Truthstream Oasis



Deception is all around you.Vaccinate yourself with Truth.Help Keep TruthStream on Podomatic! Please see the note below on the right! TruthStream Oasis is a haven of rest for all those seeking refuge from the confusion of Babylon. Lies and conspiracies are entangling the world in the web of disillusionment. Vaccinate yourself with the Truth of God's Word. This podcast focuses on God's Word and it's power to protect you against the coming worldwide deception. TruthStream Archived Shows


  • (TSO-65) Before Armageddon: A Prophetic Timeline

    16/02/2012 Duration: 02h02min

    This podcast is a veritable buffet for those who love to study and learn prophecy! Topics Include: - Armageddon and the Gog/Magog War - The 2 Witnesses - Satan and The Abyss - The Millennium - The Coming New World Order - The Mark of the Beast - 9/11 in prophecy - Spiritual Conscience and corruption - Satan's tactics against believers - Salvation and the cross - Jesus is King! - and more Listen in to a conversation Amos had with Brother Justin. This is a compilation of so many prophetical topics that it's hard to list all that is contained in the podcast. It moves very fast so be sure to have your Bible and a notepad ready!

  • (TSO-64) The Revelation of God's Grace

    10/11/2011 Duration: 01h09min

    This is a message to the mature. Meat in due season. For all those who have struggled between Babylon and the Kingdom of God; between the reality of the struggle against sin and the heart that thirsts after righteousness. There is a truth that reveals the difference between actions of the flesh and the desires of the heart. Listen in as Amos shares a revelation that God gave to him through the Word of God. This podcast will be a balm of healing to many and water for those who have thirsted while waiting in the "wilderness". May God give discernment and open the eyes of understanding for many. "Come unto me, all that are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" - Jesus Christ - Matthew 11:28

  • (TSO-63) Deconstructing Lucifer: Interview with David W. Lowe

    17/10/2011 Duration: 01h54min

    Have you ever wondered where the story of the fall of Lucifer originated? Was Satan really once a beautiful heavenly angel named Lucifer? Did God cast Lucifer out of heaven because he was filled with pride? Did Satan lead an ancient rebellion of one third of the angels against God? David W. Lowe's new book, DECONSTRUCTING LUCIFER, delves deep into the history of the story of Lucifer to answer these and many other questions about Satan and his origins. Investigate the earliest sources in order to determine who was responsible for the story of Lucifer and its ultimate adoption as a mainstream teaching. Hebrew, Greek, and Latin word studies will serve to illuminate the relevant passages of scripture for you, uncovering their proper meaning. Listen in and find out why Satan's name is not Lucifer. Shockingly enough, if the New Testament were written in Latin, you'd be reading in Revelation 22:16 how Christ likens Himself to "Lucifer".It's not what you think. This is not about some new heresy, but about t

  • (TSO-62) Harbingers of Coming Judgment

    28/09/2011 Duration: 01h30min

    Listen in as Amos has a word for the watchmen out there who may be growing weary from trying to sift through all kinds of disniformation. Stay awake and don't fall asleep. The signs are there and as the end draws near, Satan will use all kinds of tactics to try and goad watchmen into warning about false events that will discredit them. The main heart of the podcast is audio from Sid Roth's interview with Jonathan Cahn and his insights into the coming judgment that will fall upon America. God is making His hand seen in judgment through 9/11 and other events that are coming. Judgment is what brings us to repentance. We are dry bones and God will raise us up. Let us pray for revival during the coming judgments! This is a fascinating podcast and one that shouldn't be missed! To purchase Jonathan Cahn's book "The Harbinger", please click the link:

  • (TSO-61) Comet Elenin: After the Interview

    18/08/2011 Duration: 50min

    Comet ELEnin is already causing a stir even before it's arrival. Emotions are running high and it seems that everyone has an opinion. Is Comet Elenin just a sensational conspiracy? Can Terral be trusted? Should we prepare for global catastrophe or is this just another false alarm? These are all good questions. One thing is for certain, TruthStream has lost it's spot on the Revelations Radio Network over the controversial interview with TerralO3. Listen in as Amos gets into some real talk about Elenin and the truth behind the split with RRN.

  • (TSO-60) Interview with TerralO3 regarding Comet Elenin. Nibiru is Near.

    14/08/2011 Duration: 02h27min

    Comet Elenin has sparked a wave of controversy across the internet. Is it an extinction level event or just apocalyptic hype? Is NASA telling us the truth? Listen in to get the latest info from the man who is leading the charge to get the truth about Elenin out to the masses. Join Terral and others in the PalTalk Research community. To get into the Paltalk chat room, download Paltalk at and install the program. Setup a username and password and search for the "Planet X Brown Dwarf Research" room. It can be found under the "education" then "other" catagories. Just to let you all know, the TruthStream main homepage ( ) was hacked before this interview. Someone accessed the .htaccess file and had it redirecting to a fake virus site. Someone didn't want this information out there. Also, TalkShoe was not good to us with Terral's audio. You can definitely hear him but it's not as clear as we would have liked it. I apologize, but we did the best we could wit

  • (TSO-59) Babylon is Captured! 9/11 Special

    11/09/2010 Duration: 01h57min

    What does the Bible have to say about 9/11? Is it prophecy fulfilled? How is God using 9/11 to accomplish His will? This special 9/11 podcast answers many of these questions. God set a trap and Babylon was captured before they even realized it. The Bible always tells the truth and it proves itself to be the Word of God as time moves forward. Let the Word of God be the GPS that shows you right where you are in the prophetic timetable!

  • (TSO-58) False Prophets and Seducing Spirits

    22/07/2010 Duration: 01h34min

    The whirlwind is upon us. Confusion abounds. Everyone is thirsting for the supernatural. This creates a void where the false prophet will prosper. We must be vigilant and wise. Discerning but never losing trust. Where is the balance? Take a ride with Amos as he thinks out loud and ponders the scripture's direction and warnings.

  • (TS0-57) Oil, Lies and Videotape: Is The Sky Falling?

    03/07/2010 Duration: 02h15min

    With all the hype and fear surrounding the Gulf Oil Spill, Amos weighs in on the issue and cuts through the propaganda with the laser beam of Truth. This world is full of lies and unless we are "wise as serpents", we will be led astray by the news media, false prophets with false visions and any other bait that Babylon lays before us. We have a huge responsibility as God's ambassadors to bring truth. We should be very cautious not to cry "wolf" every time the news media baits us into thinking Armageddon is right around the corner. Tune in to hear a different perspective on this whole crisis and find out why the news media is leading many believers right into a trap. Podcast Reference Material: Report by Rachel Maddow on MSNBC CNN Fake News Report on 1st Gulf War (Alex Jones) (Part 1) (Part 2)

  • (TSO-56) Babylon: Resisting the Cup of Madness

    08/06/2010 Duration: 01h14min

    Babylon: The Harlot. Mother of all the mysteries and spiritual fornication. Are we too dull and numb to realize the horror of what is taking place right before our eyes. Have we succumb to acceptance and tolerance? God tells us to flee come out of "her". Lost your strength to run the marathon race of these end times? Listen in to renew your strength. God knows we need help. Hopefully the waters of TruthStream can be that help.

  • (TSO-55) Justified by Faith: Galatians 6

    04/05/2010 Duration: 01h07min

    The final chapter of Paul's letter to the Galatians. Self righteousness, pride, outward impressions... Galatians shows us that no flesh will be justified by works of the law. God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. Listen in as Amos blows the dust off the mic and finishes up the Justified by Faith series. (Finally!) May God open the eyes of our understanding. May we truly comprehend the freedom that is given to us in Christ. May we learn to be led by the Holy Spirit through our hearts and not through the written code which ultimately judges and kills. Grace and peace to all through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

  • (TSO-54) The End Times Arrogance of Man

    19/02/2010 Duration: 01h34min

    Pride is the number one thing God hates. Since this is so, it is not surprising that the arrogance of mankind will have reached it's ultimate height just before the final judgment of God upon the earth. Join Amos and Ezra as they discuss this topic more in depth.

  • (TSO-53) The Rest of the Story: Roundtable Pt. 3 & 4

    19/02/2010 Duration: 01h51min

    Join Amos, Ezra and Bro. Cliff as they discuss a myriad of issues in Part 3 and 4 of this series loosely knit together by the subject of God’s Sabbath rest that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Mat 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…” A big thank you goes out to all of you for your patience and understanding during the long delay in getting these 2 podcasts up!

  • (TSO-52) The Rest of the Story: Roundtable Pt. 2

    08/10/2009 Duration: 01h32min

    Join Amos, Ezra and Bro. Cliff as they discuss a myriad of issues in Part 2 of this 4 part series loosely knit together by the subject of God’s Sabbath rest that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Mat 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…”

  • (TSO-51) The Rest of the Story: Roundtable Pt. 1

    16/09/2009 Duration: 01h21min

    Join Amos, Ezra and Bro. Cliff as they discuss a myriad of issues in Part 1 of this 4 part series loosely knit together by the subject of God’s Sabbath rest that can only be found in Jesus Christ. Mat 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest…”

  • (TSO-50) Our Hebrew Roots: Finding The Way

    22/07/2009 Duration: 01h16min

    Old Testament, New Testament. Law and Grace. So many people are claiming they know The Way. What does God's Word say? Is Paul the Apostle a heretic? Does the Old Testament point to the New Testament? Are the 2 covenants in agreement? These are issues that are coming to the forefront. Is the Hebraic Roots Movement a true move of God? Only the Word of God can point the way. Do you have faith to believe it? Let us not give way to division. Let us take a time out and focus on what God has given us in His Word. This is a message that will help the weary find rest. May God bless all who are seeking to find "The Way".

  • (TSO-49) Justified by Faith: Galatians 5

    01/05/2009 Duration: 02h06min

    Join Amos, Ezra and Bro. Cliff as they discuss and expound upon Galatians Chapter 5. Topics of discussion include: Babylon, Egypt, Slavery, Grace, Law, the heart of Man, the Garden of Eden and the Freedom that is found only through the Blood of Christ. We pray that this podcast will be a blessing to those who are struggling with the battle between legalism and the temptation to use grace as a license to sin. May the Holy Spirit lead us into all Truth with wisdom and understanding.

  • (TSO-48) It's a Matter of Conscience

    02/03/2009 Duration: 02h39s

    1 Corinthians 8 holds the key to understanding the conscience and how Satan attacks believers and non-believers alike with guilt to drive a wedge between man and God. We need to have a sensitive conscience towards the Lord, but in the right way and about the right things. Satan works to defile our conscience in order to destroy the freedom that we have in Christ. Learn the difference between false and true righteousness and how Christ can set you free in order that you may serve Him with a clear conscience. He whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!

  • (TSO-47) Prophecy: 2001 and Beyond with Bro. Cliff (Part 2)

    16/02/2009 Duration: 01h23min

    *This is a TWO-PART podcast!!* PART 2 What started out as an informal conversation between myself and Bro. Cliff turned into a kaleidoscope of different issues. Fasten your seat belt and get ready to take a ride through a variety of topics that include: - Zeitgeist - 2012 - 1000 Year Reign of Christ - The Two Witnesses - The Opening of the Abyss - 9/11 - The Deity of Christ - The Purpose of the Law - The Rapture - Slaying in the Spirit You can contact Bro. Cliff via email at:

  • (TSO-46) Prophecy: 2001 and Beyond with Bro. Cliff (Part 1)

    16/02/2009 Duration: 01h37min

    What started out as an informal conversation between myself and Bro. Cliff turned into a kaleidoscope of different issues. Fasten your seat belt and get ready to take a ride through a variety of topics that include: - Zeitgeist - 2012 - 1000 Year Reign of Christ - The Two Witnesses - The Opening of the Abyss - 9/11 - The Deity of Christ - The Purpose of the Law - The Rapture - Slaying in the Spirit You can contact Bro. Cliff via email at:

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