Dod Secure

How to Ensure Security Program Stays in Step with Corporate Growth.



     In this issue, we've provided real world security discussions. These occasions have proven to be good opportunities to clarify understanding of security policies and the reasons we do what we do.     Preparing for growth involves the FSO not only training and hiring security employees, but accurately calculating classified inventory storage and work performance needs. Meeting legitimate growth is another area where an FSO should be injected into strategic planning. Classified contract opportunities present themselves in many variations.     Potential security professionals should not only be U.S. citizens with security clearances, but demonstrate competence in the tasks they are asked to do and a desire to perform. They should also have the ability to grasp and teach concepts of security to help keep the security fresh in the corporate culture.     During the certification training, the new employee can enroll in government provided on-line and residence training, lessons provided by company personn