Silvanus International Ministries, Inc.



applying Gods word to our daily lives.


  • Prevailing Transformation IV


    To grieve the Holy Spirit is to ignore, refuse to listen, to resist the Holy Spirit's presence in the child of God. The Holy Spirit is the divine mark of ownership, purpose and destiny in the life of the believer. Grieving the Holy Spirit is to deny His power in our lives and is to hurting ourselves. It is the divine guarantee that there shall be no failure in any purpose of God in our lives. Let's listen in.

  • Prevailing Transformation Part 3


    Some people have the wrong understanding whom the Holy Spirit is. They believe that the Holy Spirit comes in and forces them to do God's will. This is not correct. This is not who He is. He purges, presents, and prepares us in a prevailing transformation. Our passage: John 7: 37-39 Let's listen in.

  • Prevailing Transformation Part 2


    Prevailing transformation is being transformed with such superiority that our lives positively influence everyone we encounter. It begins when we submit to God's purpose for creating us. Our passage is John 7:37-39. Let's listen in.

  • Prevailing Transformation


    Jesus says "out from your belly will flow living waters." How is this possible? What does it mean? Passage: John 7:37-39

  • Enlightening the Mind II


    God uses the bible today to enlighten the mind. This series speaks to the issues of the mind and how they can be addressed through scripture. Theme passage:Psalms 19:8 Message passage: 1 Samuel 25:2-14 Listen in. Passage: Psalms 19:8

  • Living Beyond Ourselves


    In this edition we talk about EROs and Philo love. What does it look like? Listen in. Passages: Psalms 119:105, Galatians 5:16



    Agape love is unconditional unmerited love. It was this love that God has for all humanity that caused Him to send His son to die for our sins. How do we show agape love in our everyday interactions with others? Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

  • Time To Choose


    It is 2018. It is time to choose friends who are a positive influence on our lives. It is time to choose wisely for our lives. Proverbs 1:2-6 offers us insight.

  • New Men New Women


    When we accept Christ death and resurrection as the payment for our sin debt we immediately are endowed with His Spirit. We are new men and new women in the sight of God. What does this look like practically? Listen in.

  • Hinds Feet in High Places


    Today we discuss Psalms 18:33. David wrote this Psalm after he escaped from Saul. Let's see if we can glean from this passage and others, the process of obtaining Hinds Feet.

  • Eyes To See


    Sometimes the reason we can't remain on our God-given path. The path that leads us to peace, life, and good health is because our vision is blurred. The joy is that God will enable us to see. He is patient enough to see us through the blurred vision to clear vision. Listen in.

  • Jesus is Alive!


    Women played a key role in witnessing and sharing the Good News of Jesus Resurrection.

  • Tamar A Vested Interest


    Tamar has a vested interest in this family, in this man, Judah. Let's listen in.

  • Leah from Despair to Joy


    Leah’s focus changed from bemoaning her plight to praising God. Her husband didn’t love her but she began to appreciate the love God had for her.

  • Hagar Victim or Victor


    Hagar is the first biblical woman after Eve to whom God spoke directly. She is a figure of particular importance in the Islamic tradition, both as the mother of Ishmael, with whom she settled near Mecca, and as the ancestor of the prophet Muhammad.

  • The Princess


    She remains the first unquestionably historical woman of the Hebrews, and their first mother. She is, therefore, one of the most important female figures in the world’s history, as the natural source of the Jewish people, through whom the nations of the earth were to be blessed.

  • Rahab Justified by Faith


    What Rahab was is not of as much importance as what she became. Listen in to hear Rahabs' courage and faith.

  • Divine Acceleration


    2015 our year of divine acceleration. The Apostle Paul is our example, listen in for an insightful message.

  • Cassia Restoration


    Job named his second daughter Keziah. Keziah means cassia, which is cinnamon. Listen to learn a possible reason why he named his daughter after this restorative spice.

  • Keren-happuach


    Job named his third daughter Keren-happauch. Keren-happauch means horn of antimony. Listen to see why Job named his daughter after eye make-up.

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