Dod Secure



Interviews and topics centering on security clearances and protecting classified information according to the National Industrial Security Clearance Operating Manual (NISPOM).Join in on interviews and discussions about our national security and protecting our nation's secrets.


  • How to protect everything An Interview with Ray D*I*C*E Man Semko

    15/02/2020 Duration: 39min

    An interview with Ray Semko world renown security and counter-intelligence speaker and trainer.Ray Semko is a security educator and a professional public speaker who is nationally known for his popular and motivating D*I*C*E security awareness briefings which he has been providing to American audiences for over twenty years.Support the show (

  • How security clearances are granted. Adjudicating the Security Clearance

    09/02/2020 Duration: 22min

    Regarding each of the 13 Adjudicative Criteria, the applicant should gather all information available to explain the behavior that could cause a denial of a security clearance. The information should be presented during follow up interviews or as requested for review. Being well prepared will help with the adjudicative process and may result in a favorable decision. However, a lack of preparation may not fare so well. Remember, the adjudicator makes decisions with the priority being on risk to national security.The adjudicators consider the following as they try to make a decision as to whether or not the applicant will be a national security risk. They make security clearance decisions based on interest to national security. Consequently, the applicant is required to demonstrate they are not a threat to national security and should provide artifacts demonstrating that though they may have been a risk to national security at one point, that risk has been mitigated.Support the show (https://www.redbikepublishi

  • Can drug users get a security clearance? Drug Use and Security Clearance Applications

    25/01/2020 Duration: 26min

    Adjudicative Guideline H: Drug Involvement is another concern that could lead to the denial or revocation of a security clearance. Drug involvement includes the abuse of illicit and legal drugs. However, a review of security clearance cases demonstrates that marijuana continues to be a concern for many applicants. Additionally, new state laws, public opinion, and attitudes may make it tempting for Americans to casually use marijuana and other drugs. Recently Colorado and other states have legalized the use of marijuana and some states also allow the use of medical marijuana. However, where national security is concerned, marijuana and the abuse of legal and illicit drugs for any reason can be cause for denial of a security clearance. Support the show (

  • How to get a security clearance The Personnel Security Clearance

    08/01/2020 Duration: 26min

    Over the years I've been asked the same question: "Can you help me get a security clearance? My answer is both yes and know. If the individual either owns a business and is competing for a classified contract or has a contractual need for a Facility Clearance, then they are eligible to pursue a security clearance.  Likewise, if they work for a cleared defense contractor and require a security clearance to perform on classified work, then the answer is yes as well.Support the show (

  • How To Get A Facility Security Clearance

    20/11/2019 Duration: 24min

    Discussion on how business entities and get security clearances. Support the show (

  • Interview with a Cold War Counter-Spy

    16/09/2019 Duration: 35min

    John W. Davis shares analogies between cold war reporting and insider threat reporting responsibilities. Security managers can gain a better understanding of how to establish a program that facilitates the reporting of credible insider threat information.Support the show (

  • Establishing an Insider Threat Program

    08/08/2019 Duration: 25min

    Cleared defense contractors are required to integrate an insider threat program. The first step is to designate a “Senior Official” to establish and execute the insider threat programIn this episode we'll address: •Fundamentals of the Insider Threat Program (ITP)•Establishing an ITP•ITP Definitions•Insider Threat Impact on Industry•ITP Training RequirementSupport the show (

  • Developing a Communication Strategy to Protect Sensitive Information

    22/06/2019 Duration: 26min

    One of the best ways to protect proprietary, export controlled, or other sensitive information is through a communications strategy. Learn what a communication strategy is and how to apply it in today's podcast.Support the show (

  • OPSEC, Security Clearances, and Classification Guides

    02/05/2019 Duration: 23min

    Discussion about small cleared defense contractors and how they can use OPSEC principals to protect classified, sensitive and proprietary dataSupport the show (

  • Derivative Classifier Training

    19/04/2019 Duration: 28min

    While some cleared defense contractors perform non-technical services, other cleared contractors conduct derivative classification in the performance of their contracts. Derivative classification in general terms includes, paraphrasing, incorporating, restating or regenerating classified information into a new form. Since contractors are not performing original classification, most of their work would involve using classified sources to create new classified products.Support the show (

  • What is a Facility Security Officer with Jackie Bray

    19/03/2019 Duration: 28min

    A discussion on the role of a Facility Security Officer and how they implement security programs to protect classified information.Support the show (

  • Will I have to pass a Drug Test for my Security Clearance

    14/03/2019 Duration: 10min

    Drug Involvement is one of the 13 adjudicative criteria which could lead to the denial or revocation of a security clearance. Even so, marijuana and opioids continue to be a concern for many applicants.While drug involvement can raise questions about loyalty, reliability, and ability to protect classified information for initial security clearance assessments, how do they validate drug use? Are drug tests required? How do you report drug usage?Support the show (

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