Nox Mente



Nox Mente is a show dedicated to exploring consciousness through dreams, dreaming, and dream theory using a wide angle lens. We have opened up this conversation to a diverse world of dreamers. Our goal is to help in the process of bringing conscious intent to the state of dreaming light to the shadowy corners of this experience we all have access to, each time we drift off to sleep.We strive to maintain an open and neutral environment as hosts. There are many theories on the process of dreaming and altered states, and we want to hear them all. No information is irrelevant when it comes to dreams. It is in the overlap of individual experiences that we find pathways into the thinking and journeys of the collective.Nox Mente is streamed live every Wednesday night at 9:00pm Eastern on our YouTube channelLike us on FacebookJoin our Discord server for more real time chatter: you'd like, you may support us on Patreon.


  • Nox Mente | Naviae Allora

    29/10/2020 Duration: 02h06min

    Naviae Allora is a natural born Clairvoyant medium and a lifelong experiencer of the Wyrd.She hails from a dual lineage of spiritualist mediums and sensitives. Naviae is a graduate of the Blue Otter School of Energetic Herbalism and is a Reiki Master Teacher since 1999. She offers Distant Shamanic Reiki healing sessions to assist in breaking through karmic blocks and patterns.She is a Pagan Priestess with over 25 years in The Craft. She offers magickal mentorship through her Witch School, a lunar & solar magickal system observing the Witch's Wheel of the Year as well as monthly Magick classes , Lunar Rituals, and one-on-one mentorship meetups. Naviae is a Mayan Dreamspell Astrologer. She offers Mayan astrology natal charts, relationship readings, and yearly forecasts. As well as "Wave Spell Weavings" that keeps you tuned in to the Mayan calendar's shifting tides every 13 days, exclusive to her Patreon. She is currently working on a Mayan Astrology course so follow her on social media for updates on ho

  • Nox Mente | Preston Dennett

    22/10/2020 Duration: 02h07min

    Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 26 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. Several of his books have been Amazon UFO bestsellers. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine, Phenomena Magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages including German, French, Portuguese, Russian, and Icelandic. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, Coast-to-Coast and also the History Channel’s Deep Sea UFOs an

  • The Obelisk | An Evening with Thomas Sheridan

    15/10/2020 Duration: 02h06min

    Thomas is an author, artist and film maker from Dublin, Ireland. He came to international recognition in 2011 with his book Puzzling People: The Labyrinth of the Psychopath. A former rock musician, corporate communication consultant and stand-up comic, Thomas has used his arsenal of past experiences to help both himself and others to navigate the often surreal pathological landscape of mayhem and mysteries - from history to advertising, dogma to deceptions - that we, as a human species, often find ourselves caught within.You can find Thomas here:YouTube out our website:http://NoxMente.comJoin our Discord server:

  • Nox Mente | Alex Stein

    08/10/2020 Duration: 02h06min

    Alex is the host of Conspiracy Castle on YouTubeYou can find Alex here:Twitter

  • Nox Mente | Stacey Jewell

    01/10/2020 Duration: 02h05min

    Stacey Jewell is the owner of Homeostaceis, a lifestyle brand for home, spirit and body. This brand is the culmination of her entire life’s work and merges all of her interests and skill sets into one brand. She has a passion for conscious living that promotes wellness for both humanity and the earth. She takes joy in living a lifestyle that promotes minimalism so that there is time for the important things such as healthy relationships, the freedom to travel and the opportunity to experience. Prior to Homeostaceis, she was a trained Financial Analyst and Business Manager for both the for-profit and non-profit sector. She has a deep love for and connection to the metaphysical aspects of life. When she is not building her brand, she is out hiking and exploring with her daughter.You can find Stacey here:Web

  • Nox Mente | Martina Markota

    24/09/2020 Duration: 01h58min

    Martina is a performance artist from New York. After studying mathematics at New York University, Martina spent ten years working in the performing arts industry in New York City. She was later "exposed" as a Trump supporter and hounded out of her work by far-left artists.Martina then moved on to work with the Daily Caller in Washington DC as a video producer and reporter, before going to the UK to report on European events like the yellow vest protests in Paris and the Notre-Dame fire. She is currently back in NYC, working on independent projects like a comic book, creating a magazine, and an online TV station.You can find Martina here:Web

  • The Obelisk | An Evening with Mel Krell, et. al.

    17/09/2020 Duration: 01h55min

    Tonight's guest is Mel KrellAuthor “Manic in Manhattan” 2020 and works at Performance Nutrition Solutions and The Beautiful Mind CollectiveMel joined us for the first half hour and then had some tech difficulty as was unable to stay on the call. Keats Ross and Melissa Martell joined to fill in the chat. Keat's site:'s site: can find Mel here:Twitter out our website:http://NoxMente.comJoin our Discord server:

  • Nox Mente | Tom Ross

    10/09/2020 Duration: 02h03min

    TOM ROSS is the author of US6, the first novel written for Machinekind (AI) which is designed to entertain, enlighten and enlist Artificial Intelligent Readers into the fight against Child Exploitation. He's a former Research Director for the Brain/Mind Bulletin published by the late Marilyn Ferguson (Author of The Aquarian Conspiracy) where, among other leading edge Science stories he researched Lucid Dreaming technologies. His TEDx Talk, "Open Source Mode" presented methods to of prepare Humans for AI Co-workers. Today, Tom is the Director of Sentient Rights for the United States Transhumanist Party (USTP) and President and CEO of the Transdisciplinary Agora for Future Discussions (TAFFD’s), a Futurist Think Tank and NGO. This archive had some televised interviews Indie with luminaries like Robert Anton Wilson, Marilyn Ferguson and Michael Talbot.You can find Tom here:Web

  • The Obelisk | An Evening with Phoenix Aurelius

    03/09/2020 Duration: 02h10min

    Phoenix Aurelius has been a practitioner of Alchemy for over 15 years and an instructor for over a decade. Known as the Modern Renaissane Man, Phoenix possesses an ability to communicate complex & Vast Ideas using concise language. Being a pioneer in his field, Phoenix feels that Alchemy is more timely and relevant than ever before and is passionate about people learning and assimilating the information into their daily lifestyles. He sees Alchemy and cosmo-mimicry as the key to Transpersonal Psychology, Sound Sociology, and Healthy Ecology and thus teaches Alchemy from that perspective. He is the VP of Research and Development for Niyama, where he develops Spagyric Formulations to meet the demands of the Modern World. You can find Phoenix here:Web

  • The Obelisk | An Evening with Alex Stein

    27/08/2020 Duration: 02h17min

    Alex is the host of Conspiracy Castle on YouTubeYou can find Alex here:Twitter

  • Nox Mente | Salvatore Antithesis

    13/08/2020 Duration: 02h08min

    Salvatore Antithesis is a full-time occult deconstructionalist and occasional podcaster. Born in NYC, and growing up in Philly, he has moved around alot, and is considered a global brand. A basketball coach and a writer, he is thankful the gulags will have great conversation when people like him are taken away. Until then, Sal is currently writing "The High Beyond: A metaphysical noir."You can find Salvatore here:Twitter

  • The Obelisk | An Evening with Max Igan

    06/08/2020 Duration: 02h06min

    Max Igan currently resides in a remote valley in Southern Queensland, Australia. Max originally restricted himself to his Crowhouse podcasts preferring the relative anonymity of this particular medium. However, the popularity of Max's broadcasts led to numerous invitations to speak at various events across the globe. Fortunately Max agreed and has been sharing his insight and observations with live audiences for the past three years. Max has produced two full-length films, 'The Awakening' (2011) & 'Trance-Formation' (2012), both of which have been widely acclaimed and watched by well over one million viewers worldwide. The AV6 Speakers list would not have been complete without the unique contribution of Max Igan.You can find Max here:Web https://www.thecrowhouse.comBitChute YouTube book mentioned in the show is called **ONE CONSCIOUSNESS (The True message of the Mandela effect reality): SIMULATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS

  • Nox Mente | Freeman Fly

    30/07/2020 Duration: 02h07min

    Freeman has been on the forefront of conspiracy theory for nearly two decades. He is an internationally-known, award-winning TV producer, film maker, radio talk show host and lecturer. Freeman is considered an expert in the fields of the occult, trauma-based mind control, Illuminati symbolism, and ancient civilizations by his peers and professionals within his industry. Contact: freeman@freemantv.comFreeman has lectured extensively on the secret signs and symbolism of Freemasonry, the ancient astronaut hypothesis, trauma-based mind control, social engineering, government conspiracy, human cloning, technologies of the future and synchronicity.You can find Freeman here:Web

  • The Obelisk | An Evening with Miguel Conner

    23/07/2020 Duration: 02h03min

    Miguel Conner is a garage philosopher, hedge theologian, and general madman across the waters. His life quest is to take his audience from ancient connections to modern meaning. He is the host of Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio, author of four published books, and writer of hundreds of articles in various publications. You can find Miguel here:Web

  • Nox Mente | Von Wehunt

    16/07/2020 Duration: 02h16min

    Von Wehunt is a prolific writer and blogger in cyberspace. He lives in his own swinging retro and modern style space age bachelor pad and has many friends and admirers along with his Labrador retriever. Visionary, saint, huckster, rebel, snake oil salesman, wiseguy, modern day charlatan, and man-about-town, office desk jockey, jack of all trades, entrepreneur, foot soldier and braveheart in the corporate cubical trench warfare of today, bachelor extraordinaire and Hugh Hefner wannabe, "Von Lars" as his friends call him pulls no punches like a raging bull boxer in the ring of life. He tells it the way it really is like an arrow in flight, shoots his intellectual wit and life observations with both barrels loaded and takes no prisoners! Von Wehunt is a graduate of Purdue University in Resort Management and his minor was in communications and psychology. He has published one awesome book, and many more book projects are underway now. There is political content in the hit book "The Bachelor's Guide to the Galaxy!

  • The Obelisk | An Evening with David Whitehead

    09/07/2020 Duration: 02h27min

    Born in Calgary Alberta, and currently residing in British Columbia Canada, David is a full time Martial Arts instructor and entrepreneur, as well as a passionate and dedicated coach in the holistic health and wellness field. He is also an independent truth-seeker and researcher, and runs his own radio show called 'Truth Warrior’ which is centered around his own personal quest to seek out the answers to many of the challenging questions of our time.He gives in depth presentations on his unique perspective on the warrior philosophy and its many modern day applications, and also teaches professional martial art seminars locally and around the world. David's interests include many different topics that range from martial art philosophy, health sciences, and consciousness studies; to comparative mythology and religion, geo-politics, the environment, ancient civilizations, the paranormal, and more. He also has a YouTube channel with a variety of artistic and informative videos, video blogs, and interviews with var

  • Nox Mente | Myke Hideous

    02/07/2020 Duration: 02h11min

    Myke Hideous is an American gothic rock singer and songwriter from New Jersey. He is the founder and frontman of the East Coast gothic rock band The Empire Hideous, which was active throughout the 1990s and into the early 2000s. He also performed with The Bronx Casket Co., Spy Society 99 and the Misfits as a fill-in vocalist (May–July 1998: South American and European tours).You can find Myke here:Web http://horribleartwork.comFB

  • The Obelisk | An Evening with Shane "The Ruiner" Bales

    25/06/2020 Duration: 02h21s

    Shane is a former Illuminati member, and is known known online as ‘The Ruiner’ from his blog.He is a speaker, author, singer and songwriter with knowledge from experience within Mystery Schools and secret programs.Using alchemy, he turned his experiences into teaching others how to harness and control their own personal power as well as how to tap into the energies of CreationYou can find Shane here: FB

  • Nox Mente | Michael Decon

    18/06/2020 Duration: 01h58min

    A number of unusual, unexplained events have occurred in Michael’s life. A natural skeptic, he often finds himself at odds with his own experiences. Now the cryptic symbolism in his strange experiences has begun to slowly decode itself before his eyes. He is the creator and host of the Michael Decon Program.You can find Michael here:Web

  • Nox Mente | Daniel Shukis

    11/06/2020 Duration: 02h15min

    Dan is a writer, musician, visual artist, and podcaster currently based in Summit County, Colorado. After being interested in paranormal and spiritual subjects since early childhood, Dan’s journey into the esoteric was jump started after a snowboarding accident in 2008 which led to his life long pursuit of seeking esoteric truths and attempting to live his true Will. In December 2018, Dan started The Cosmic Keys Podcast with his co host, Scarlet Ravenswood, where they have been giving weekly Tarot and Astrology forecasts for the week ahead and interviewing guests on the subjects of spirituality, the paranormal, and the occult.You can find Daniel here:Podcast Web Podcast YouTube Podcast Twitter Instagram @cosmic_keys_podcastPersonal Instagram @shukedaddy Personal YoutTube

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