Event Horizon

Ep 12 - Omniscience (Swarm Intelligence) vs Artificial Intelligence: Was God the Original Borg?



What was the original Borg, hive mind? What if original man was made of stardust and was a being of light? And if man was a being of light, what if his original molecular makeup began with silicon instead of carbon? If man was a living breathing semiconductor, would that make him capable of interacting with the electrical universe? We know that man is carbon-based, but what if that "re-composition" came as a result of original sin. What if man began his existence as a light being made of silicon, but because of original sin, God encased him in carbon and locked man off his "hive" silicon-based network? The rabbit-hole gets deeper. What if man, in response to being locked out of God's silicon based network, built his own artificially intelligent (AI) centralized hive network and in the course of building this AI hive, he also built the Tower of Babel to propagate the AI signal to the entire world. If true, man's AI would rival God (Swarm Intelligence) and give man a path to immortality. God would have t