Sermons By Pastor Douglas Graham

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Sermons by Pastor Douglas Graham -


  • God's solution for anxiety and fear


    Subject: 27min. - It starts with a right relationship with God, we need God; not more money or security, do you value things too much? Rejoice in today, live with an eternal mindset, resist self-reliance, the Gospel. Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Matt. 6:25-34 Date of Delivery: June 9, 2019

  • Walking in love PART 2


    Subject: 30min. - Review of the plea and the pattern. Point 3 - the perversion, conditional love, sexual sins, greed, counterfeit love, foolish talk, Pt. #4 the punishment, presuming the grace of God, holiness. Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 5:2-7 Date of Delivery: June 2, 2019

  • Walking in love PART 1


    Subject: 26min. - Counterfeit love, mimic God, how do we mimic God? Walk in forgiveness, know God and know God is love, follow the pattern of Christ, how does Christ love? Unconditional and sacrificial. Honoring God by being more and more like Jesus. Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 5:1-2 Date of Delivery: May 26, 2019

  • Perfect love


    Subject: 30min. - The true test of love, God is love, agape love, God defines love, the example of Christ, our testimony is love, turkey vultures. Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): 1 John 4:7-12 Date of Delivery: May 19, 2019

  • Principles of the new life


    Subject: 35min. - 4 practical ways of Christian living, we tell the truth, we have put off unrighteous anger, instead of stealing we share, we are people who build up others, don't grieve the Spirit, making a difference in this world. Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:25-32 Date of Delivery: May 12, 2019

  • Off with the old on with the new


    Subject: 30min. - We are overcomers, we are different from the world, we know the truth, we fear the Lord, sin is a choice, our thinking has to change, we are Christ-centered, we've been delivered from sin! Get into the Word and prayer. Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:19-24 Date of Delivery: May 5, 2019

  • Living different from the world


    Subject: 40min. - We are a new creation, we are to live different, Christians live too much like the world, 4 ways pagans think, how we think matters, we want to be holy, resist the devil. Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:17-20 Date of Delivery: April 28, 2019

  • Filled with resurrection hope


    Subject: 35min. - Our faith is in vain if Christ didn't come back to life, we don't need to understand everything we just need to know Christ, the party is not over, God is faithful, God is powerful, God is willing, engage our world, do you believe this? Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): 1 Cor. 15:12-27, 55-58 Date of Delivery: April 21, 2019

  • The life of the church


    Subject: 40min. What should the church be? A biblical master plan for the church: the body of Christ and how it should function, love, truth, unity, and humility, spiritual gifts, maturing in the faith, Christ is the Head, equip the saints, God grows His church. Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:11-16 Date of Delivery: April 14, 2019

  • Building the body of Christ


    Subject: 41min. - The ways God grows us in holiness, the progress of spiritual growth, our goal to mature, not fill a building, equip the saints to mature, the saints do the work of ministry, the power of unity, it's all about Christ! Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:11-16 Date of Delivery: April 7, 2019

  • The gifts of Jesus for His church


    Subject: 31min. - The heart of the Gospel, the gifts of the individual believer, the gifts of the church, the great hero, Christ suffered for us so we should serve Him, Christ set us free, what will you do with Christ? Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:7-11 Date of Delivery: March 31, 2019

  • Walking worthy of the Gospel PART 4


    Subject: 32min. - Character matters, the church is different, 5 ways to walk worthy, focusing on long-suffering, forbearing love, and unity. Having a holy zeal to keep unity. One Lord, one faith! More than talk, we want to walk the worthy walk! Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:1-6 Date of Delivery: March 17, 2019

  • Walking worthy of the Gospel PART 3


    Subject: 37min. - I'm not finished yet, attitude fruit vs action fruit, what is meekness, how do we become more meek, what is righteous anger, how do you know if you're a meek person, walking worthy. Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:1-3 Date of Delivery: March 10, 2019

  • Walking worthy of the Gospel PART 2


    Subject: 29min. - Humility is key, Jesus was humble and we are to walk as He walked, what does this look like, what is humility, 3 ways to be humble. Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:1-3 Date of Delivery: February 24, 2019

  • Walking worthy of the Gospel PART 1


    Subject: 33min. - Functioning according to the organization you align yourself with. We long to belong to the group but our desire should be to fear the Lord. Our goal is to be Christ-like. How do we walk worthy? A humble perspective. Only one thing matters. Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 4:1-2 Date of Delivery: February 17, 2019

  • Living in all the fullness of God


    Subject: 37min. - 5 steps to knowing the power of God, yielding to the Spirit so the inner man is strengthened, the indwelling Christ in your heart, the love of God in your heart, filled with the fullness of God, and internal power! Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 3:16-21 Date of Delivery: February 10, 2019

  • The indwelling Christ


    Subject: 34min. - We are spiritually rich, yet we don't live like it, 5 steps to the power of God, Review of step one. Today is step two, the indwelling Christ. My heart, Christ's home! The dominating love of God. Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 3:16-17 Date of Delivery: February 3, 2019

  • A prayer to be filled with God PART 2


    Subject: 35min. - Christians are rich spiritually, the power of God lives within us yet we limp along, 5 steps to experiencing God's power, strengthening the inner man, when we are weak we can be strong in the Lord! Prayer is key! Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 3:16 Date of Delivery: January 27, 2019

  • A prayer to be filled with God PART 1


    Subject: 37min. - Imagine living in the full power of God, its time to turn on the ignition, its time to put our faith into action, preoccupied with the outer man, persistent in prayer, God cares, God wants to bless us according to His riches! Speaker or Performer: Pastor Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): Eph. 3:14-16 Date of Delivery: January 6, 2019

  • Right thinking for a new year


    Subject: 35min. - 8 practical ways to think godly, to have the mind of Christ, and to have a biblical worldview for the new year! Speaker or Performer: Dr. Douglas Graham Scripture Passage(s): 1 Peter 1:13-23 Date of Delivery: December 30, 2018

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