Dod Secure

Security Clearances Myths, FSO Certification, and Defensive Security Training



An FSO can train and write NIPSOM based policy and training, but without the enterprise’s full cooperation, will find it difficult to enforce.The coordination will allow the FSO to be proactive and better support the company's performance on classified contracts. Having a security program integrated into all aspects of the company produces award winning situations and dramatically reduces security violations. Prior to travel, a cleared employee should have a good understanding of their responsibilities to protect national security. Though usually snuggled into Security Awareness Training, A Defensive Security Briefing should also be "stand along" and for those who travel overseas and possibly vulnerable to foreign entity recruiting methods. This training should be constructed to make the cleared traveler aware of their responsibilities to protect employees, product, customers and those with which they do business. Topics of the defense security briefing should include threat recognition, how t