Commerce Now



A Podcast dedicated to driving connected commerce & consumer centric solutions for ATMs, Self-Service, Banking Technology, Software and Security.


  • Security - 2018 Year-in-Review

    05/12/2018 Duration: 20min

    Summary: In this podcast, Scott Harroff and Dave Phister spend some time looking back on some security related topics that transpired throughout 2018. Also, they touch on a few things that you might want to think about as you're heading into 2019; how to best protect you from organized criminals attacking your ATM fleets and more so your gas pumps.   Resources:  Blog: Security: A Changing Industry Requires A Changed Approach   COMMERCE NOW (Diebold Nixdorf Podcast)   Diebold Nixdorf Website   Transcription: Scott Harroff:                     00:00                     Hello again, I'm Scott Harroff, Chief Information Security Architect for Diebold Nixdorf. I'm your host for this episode of COMMERCE NOW. Today I'm joined by Dave Phister, Director of Security Solutions for Diebold Nixdorf. I'd like to spend a little bit of time here today, walking through some of the things towards the end of the year that we thought you might find to be interesting. And a few things that you might want to think about as you're

  • Zero Trust Security

    27/11/2018 Duration: 29min

    Summary: In this podcast on Zero Trust security; an encore to our November 15 webinar, during which, Dave and Merritt explored the architectural concept of Zero Trust and discussed how it can be leveraged by financial institutions to gain tighter control of ATM networks. Today, we want to take a deeper dive a few of the questions we received during the live webinar and actionable outcomes to consider when it comes to applying this concept to your operations. Resources:  Research Report: The Forrester Tech Tide: Zero Trust Threat Prevention, recently published in the third quarter of 2018. Download a copy today. Blog: Our Commitment to you as our security partner  COMMERCE NOW (Diebold Nixdorf Podcast)   Diebold Nixdorf Website   Transcription:  Scott:                                    00:00                     Hello again, I'm Scott Harroff, chief information security architect for Diebold Nixdorf, and I'm your host for this episode of COMMERCE NOW.                                                        

  • All Things Connected Commerce

    21/11/2018 Duration: 12min

    Summary: Devon Watson and Michael Engel discuss all things Connected Commerce. In this episode, both touch on the unparalleled services and technology that are essential to evolve in an 'always on' and changing consumer landscape. Resources:  Blog: Connected Commerce: It’s Not Just for Retailers Exploring the Path to Connected Commerce Advertorial: Michael Engel on COMMERCE NOW (Diebold Nixdorf Podcast)   Diebold Nixdorf Website   Transcription:    Devon Watson:           This is commerce now. My name is Devon Watson, chief marketing officer for Diebold Nixdorf. Really excited this week. We have Michael Engel here with me. We're in Phuket, Thailand, meeting with our Asia Pacific team and talking about all things connected commerce. So Michael, if you could please just give us a quick intro, tell us a little bit about what you do with the company. You and I bumped into each other all over the world. Uh, give us, uh, just kind of quick background, who you are, what you do. Michael Engel:        

  • Reducing ATM-Related Fraud

    18/10/2018 Duration: 18min

    Summary: Physical and cyber attacks against ATMs receive a lot of coverage, but they are not the only ways in which criminals can empty an ATM of cash. Transaction reversal fraud is one example of a manipulation of loopholes in transaction processing rules to steal cash, but it requires little to no tampering with the terminal. This episode will cover the latest process/communication manipulation fraud methods and news, as well as how to stop these attacks.  Resources:  Blog: Changing Risk, Risking Change: Security at the ATM A look at how ATM Security has Changed....and how it hasn't Whitepaper: Managing ATM Security COMMERCE NOW (Diebold Nixdorf Podcast)   Diebold Nixdorf Website   Transcription:    Amy Lombardo:                00:00                     Physical and cyber attacks against ATMs receive a lot of coverage, but they are not the only ways in which criminals can empty an ATM of cash. Transaction reversal fraud is one example of a manipulation of loopholes in transaction processing rules to st

  • Human vs. Machine: How Can They Co-Exist?

    10/10/2018 Duration: 22min

    Overview: In this episode we will discuss how Financial Institutions can bridge the physical and digital worlds to create a convenient, unique experience for their customers. Resources:  Blog: COMMERCE NOW (Diebold Nixdorf Podcast)   Diebold Nixdorf Website Transcription: Amy Lombardo:                00:00                     Hello again, this is Amy Lombardo, your host for this episode of COMMERCE NOW. Our title is cleverly named Human Vs. Machine: How Can They Coexist? And I'm joined by Chris Gill, our Senior Director of Global Advisory Services. We are going to have a conversation all around the concept of the human interaction and how it finds that balance with the ATM. Hey, Chris. Chris Gill:                             00:00                     Hey, Amy. Amy Lombardo:                00:28                      Thanks for joining me. Chris Gill:                             00:29                     Glad to be here. Amy Lombardo:                00:30                     Before we start with our questions,

  • Security Management - A Changed Approach

    25/09/2018 Duration: 10min

    Overview:  As the tax against self service endpoints evolve to be more complex, and many financial institutions struggle to keep up, there's a growing demand for security management services in the industry. In this podcast, you will hear about this trend and what it means for financial institutions.  Resources:  Blog: A look at how ATM security has changed … and how it hasn’t ATM Security Management: Know Your Options COMMERCE NOW (Diebold Nixdorf Podcast)   Diebold Nixdorf Website Transcription: Amy Lombardo:                00:00                     Hello again, and thank you for joining us on this episode of Commerce Now. As the tax against self service endpoints evolve to be more complex, and many financial institutions struggle to keep up, there's a growing demand for security management services in the industry. Today I have the pleasure of being joined by Julie Osborne, our Global Vice President of Diebold Nixdorf's Service Portfolio, and Martin Nearhos, Principal Security Architect for the Global

  • Cyber Security: It Takes More Than a Firewall

    17/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    Podcast Summary: No other crime is more romanticized by pop culture than the bank robbery, and no type of criminal more than the thief. Think Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, the Sundance Kid and Butch Cassidy. What comes to mind? Tunneling under the bank, cracking safes, elaborate escapes, and adrenaline-filled action. However you feel about them, one thing is certain; those type of heists, no matter how notorious and exciting, are slipping in to antiquity. We’ll probably never have another fated criminal couple like Bonnie and Clyde, or another escape artist and thief like John Dillinger, for the simple fact that their methods are outdated. Today’s criminal is more apt to attack from their home computer than at the teller window. They crack codes, not safes, and the only mining they’re doing involves data. In this episode, Scott Harroff and Dave Phister talk about cyber security, cyber criminals, and how industries can protect their data, their software, and overall – their cash. Resources: Blog: https://b

  • Windows 10- An Opportunity Not An Obstacle

    09/08/2018 Duration: 19min

    Podcast Summary:  Procrastination. It’s a mysterious, sometimes crippling force that allows us to avoid undertaking and completing important tasks. And we’re all guilty of it on some level. Sometimes it’s due to anxiety. We’re anxious about the workload, or we’re unsure how we, or others, will feel about the finished product. It can also be due to perfectionism. We expect so much of ourselves that we delay a task as long as possible because we’re scared that, once it’s completed, it won’t be to our standards. Or it can simply come down to our emotions. We just aren’t in the mood to take on the task today, so we put it off. Normally, procrastination is harmless. The work gets done, eventually, right? But when it comes to financial institutions and their software, the art of procrastination has some serious drawbacks. From security issues to a lackluster customer experience, neglecting to update their operating systems until the last minute can cause a bigger headache than they bargained for. On today’s podcast

  • What Jackpotting Attacks Teach Us

    06/08/2018 Duration: 25min

    Podcast Summary: Black box attacks. Cyber attacks. Malware. Manipulation of the hard drive. There are so many factors and variations when it comes to jackpotting attacks that it can make your head spin. These attacks are constantly evolving in their sophistication, but that doesn’t mean you should give up the security ghost. Every attack teaches us something new – from the preferred ATM target to the preferred type of malware. Studying these attacks and closely scrutinizing every aspect of a jackpotting attempt allows us to get ahead of the attacks and become proactive instead of reactive. In this episode, our security gurus Scott Harroff and Bernd Redecker will discuss the lessons and takeaways banks can learn from jackpotting and security, and how they can get ahead of the problem BEFORE it costs them. Resources: Blog: Sign-up for Security Alerts:

  • The Amazon Effect - How To Compete with Online Retail Giants

    27/07/2018 Duration: 25min

    Podcast Summary: In January of this year, Amazon shook up the retail space by introducing their own brick-and-mortar retail space, but they added a twist. The entire store is checkout-free. Customers walk in, grab their products, and go. With the use of an app, a combination of sensors and cameras, the store tracks a consumer’s purchases and charges their Amazon card when they walk out. It’s the epitome of quick and convenient, and it’s got a lot of traditional retailers on edge. But with every new innovation, there are other companies who are quick to redesign the reinvented wheel. Now, Microsoft is designing a rebuttal to Amazon Go. While Microsoft has no interest in creating its own ecommerce platform or running a retail store, the tech giant is investing in creating cashier-less shopping technology and expanding its commercial cloud services to more retailers and businesses. Microsoft isn’t the only company that’s hopping on the Amazon bandwagon. Retailers across the globe are trying to implement Amazon-l

  • Don't be the Jackpot

    10/07/2018 Duration: 29min

    Podcast Summary: Jackpotting, a sophisticated cyber-attack combined with the physical manipulation of an ATM machine, has been sweeping across Europe, Asia, and Central America for the past decade. It recently made its way onto US soil in early 2018. In fact, these hackers swept up 1 million before anyone caught on, and they’ve continued targeting banks and credit unions in small towns with lax security and outdated software. In January, two men were arrested for a jackpotting attacks in Rhode Island and Connecticut. Other attempts and attacks have been reported in the Pacific Northwest, New England, and along the Gulf. While it’s unclear just how much money has been taken in total, these attacks are still occurring, and they won’t stop any time soon. In this episode, we’ll be talking the “what, where, when, and how” of jackpotting, as well as how financial institutions can protect their ATM fleet - and their brand image - from damage. Resources: Blog:

  • A Marriage of Innovation: FinTech Disruption Leads to Matchmaking

    29/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    Podcast Summary: MKB Fintechlab in Budapest, Hungary discusses banks vs. fintechs and tradition versus innovation. It’s a narrative we’ve been hearing far too much, from far too many sources. How do these two organizations, which at face value seem so disparate, find a balance? It starts with looking at the needs of the consumer. During this episode, we’ll hear how fintechs are positively disrupting the banking industry and providing new ways for financial institutions to connect to their consumers, while making a bank’s job easier through automation.  Resources: Blogs:  It's Time to Get Physical: How to Differentiate Your Business from Emerging Fintech Startups: 4 FinTech Predictions for 2017: DN website: COMMERCE NOW website: Transcription: Amy Lombardo:     

  • Please Mind the (Brick and Mortar) Gap

    29/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    Podcast Summary: Physical storefronts are evolving. Our notions of the traditional brick and mortar store are fading into antiquity. It seems like every day we’re hearing about retail giants like J.C. Penny’s, Sears, Kmart, Toys R. Us, and others either are either shuttering their stores or going out of business altogether. For those consumers who enjoy heavy doses of nostalgia, it can be a bit depressing to see these retail stores sitting vacant. Most of us can remember when malls were the go-to hangout spot, when we ran rampant with friends, window-shopping and spending hours loitering in food courts. Others can remember lazy Sundays travelling from store to store with our parents to get all of the household necessities. Now, we can get everything delivered through the click of a mouse, a tap on a screen, or even by simply saying it aloud to our smart devices. So what does this evolution mean for consumers? What does it mean for retailers and brands? How can shops keep up with the ever-shifting digital mark

  • Personalization vs Privacy

    30/05/2018 Duration: 25min

    Podcast Summary: Consumers continue to increase their digital footprints and more personalization, but at the same time less invasion into their privacy. In this podcast we will dive into how organizations can maintain the consumer's privacy while still utilizing personalization in marketing tactics. Resources: Blog: DN website: COMMERCE NOW website: Transcription: Introduction: Amy:                                     00:16                     Hello, and welcome to Commerce Now, your source for fintech conversations, along with emerging trends in the banking and retail industries. I'm your host, Amy Lombardo. Amy:                                     00:25                     In today's topic we'll discuss how consumers continue to increase their digital footprints, and demand more personalization, but the same time, less invasion into their privacy. In this podc

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