Dod Secure

Don't waste valuable training time



Some security training and briefings are very discouraging for the work force. Many times, the training is the exact same video or presentation used year after year. So, if you go to my website, you might find training and tests that do ask those types of questions. This topic is specifically about how to make your security training more effective for your work force. There are two types of training: for security professionals and for the workforce. So here are three problems I see with the current security training trend:1.     Lack of training resourcesWhat is concrete is that there are various training topics required for cleared defense contractor employees, they include:·       SF 312 Non-Disclosure Agreement briefing·       Initial Security Awareness training·       Annual Security Awareness Training·       Derivative Classifier training·       Insider Threat Training ·       other required training events and briefings2.     One Size Fits allThere are many resources that busy