Dod Secure



Interviews and topics centering on security clearances and protecting classified information according to the National Industrial Security Clearance Operating Manual (NISPOM).Join in on interviews and discussions about our national security and protecting our nation's secrets.


  • Security Certification and Cleared Defense Contractors

    21/02/2021 Duration: 38min

     So let’s talk professional goals, the NCMS’ ISP Certification and CDSE's ISOC are great ones to strive for.1.  Begin at the NCMS, ISP Certification information website @ If your goal is ISOC certification, begin at the CDSE website. 2. Understand the application process. There are minimum experience requirements that applicants must meet as well as administrative tasks built into the process.3. Understand the requirements and get a feel of where you are professionally and any gaps you need to breach to bring your knowledge of NISPOM and ISP or ISOC  Certification categories to where it needs to be. It’s not necessary to be an expert in all areas or to be able to quote regulations and requirements. 4. The following are some things that you can do to prepare to fill those knowledge gaps:a. Study the NISPOM and other reference document structure and understand where to find topic related information. Also, become familiar with key industry standard words

  • The FSO budget, classified meetings, and introducing new material into the cleared defense contractor facility

    08/02/2021 Duration: 24min

    In the course of performing on classified defense contracts, exchange of classified information is inevitable. While, the movement of classified information outside of a secure environment is to be kept to a minimum, there are times it must be moved in fulfillment of requirements.As the senior industrial security manager in CDCs, the FSO leads the security program designed to protect classified information and prevent unauthorized disclosure. While working in the secure environment, contractors protect classified information under their control and cleared employees protect classified information entrusted to them. Classified Meetings:Prior to the start of a classified meeting either the government sponsor or the contractor representative should provide a security briefing notifying attendees of the classification of information to be discussed, whether or not taking notes is permitted and if so, how they will be controlled. For example, when classified notes are permitted, they will have to be properly marke

  • NISPOM Codifying, Guidance, Cleared Defense Contractors, and all those CFRs

    23/01/2021 Duration: 28min

    The latest industry buzz is the “release of the new National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)”. I’m putting air quotes in there, because an actual NISPOM has not been rewritten or re-released. There is no re-release of NISPOM, only a reorganization of the CFRs that duplicate National Industrial Security Program requirements.Conclusion:  No new NISPOM (just a few additions)·                 32 CFR part 117 and 32 CFR part 2004 are redundant requirements·                DoD will no longer publish the DoD Manual 5220.22, NISPOM as a DoD policy issuance in 32 CFR part 117.·                 32 CFR part 2004, “National Industrial Security Program” is now the standing CFR·                NISPOM Change 2 is still a requirement that Cleared Defense Contractor (CDC) must followBackgroundA quick read will review that there actually is no new NISPOM. This information just codifies (fancy legal term for: arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code.).You might know that the Director of National Inte

  • NISPOM training, education and certification

    02/01/2021 Duration: 34min

      We are pleased to present the newest podcast. In this issue, we address security certification and security training because; New Year's Resolutions. ISP® AND ISOC Master Exam Prep is now available here and at most online book stores.Also, we've provided real world security discussions and frequently asked questions. These occasions have proven to be good opportunities to clarify understanding of security policies and the reasons we do what we do.  We would love to hear your stories as well.     We hope you continue to learn and benefit from our newsletter and products. If you are, please refer us to a friend or forward this newsletter with our appreciation.  Stop by our advertisers websites as well. You just might find what you are looking for.  Have you taken the next step to being competitive in the government contracts arena? If not, this article will provide information and tips based on a proven method of studying for and passing the exam. Why earn a certification?There are several reasons t

  • Getting Familiar with Controlled Unclassified Information Requirements

    07/12/2020 Duration: 33min

    This episodes discusses new guidance on Controlled Unclassified Information. this episode of DoD Secure, I discuss the new guidance for Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). There are a few points to consider: 1. The government designates CUI 2. CUI Registries, training and information exist with executors at Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) and DoD  3. The CUI guidance reflects the guidance found with protection classified information. The government owns the information, designates which is CUI, provides markings and notifications, provides oversight, and communicates to the contractor. Guidance for protection classified information that can be applied CUI can be found at: How to Get U.S. Government Contracts and Classified Work | Red Bike Publishing This discussion follows the topics: Apply proper initial marking requirements  Identify decontrol requirements  Describe safeguarding requirements  Identify proper destruction

  • Consultants, Volunteers, and Security Clearance Opportunities

    11/11/2020 Duration: 30min

     Careers in Cleared Defense Contractors:I receive a lot of emails from people who wonder how to get into the Cleared Defense Contractor field. Many are looking for a career change and are curious about what kind of education and experience is needed to work as a security specialist in the defense and contractor industry.     Industrial security is an outstanding field for someone with all ranges of experience to enter into. Some have been hired at an entry level job and have received promotions and additional responsibilities. Others have transferred full time to security after enjoying serving in an additional duty capacity. Career growth occurs as the contract and company expands or the employee takes on more responsibilities after hiring on with another company. Security managers can also move to higher level security positions as chief security officer or corporate security officer as experience meets opportunity.Consulting:   Consultants are hired by a company to fill a need the organization is not prepa

  • How to Ensure Security Program Stays in Step with Corporate Growth.

    12/10/2020 Duration: 27min

         In this issue, we've provided real world security discussions. These occasions have proven to be good opportunities to clarify understanding of security policies and the reasons we do what we do.     Preparing for growth involves the FSO not only training and hiring security employees, but accurately calculating classified inventory storage and work performance needs. Meeting legitimate growth is another area where an FSO should be injected into strategic planning. Classified contract opportunities present themselves in many variations.     Potential security professionals should not only be U.S. citizens with security clearances, but demonstrate competence in the tasks they are asked to do and a desire to perform. They should also have the ability to grasp and teach concepts of security to help keep the security fresh in the corporate culture.     During the certification training, the new employee can enroll in government provided on-line and residence training, lessons provided by company personn

  • Don't waste valuable training time

    20/09/2020 Duration: 31min

    Some security training and briefings are very discouraging for the work force. Many times, the training is the exact same video or presentation used year after year. So, if you go to my website, you might find training and tests that do ask those types of questions. This topic is specifically about how to make your security training more effective for your work force. There are two types of training: for security professionals and for the workforce. So here are three problems I see with the current security training trend:1.     Lack of training resourcesWhat is concrete is that there are various training topics required for cleared defense contractor employees, they include:·       SF 312 Non-Disclosure Agreement briefing·       Initial Security Awareness training·       Annual Security Awareness Training·       Derivative Classifier training·       Insider Threat Training ·       other required training events and briefings2.     One Size Fits allThere are many resources that busy

  • Security Clearances, Export Compliance, Security Questions and Presidential Elections

    10/09/2020 Duration: 26min

    ITAR issuesA few years ago I facilitated a short but very rewarding eight hour seminar on the International Traffic In Arms Regulation (ITAR) Overview. I am grateful to the staff at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and the North Alabama Trade Association for both sponsoring the event and allowing me to present. I found the course rewarding as I presented to a mixed audience of 30 professionals ranging from shipping and receiving specialists to executive vice presidents. The mix also consisted of professionals with various degrees of know-how as consultants, attorneys, technology control officers and those brand new to the field shared experiences and learned from one another. As a compliance officer in various disciplines, I have had the privilege of leading security and compliance teams and seminars on multiple topicsThough this was my first of hopefully many export regulations seminars, I noticed the similar need in the compliance field. Regardless of the discipline, compliance works best when driven

  • Three ways cleared defense contractors can up their security game.

    15/08/2020 Duration: 35min

    I am currently preparing to publish my new book, "How to Win U.S. Government Contracts and Classified Work", it's basically a total revision of "DoD Security Clearance and Contracts Guidebook". Chapter Five reviews the Executive Orders and regulations relating to Classification Markings and there is some good information from all sources. I believe this is fundamental to the profession of anyone working on classified contracts. Understanding why and how information is classified is vital to knowing exactly what to protect and how. There are a few hard and fast rules for classifying information. It is a fantastic idea to maintain a data set of security breaches, violations, reports of compromise or suspected compromise. However, this data rarely leaves their office. Because of the sensitive nature, it is held closely either for fear of retribution or fear of embarrassment. In truth, there is no retribution for security violation reports and information contained could be very valuable

  • How to establish a new security program on a classified contract

    01/08/2020 Duration: 23min

    Once a company wins a bid on classified work, they will then prepare their organization to perform classified work according to the contract. Some great planning resources are the DD Form 254, Statement of Work, and Security Classification Guide. This podcast teaches how to use the references to set up your program.As part of a classified contract, Cleared Defense Contractors (CDC) may receive  or transmit classified information. Part of the receipt task is the critical inspection of the package throughout the unwrapping process. The inspector is searching for evidence of tampering or to otherwise to inspect that there has been no compromise of classified material since leaving the sender’s organization. Once all the checks and verifications are complete, the receiver can then sign a copy of the receipt and return to the sender, thus closing the loop on the sender’s accounting responsibilities. The copies of receipts are filed away and the classified information is put into a database and the items are stored

  • Security Clearances Myths, FSO Certification, and Defensive Security Training

    24/07/2020 Duration: 28min

    An FSO can train and write NIPSOM based policy and training, but without the enterprise’s full cooperation, will find it difficult to enforce.The coordination will allow the FSO to be proactive and better support the company's performance on classified contracts. Having a security program integrated into all aspects of the company produces award winning situations and dramatically reduces security violations. Prior to travel, a cleared employee should have a good understanding of their responsibilities to protect national security. Though usually snuggled into Security Awareness Training, A Defensive Security Briefing should also be "stand along" and for those who travel overseas and possibly vulnerable to foreign entity recruiting methods. This training should be constructed to make the cleared traveler aware of their responsibilities to protect employees, product, customers and those with which they do business. Topics of the defense security briefing should include threat recognition, how t

  • What to expect with a brand new security clearance

    01/07/2020 Duration: 24min

    This blog continues the series describing what happens after the government grants you a security clearance. After receiving a job with a company or agency performing classified work, you’ll receive your onboarding training, which may have included the SF 312 Non-Disclosure Agreement, Initial Security Awareness, Derivative Classifier and other required training events and briefings. Even though the Facility Security Officer (FSO) brought you into the system, awarded your security clearance, and performed the required high-level training, there is still much more work to do to ensure you understand how to perform on classified contracts.The high-level training and onboarding is enough to get you “authorized” and prepared for the work. The rest of the preparation will come from other sources to include peers, supervisors and program managers. This training is usually provided on the job as you actually begin performing on the classified contract.This is how it might play out. The Government Contracting Agency (

  • Self protection, active shooters, and personal security

    18/05/2020 Duration: 30min

    Richard Liebespach (Founder & CEO). Teaching people to be safe with our without a weapon. Please visit his website at things that differentiate Self Protection Essentials from the rest are an out growth of our philosophy and out core beliefs.A cornerstone of our core beliefs is that we believe, at the core of our being, that we have been equipped to be able teach and with material to teach, that can save lives and save people from severe bodily harm. As a result, the martial arts and other material we have learned over several decades is the foundation of the physical techniques we teach. The material we teach is not everything we have learned. The material that we teach has been specifically chosen for its ability to be rapidly learned by people with no martial arts background. More than that, it is material that has been chosen because it is effective. And finally, it is material that almost every adult can perform adequately.Support the show (https://www.redbikepublishing.c

  • Managing the security of classified information. What people with security clearances do. an interview with David Bledsoe ISP Iron Mountain

    08/05/2020 Duration: 29min

    We are so happy to have with us on our podcast  David Bledsoe David Bledsoe. He is the Manager of Industrial Security Compliance at Iron Mountain. In his job, he has oversight of 17 cleared facilities across the country, and provides training, leadership, and education to the local FSOs. We talk about security clearances  background checks and working with customers on classified contract requirements. Iron Mountain is the world’s trusted partner for storage and information systems management and provides security storage, destruction, transportation and more.An interview with a defense contractor security manager. What people with security clearances do and how security programs are implemented.Websites relevant to the security clearances, books, and  security clearance information and education for security managers. Support the show (

  • Working in a virtual environment with a security clearance.

    25/04/2020 Duration: 22min

    I sat down with Kimber Hill of to discuss how they help military spouses and veterans.I really appreciate their mission of:"We reduce the unemployment rate for Active Duty MilSpouses and Veterans by connecting employers seeking to diversify and distribute their talent network to qualified virtual candidates within the military community."Links and Resources  VirtForce Podcast on Apple Podcasts   VirtForce Podcast on Spotify  Kimber Hill LinkedIn  Jeff Bennett LinkedIn   Support the show (

  • How the federal security clearance investigation works

    11/04/2020 Duration: 20min

    We discuss the security clearance investigation and the importance of protecting classified information. You can support our show by buying Insider's Guide to Security Clearances is great for dod security professionals, industrial security professionals, those who have questions about dod security clearances, and much more. Did you know that employees with security clearances make up to 15% more than their counterparts? But many people don't apply for security clearance jobs because they are worried about their past.Many don't apply because they don't understand the process.Insider's Guide to Security Clearances answers your questions and walks the reader through the process.It's like having a security clearance roadmap and a private guide.What I've learned after over two decades in the field is that fear and misunderstandings stop people from making good career decisions such as applying for security clearance jobs. Just like any career goal or d

  • Can my sexual activity prevent me from getting a security clearance

    22/03/2020 Duration: 25min

    Discussion of sexual activity and security clearancesSupport the show (

  • Why are we giving our sensitive information away so easily?

    15/03/2020 Duration: 32min

    Why are we giving our sensitive information away so easily?Evaluating risk is very important. Risk events should be used to determine where vulnerabilities exist and the best approach to mitigating those vulnerabilities. We evaluate risks to viruses, sickness, how to protect sensitive information and what to put on social media or websites. Support the show (

  • How to protect anything DICE Man Part II

    02/03/2020 Duration: 24min

    Anchor points, counterintelligence, smart security, Defensive Information Countering Everything.Ray Semko is a security educator and a professional public speaker who is nationally known for his popular and motivating D*I*C*E security awareness briefings which he has been providing to American audiences for over twenty years.www.redbikepublishing.comSupport the show (

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