Nox Mente

The Obelisk | An Evening with David Whitehead



Born in Calgary Alberta, and currently residing in British Columbia Canada, David is a full time Martial Arts instructor and entrepreneur, as well as a passionate and dedicated coach in the holistic health and wellness field. He is also an independent truth-seeker and researcher, and runs his own radio show called 'Truth Warrior’ which is centered around his own personal quest to seek out the answers to many of the challenging questions of our time.He gives in depth presentations on his unique perspective on the warrior philosophy and its many modern day applications, and also teaches professional martial art seminars locally and around the world. David's interests include many different topics that range from martial art philosophy, health sciences, and consciousness studies; to comparative mythology and religion, geo-politics, the environment, ancient civilizations, the paranormal, and more. He also has a YouTube channel with a variety of artistic and informative videos, video blogs, and interviews with var