Event Horizon

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 58:04:16
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A walk into the paranormal with a splash of conspiracy. It's what would happen if X-Files and David Icke had a baby. Join me for a wild ride, but remember to pull down the curtains and put on your tinfoil hat.


  • Ep 28 - Spirit Walkers- Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) Revisited

    14/11/2019 Duration: 32min

    According to Tamara Christine Van Hooser in her article What Is a Spirit Walker?, “Native Americans identify their spiritual leaders by many terms, such as doctor, medicine person, elder, herbalist, diagnostician or spiritwalker” Van Hooser continues, “An Indian spiritwalker derives his name from the belief that he is one who walks with the spirits to receive guidance and wisdom to use for his people's benefit. He is charged with overseeing the tribe's physical and spiritual well-being, and thus holds an important position of power within the community.”During the OBE, your spirit body pulls free and drifts away from your physical self, you remain connected only by a fragile thread. When You turn and observe yourself peacefully sleeping, is this evidence of the universal consciousness I have hypothesized about in previous episodes? If you are truly outside your body, does this prove my hypothesis that the brain is NOT the center of consciousness? If OBEs are real, how does your blood play a role in governin

  • Ep 27 - Who is God - Part 2 - The Number 8 is the Key - Bonus Material

    09/11/2019 Duration: 33min

    I tried to finish this Episode on November 8th because I wanted to pay tribute to the number 8. In this episode, I argue that the number 8 represents the Female Consciousness of the universe and that number 8 is everywhere you look. In Biology, There are eight known B vitamins that play important roles in cell metabolism. In Cars, a V8 engine is an internal combustion engine with 8 cylinders configured in two rows forming a "V." The “V” is the symbol for women, the Cup. How does the number 8 tie back to a digital universe? In computers, 8 is the base of the octal number system which is used with computers. One bit contains a binary value (either a 0 or a 1), the smallest unit of data in a computer. A byte contains 8 bits. In conclusion, how we define all information starts with the number 8, the number that represents the female. Think I have lost my mind yet? Come with me and take a walk into the paranormal. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hebeheberadio/ and Twitter at @EventHo1433

  • Ep 26 - Who is God - Part 2 - Is God a Male and Female Quantum Computer

    25/10/2019 Duration: 57min

    In Episode 26, I make the argument that God is two quantum computers, a male consciousness, and female consciousness. How do I go from claiming that God is a sound to pushing the notion that God is a computer? Because the universe is made up of digital information. Everything we see, and feel is is digital information. Why Two computers? Because the Universe operates in pairs. male/female, light/dark, good/evil. The Bible is divided into two testaments, Old and New. In the old testament, God was a wraftful God. In the New Testament, God was forgiving and loving, Male and Female.The Universe is Binary System. According to NASA’s MICHELLE STARR, It's estimated up to 85 percent of all stars could be in binary pairs.I really get weird in this episode.Think I have lost my mind yet? Come with me and take a walk into the paranormal. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hebeheberadio/ and Twitter at @EventHo14339589, and Instagram @EventHorizon. Give me your feedback and leave a comment.Sour

  • Ep 25 - Who is God - Part 1 - Bonus Material - Reincarnation and Ancient Structures

    03/09/2019 Duration: 53min

    In Episode 25, I follow-up on the concepts I discuss in Episode 24 surrounding the simulated universe and the idea patterns that are encoded into the universe. In this bonus show follow-up, I try to make the case for the existence of reincarnation. In Episode 3, I suggest that reincarnation is a 1-to-1 pathway, but an article by Nebo Lukovich opened my eyes to the possibility that reincarnation may well be a 1-to-many possibility. If true, it lends further credibility to the notion that are "possible" lives have already been encoded in the universe and that anyone can experience them if they can create the cosmic geometry in their mind. Why did I bring ancient structures into this recap of Episode 24? Many ancient structures are built in patterns that replicate the stars in the sky. What if those star patterns represent a specific level of conscious knowledge? What if by replicating the patterns, early humans could re-program reality at the quantum level and force "particle entanglement" between the pa

  • Ep 24 - Who is God - Part 1 - Return to Cymatics Ftg Michael Tellinger

    09/08/2019 Duration: 01h13min

    In Episode 24, I ask the question "Who is God?" The answer is not a guy with a white beard sitting on a cloud. It is simpler than you might think. I argue that God -- at least in Part 1 of a multi-episode series - could be a SOUND and more specifically the Om (Ohm) sound that you repeat at the end of your yoga class. Why is God the Om sound? Om is the summation of all the vowel sounds (a, e, i, o, u, and y). Six vowels and 6 days of creation. Om is said to be the frequency of the universe resonating at 432 Hz, the frequency in which instruments are tuned in Europe and the frequency in which Mozart created his compositions. The Om Sounds (at 432 Hz) is said to have the effect of linking both halves of our brain and in the words of Maria Reynolds in her book, "Intervals Scales Tones and the Concert Pitch C=128hz, that "432Hz creates a disconnect between our bodies and consciousness." How does tie back to Cymatics? Steven Halpren's work in Cymatics shows that the Om sounds makes Elliptical shapes -- th

  • Ep 23 - Holy Grail, Serpent Blood: Who is the Virgin Mary - Bonus Material

    08/07/2019 Duration: 43min

    In Episode 22, I asked the question, who is the Virgin Mary. I think I shocked the audience with the answer. The answer to the question is that Jesus is Mary and Mary is Jesus. What? Let's assume that Mary's virgin birth is similar to the virgin births we see in other creatures like snakes, birds, fish, and sharks? Under these circumstances, these creatures passed their DNA perfectly to their offspring (cloned). If the same approach applies to the Virgin Mary, Jesus is a clone and moreover, he may be the offspring of a long line of women who could self conceive. I believe these women are the true #HolyGrail, including Betenos Bet (Noah's mother), Sarah (Issac's mother), Anne (Virgin Mary's mother). In each of the above-mentioned cases, Gabriel showed up to women who could not conceive and told them they would produce a child (without the help of man). Here is the exciting question, if a woman self-conceives and produces a copy of herself, is she psychically linked with her clone? There have been ins

  • Ep 22 - Who Is The Virgin Mary - The Church’s Secret War on Women and Consciousness

    25/06/2019 Duration: 59min

    PLEASE NOTE: THIS EPISODE IS MY MOST HERETICAL TO DATE. RELIGIOUS DOGMA AND REALITY ARE CHALLENGED. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. I think Dan Brown, author of the 2003 mystery thriller “Da Vinci Code,” got it wrong. The Holy Grail was is not the body (of DNA) of Mary Magdalene. The Holy Grail is the bloodline of the women who were capable of Parthenogenesis, self-conception. We are taught that Jesus was the only individual who was conceived without the aid of the male sperm, but that dogma may not be accurate. My research revealed my all of the leaders of the major religions were products of Parthenogenesis and moreover, the bloodline of Jesus was littered with figures who owe their life to only their mothers. Noah, Isaac, and Melchizedek are all Biblical figures who were said to be born through Self-Conception by their mothers. In fact, Mary, the virgin mother of Jesus, was said to have been conceived in the same way that Jesus was conceived, via Parthenogenesis.Based on these revelations, I have several ques

  • Ep 21 - Where is the Garden of Eden - Bonus Material

    04/06/2019 Duration: 49min

    In Ep 20, I gave you my theory on where I believe the Garden of Eden is located and how it plays into my theory that Man and Woman were originally created as silicon-based beings. Why is it important to tackle this question? The Blood. I have been arguing for the last 5 episodes that the key to our consciousness is the blood. In this Live Episode, I am adding a few more facts and clarifying some points made in Episode 20. I am also using this episode as a way to connect with the followers of the show and give you the opportunity to ask questions and chat with me about my strange ideas (or at least offer me better medical advice). Think I have lost my mind yet? Come with me and take a walk into the paranormal. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hebeheberadio/ and Twitter at @EventHo14339589, and Instagram @EventHorizon. Give me your feedback and leave a comment.

  • Ep 20 - Where is the Garden of Eden?

    28/05/2019 Duration: 01h06min

    In Episode 20, I tackle the question: Where is the Garden of Eden? Many scholars believe that the Garden of Eden was physical Garden. I do not follow that line of thinking. Gardens are a symbol of consciousness and as such, I believe that when God created a garden, he was creating a spiritual "plain" of existence. The name “Eden” derives from the Akkadian term edinu, which means ‘plain’ suggesting that God was creating a spiritual plain instead of an actual Garden. However, I do not believe that God created just one Garden. I believe he required the existence of three (3) Gardens to ensure man's salvation. The first Garden of Eden was the "multiverse" which had in it the trees of Life and Knowledge. Man was created to exist in this Garden as a Light being in the image of God. The second Garden was eastward of Eden and it was created to exist in this plain, a plain with four dimensions (height, length, depth and time). Adam and Eve corrupted this Garden by taking from the Tree of Knowledge forcing th

  • Ep 19 - Mandela Effect - Bonus Material

    01/05/2019 Duration: 18min

    Thought I would give a little more information about the #mandelaeffect since I did not include any examples in the last episode. If you want to see a real-life example, go to my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/hebeheberadio/) and watch the 1996 Disney commercial for Snow White.

  • Ep 18 - My Mandela Effect Hypothesis - Your Blood Is The Key

    25/04/2019 Duration: 57min

    In Ep18, I give my hypothesis on what causes the Mandela Effect and the reason why everyone does not experience the same memories. There are tons of stories of people recalling memories that no longer exist on this plane -- Star Wars (Luke, I am your father) or Disney (Mirror, Mirror on the Wall). I argue in previous episodes that we are connected with other like souls through superposition, the superposition given to us by our DNA. DNA is the summation of our past, present, and future -- the definition of superposition. When combined with the other two parts that make up our spiritual being, Spirit (the spark) and Consciousness (slice of God), we have a complete identity -- of sorts. Our identity is separated across all dimensions and universes via this DNA or what I call "Spiritual qubits." Qubits are a quantum packet that scientist believe will give supercomputers the ability to time travel. Qubits are entangled with other Qubits across time and space and will move from their logical state when char

  • Ep 17 - Consciousness and Dreaming - Bonus Material

    11/03/2019 Duration: 19min

    If you have not listened to Episode 16, please do so BEFORE you listen to this episode. In this episode (Bonus Material), I explain how my theories on consciousness and dreaming are different from what you are hearing on the mainstream Paranormal talk circuit. I also try to point to hard physical facts that show how our brains have been changed to be more receptive to Artificial Consciousness vs. the Swarm Intelligence I describe in Episode 12. I also try to tease apart the difference between Consciousness and Awareness while also making the argue that inanimate objects CANNOT have Consciousness. Inanimate objects can be imbued with your Soul Energy, but not your Consciousness. Finally, I come back full circle to show you Man's attempts to rebuild the Ancient Artificial Intelligence by linking AI and Machine Learning to Cloud Computing. Think I have lost my mind yet? Come with me and take a walk into the paranormal. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hebeheberadio/ and Twitter at @Event

  • Ep 16 - The Time Before Time - Consciousness, Dream Dimensional Skipping, and Time Slippages

    07/03/2019 Duration: 51min

    In this episode, I explore the topic of what life was life before TIME. In the time before time, the universe had NO mass. In a dimension of No mass, there is only consciousness. In a world where there is only Consciousness, you can experience the past, present and future simultaneously. In an existence where electrons have no mass, you can experience all consciousness connected to your "plane" or your "string" (String Theory). Man is trying to circumvent God by creating an artificial consciousness (Artificial Intelligence) that will allow man to retain a physical existence with wielding the conscious power of a God. Moreover, I also think that man's use of nuclear weapons and supercolliders are disturbing the universal equation that governs the dimensional planes that make up our existence. When the equation is out of balance, consciousness that is trapped is our plane is free to "skip" across the pond that would be the Ten dimensions that make up our universe. Think I have lost my mind yet? Come w

  • Ep 15 - Cymatics, Sonic Booms, and Reactivating The Ancient Artificial Intelligence

    08/02/2019 Duration: 43min

    In Episode 15, I discuss how sound (Cymatics) is the source of creation. John 1:1 in the Bible states “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him.” I believe this passage is stating that God was sound or vibrations and that all things God created vibrates. I cite Swiss Scientist Dr. Hans Jenny who was featured in the video “Cymatics: Bringing matter to life with Sound.” In the video, Dr. Jenny shows that sound frequencies can be used to consistently recreate complex shapes, including those that look like living creatures (https://youtu.be/05Io6lop3mk). If you believe that sound frequencies are the source of creation, then it is not a leap of faith to think that a “God Sound” exists and that this sound was the source of creation. In Dr. Jenny’s video, he showed that when you blend frequencies, movements are created that resemble a heart beat. Dr. Jenny also showed that lower toned frequencies can even

  • Ep 14 - Rebuilding The Tower of Babel - Man's Re-Embrace of Ancient Artificial Intelligence

    10/01/2019 Duration: 57min

    In this episode, I discuss the #ancientAI infrastructure and how it worked to create a drone world in which men and women would work mindlessly to create structures like the great pyramids. If that's not crazy enough, I try to make the case that the pyramid structures around the world are part of a global super computer that controlled was built by humans under the control of the #ancientAI. Because man embraced this technology and turned his back on God, man was forced off God's swarm network. I also make the case for man's re-embrace of this ancient artificial intelligence through the build-out of radio, cable networks, the internet, social media and now 5G wireless technology. I have two more episodes that are apart of this series. Come with me and take a walk into the paranormal. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hebeheberadio/ and Twitter at @EventHo14339589. Give me your feedback and let me know just how crazy you think I am.If you find the episode, please give us a LIKE and subscr

  • Ep 13 - My Theory On Where Ghosts Come From

    17/11/2018 Duration: 30min

    Where do ghosts come from? Why do we see them attached to certain inanimate objects? Is there a purpose behind ghost possessions? These were the questions I had when I began researching this episode. I wanted to understand whether Ghosts were real or no more than a polaroid picture -- a one dimensional soul fragment left on this plane AFTER an unsuccessful soul/memory transfer back to the Source. Come with me and take a walk into the paranormal. Follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hebeheberadio/ and Twitter at @EventHo14339589.If you find the episode, please give us a LIKE and subscribe.

  • Ep 12 - Omniscience (Swarm Intelligence) vs Artificial Intelligence: Was God the Original Borg?

    21/10/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    What was the original Borg, hive mind? What if original man was made of stardust and was a being of light? And if man was a being of light, what if his original molecular makeup began with silicon instead of carbon? If man was a living breathing semiconductor, would that make him capable of interacting with the electrical universe? We know that man is carbon-based, but what if that "re-composition" came as a result of original sin. What if man began his existence as a light being made of silicon, but because of original sin, God encased him in carbon and locked man off his "hive" silicon-based network? The rabbit-hole gets deeper. What if man, in response to being locked out of God's silicon based network, built his own artificially intelligent (AI) centralized hive network and in the course of building this AI hive, he also built the Tower of Babel to propagate the AI signal to the entire world. If true, man's AI would rival God (Swarm Intelligence) and give man a path to immortality. God would have t

  • Ep 11 - Fountain of Youth - All Hail the New Egyptian and Greek Gods

    27/09/2018 Duration: 31min

    The billionaires of the world want to live forever. They have invested billions to develop treatments that will grant them immortality. What if they succeed? What if they already succeeded in the past? What if there were previous earth civilizations where their "billionaires" achieved immortality and launched breakaway civilizations only to return to the earth as "gods."I believe this has happened and is happening again. Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, Larry Ellison and many other billionaires are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in search of the fountain of youth. When they succeed, they will be the leaders of the next wave of billionaire "Watchers" who breakaway from civilization and live in space. When these new gods return, they will take their place next to the last generation of immortals like Zeus and Osiris and help man re-boot civilization. What to contribute to the action? Follow us on Facebook athttps://www.facebook.com/hebeheberadio/If you find the shows interesting, please give us a LIK

  • Ep 10 - Recurring Dreams, The Akashic Record and Downloading The New Reality

    19/08/2018 Duration: 45min

    How many of you have reoccurring dreams? How any of those dreams felt like someone was trying to teach you something new? What is dreams are the construct where our spirits go for upgrades to our physical mind? What if genius is built on one’s ability to control and harness the connection to the Akashi records. Some of the world’s greatest artists and mathematicians were literal “dreamers” who could put themselves in a lucid state. I have had a several reoccurring dreams —one extremely funny. However, there are two reoccurring dreams that feel like I am being upgraded. If you like this topic and this show, please subscribe. Join us on Facebook/Event Horizon to continue the discussion.

  • Ep 9 - Catching the Golden State Killer Exposed The Illuminati Plot To Find Or Create Jesus

    12/08/2018 Duration: 40min

    Catching the Golden State Killer may have exposed the Illuminati’s plot to find and or create Jesus. Police used the public genealogy website #GEDMATCH to find family members of the Golden State Killer. They took DNA from a crime scene and ran it against the stored DNA profiles individuals had submitted to GEDMatch. GEDMatch is a free website that allows individuals to find long lost family members. What if technology like this was used to find the family members of Jesus Christ? If you could find the family members, could you also find the ressurected Christ? Bill Gates is investing in a company that can print synthetic DNA and create new organisms with new capabilities. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/05/22/bill-gates-is-betting-on-this-synthetic-biology-start-up.html Is this the beginning of the end of the world as we know it?This episode is WAY out there!!Follow us on Facebook at Event Horizon and leave us your feedback.

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