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Cyber Security: It Takes More Than a Firewall



Podcast Summary: No other crime is more romanticized by pop culture than the bank robbery, and no type of criminal more than the thief. Think Bonnie and Clyde, John Dillinger, the Sundance Kid and Butch Cassidy. What comes to mind? Tunneling under the bank, cracking safes, elaborate escapes, and adrenaline-filled action. However you feel about them, one thing is certain; those type of heists, no matter how notorious and exciting, are slipping in to antiquity. We’ll probably never have another fated criminal couple like Bonnie and Clyde, or another escape artist and thief like John Dillinger, for the simple fact that their methods are outdated. Today’s criminal is more apt to attack from their home computer than at the teller window. They crack codes, not safes, and the only mining they’re doing involves data. In this episode, Scott Harroff and Dave Phister talk about cyber security, cyber criminals, and how industries can protect their data, their software, and overall – their cash. Resources: Blog: https://b