Fandom Studios



Business advice and entrepreneurial economics for people trying to make something from nothing. An audio guide on how to make money and change the world without losing yourself.


  • Pumpkinwars - Rise of the Harvestmen

    22/03/2022 Duration: 08min

    Part 1 of a short story about the rise of walking tiny pumpkin people and the bloody war that would result. The corrupted science from a forgotten past leads a mountain dwelling monk down a dangerous path of discovery. The monk, suffering from the loss of his daughter, feels compelled to create something to fill the hole in his heart caused by the loss of his young daughter to bog fever.

  • Searching for Robert Evans

    20/03/2022 Duration: 05min

    Short story about a creepy kid and his mom.

  • Zero.One.Infinity - Abstract

    19/03/2022 Duration: 05min

    What lies in store for humanity in space? Here’s what I think. More equitable opportunities for everyone. Once we gain access to unlimited resources and space we will have two choices. The first is finally give everyone equal access to opportunity. The second is an oppressive system. Most likely an autocratic plutocracy. Which should we try to move towards now?

  • Grottoes & Gateways

    19/03/2022 Duration: 04min

    Short story about a dad, his little girl and interdenominational crows. Oh yeah, and space dwarves. Cannot forget the space dwarves.