, you may have a point, but the REAL POINT of today’s episode is that you can use this FREE MONEY to UP-END your business and your lifestyle, permanently, by following some very simple instructions. My featured guest today, Sean Carpenter, has been investing in real estate for YEARS using federal funds that he doesn’t have to pay back, public programs that he can even GET PAID to participate in, and federal, state, and local tax credits that can sometimes keep paying off for YEARS after a project is done. So basically, he’s the expert when it comes to using free money from the government to get into real estate and, to be blunt, to get rich. Here’s

  • Make the PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IRRELEVANT to Your Real Estate Business | Episode 82

    23/06/2016 Duration: 05min

    Wouldn’t it be great if you DIDN’T HAVE TO WORRY about who our next president would be? Well, I may not be able to resolve ALL your issues with The Donald and Hilary, but my guest today CAN help you at least insulate your business from both of them. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 82. So the year of a presidential election is always tough on the economy. Why? Because business does NOT THRIVE when times are uncertain, and what is more uncertain (particularly in THIS presidential competition) than when leadership of the United States of America is up for grabs? Regardless of your personal beliefs, morals, and ethical systems, wouldn’t it be WONDERFUL if you knew in the back of your mind that no matter which of these crazy candidates ultimately wins the presidency, YOUR BUSINESS (and by extension, your ability to support your family and loved ones) would remain intact, productive, and profitable? My guest today has managed to pull that off, and that’s why even though he’s got some pretty FAR LEFT opinions whe


    22/06/2016 Duration: 07min

    How would you like to blow the currently ready-to-burst residential real estate bubble right out of the water while SNEAKING INTO HOT MARKETS with the full force of the federal government supporting you? My guest today has been doing this for YEARS (through more than ONE bubble folks) and he’s going to tell you all about it. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 81. Wouldn’t it be great if the rumors of an about-to-burst real estate bubble meant absolutely NOTHING to you other than more profits, more opportunities, and even better access to WHITE-HOT REAL ESTATE MARKETS? Of course it would! And more importantly, it CAN mean that. My guest today, Sean Carpenter, has spent YEARS (and multiple real estate cycles) leveraging the full force of the federal government in his real estate investing business doing exactly that, and today’s he’s going to get into just why residential real estate is about to GO BUST again and why it’s the best news anyone working with public funding (and that can and should be you) could po

  • Hugely Successful LEFT-WING INVESTOR Reveals: How TRUMP REALLY MADE HIS MONEY | Episode 80

    21/06/2016 Duration: 07min

    The TRUTH about TRUMP is out at last: Real Estate Investing Today interviewed a HIGHLY CONNECTED real estate insider who basically blew the lid off just how Donald Trump has been so successful in real estate, and it’s not what you’ve heard before, and it’s something you can TOTALLY replicate, starting now. I’ve got the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 80. So what did Donald Trump REALLY DO to get so successful in real estate? We all know that spending money helps you make money, but where did the Donald get his? Well, thanks to an exclusive interview with highly connected real estate investor Sean Carpenter, who has spent the last few decades working within the public sector and LEVERAGING PUBLIC FUNDING PROGRAMS to not only fuel his own investing career, but also help local non-profits, state politicians, and even entire towns change the face of their housing markets using federal subsidies and tax credits, I can tell you that right now. Sean is an EXPERT in multifamily affordab

  • how a PANDA SUIT got 12 showings in 2 days | Episode 79

    20/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    How would you like to know how to use a HALLOWEEN COSTUME to get 12 showings for your properties in the next couple of days? I’ve got all the crazy details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 79. --- So today I’m going to tell you how one resourceful real estate agent revived a DEAD LISTING using nothing more than a panda bear costume and her phone camera. Before I get to that, however, I want to take just a few minutes to mention something pretty exciting featured in the News & Network Section on the REI Today blog. We’ve got some FANTASTIC NEWS about the equity in YOUR home that you will not want to miss, so check it out at right now. The article is called “BLOCKBUSTER EQUITY NEWS you can’t miss” and you’ll be really glad to find out what’s going on with equity in your home and your neighbors’ homes. That’s Now, let’s get into just how one agent took a dead listing and brought it back to life using nothing more than a panda bear outfit and her camera… Here’

  • PIRATE SELLER demands eviction after closing | Episode 78

    17/06/2016 Duration: 05min

    What would you do if you bought, paid for, and closed on a home only to have the seller REFUSE TO LEAVE? It’s more complicated (and possibly more common) than you might think. I’ve got the details and the answers in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 78. So you’d think that once you bought a home, paid the seller for it, and legally closed on the property (with the seller present, by the way), you’d own that property and be able to do with it pretty much as you wish, right? Wrong! As a Nashville homebuyer named Tamara is discovering, it turns out sellers can (and do) go rogue from time to time and refuse to move out of their homes even after they’ve pocketed their profits and signed over their deeds. I’ll tell you all about what happened and how to prevent it from happening to YOU in today’s episode, but first I want to mention a brand-new podcast that I think you’ll enjoy. One of our very first guests, Alex Pardo, a Miami wholesaler, has started his own podcast all about how he has created a

  • how to SAVE $17,776 on your home purchase | Episode 77

    15/06/2016 Duration: 07min

    How would you like to save $17,776 on your next home purchase? I’ll tell you how in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 77. So how would you like to save $17,776 on your next home purchase? I’ll tell you how today, and it’s so easy it’s actually extremely surprising that more people aren’t doing it. I’ll tell you all the details in just a minute, but first I want to take 30 seconds to mention a “Secret” side of real estate that most people don’t really have any idea exists: something called LOAN BROKERING, where you bring real estate investors (and those investors CAN be you, by the way) and loan money together and charge a fee for being the guy (or gal) in the middle. It sounds easy, but most people get hung up on that “bringing loan money to the table” part. Thanks to an in-depth training provided exclusively to REI Today by a super-successful investor and loan broker, however, I’ve got a pretty key insight into how to get that money to the table and more money in your pocket as well, whethe

  • ELLEN DEGENERES SUED for laughing at southern agent | Episode 76

    14/06/2016 Duration: 07min

    If ELLEN DEGENERES laughed at you on national television, what would you do? In the case of one Georgia real estate agent, you’d fire up your legal guns. I’ll tell you all the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is episode 76. ---- So what would YOU do if daytime’s darling Ellen Degeneres laughed at you on her talk show and you weren’t even there to defend yourself? Titi Pierce, a Georgia real estate agent, recently had this experience and I’ll tell you what SHE’S doing: seeking thousands of dollars in damages. You need to hear about this lawsuit because it all stemmed from a picture that Ellen showed of Ms. Pierce’s real estate sign in front of a home that she was selling, and a potential error in judgment that Ellen may have made concerning whether it was okay to show the sign on her show. Before we get into that, however, I want to take a quick minute to talk about thousands of dollars, though. $42,000 to be exact. That’s how much money an investor named Patrick recently generated in his re

  • 4 DEAL-KILLING WORDS to never say | Episode 75

    13/06/2016 Duration: 06min

    How would you like to know the 4 DEAL-KILLING WORDS that are destroying your real estate investments every time you speak them? I’ve got the phrase to avoid in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 75. So, wouldn’t you want someone to TELL YOU if you were saying a certain four words that were identified, by experts in the field, as the MOST LIKELY to derail your real estate investing and your deals? Because I’ve got some good news and some bad news here. The bad news is they’re almost certainly part of your daily lexicon. The good news is, I’m about to tell you what they are. Before I do, however, I’ve got five GREAT words that you’re really going to love to share with you. Are you ready? Count em’: Free money from the government.  And as a tag on the end, I’m going to make it an even 10: Free money from the government for your real estate investing. That’s right: we’ve got the inside scoop on how to get free grant money from the federal, state, and local government, for your real estate deals.

  • why FEMALE HOMEBUYERS are a tougher sell than men | Episode 74

    03/06/2016 Duration: 08min

    The gender gap is back, and it’s making harder to sell homes to women. A new survey has some disturbing new evidence indicating a major gender-related issue that we women have with home-buying, and let me just say that the “actionable advice” that the researchers are giving to go along with the survey is, well, a bit troubling as well. I’ll tell you all the details in today’s episode. I’m Carole Ellis. This is Episode 74. So, the gender gap is back in housing, and it’s manifesting in a way that you might not have seen coming. According to ValueInsured’s Modern Homebuyer Survey, women have far less CONFIDENCE in real estate than men even though they say that they want to own their own home far more frequently than men do. We’ll get into the numbers in a just a minute (not to mention the “advice” from the analysts about just how to deal with this lack of confidence), but first I want to take a minute to bring up a certain woman who definitely does NOT lack confidence in real estate – and if you take a few less

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