Take Back Time: Time Management | Stress Management | Tug Of War With Time



What is your relationship with time? Are you wired and tired, stressed and overwhelmed, busy and going nowhere? Or Just want to scale your business? Learn how to use time to multiply your business growth! Take Back Time is the podcast for leadership and productivity. Join your host, former strategic business coach for Tony Robbins, best-selling author and international speaker, Penny Zenker, as she shares her experience and insights on simple and practical time management that will help you be more efficient and effective. It is possible to find greater balance, fulfillment, scale your business, and Take Back Time.


  • Overcoming Overwhelm: Overwhelm, Overload, And The Power Of Focus With Peter Schroeder

    29/12/2023 Duration: 23min

    Sometimes, we get overwhelmed at work, and it emotionally drains us. To address this concern, Penny welcomes Peter Schroeder in this episode. Peter is an award-winning DJ and entrepreneur who started Telzio. He differentiates overwhelm from overload and then shares some techniques for getting out of it. He also provides some tips and tricks for overcoming overwhelm and harnessing the power of focus to get the stuff done. Learn to get yourself unstuck from being overwhelmed and overloaded today. Join Peter Schroeder in this episode and leverage the power of focus.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • Do The Damn Thing: Make The Next Step To Build Your Momentum In Life With Bevin Farrand

    22/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    Everyone has a dream, but do they do the DAMN thing? It’s time to transform your life and make your dream come true. In this episode, Bevin Farrand, the founder of the Take the DAMN Chance movement and author of Your DAMN Manifesto: Discover the Keys to Personal Transformation and Bringing Your Biggest Dreams to Life, talks about the Do the DAMN Thing Method. She also explains the micro-actions from her DAMN Framework and how it could make a difference in creating momentum for your goal. So, don’t just build your dream. Make it happen. Just do the DAMN thing and tune in to today’s episode.https://amzn.to/49jpVKZ bevinfarrand.comLove the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • Dealing With Conflict In The Workplace With Karin Hurt

    15/12/2023 Duration: 21min

    Turn workplace conflicts into opportunities for growth by leading with the four Cs: Connection, Clarity, Curiosity, and Commitment. You can't be furious and curious at the same time. In this insightful episode of "Take Back Time," host Penny Zanker is joined by conflict resolution expert Karin Hurt to discuss tackling workplace conflicts head-on. Together, they explore the world of workplace conflicts, revealing practical tools and techniques for transforming challenging situations into opportunities for growth. Karen introduces the concept of the four Cs - Connection, Clarity, Curiosity, and Commitment - as the cornerstones of successful conflict resolution. This discussion isn't just limited to the office; the principles are applicable in various contexts, from dealing with your kids to managing conflicts at home. And as a bonus, Karin shares a sneak peek of her book, "Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict". Tune in now!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360

  • Say Goodbye To Brain Fog: Enhancing Focus, Productivity, And Resilience With Tanessa Shears

    08/12/2023 Duration: 23min

    In a world filled with constant demands, stress, and distractions, it's not uncommon to experience brain fog and low energy levels. But is brain fog just a byproduct of our busy lives, or is there more to it? In this episode, host Penny Zanker explores the science of beating brain fog and boosting your energy with certified sleep science coach, kinesthesiologist, and health consultant, Tanessa Shears. Tanessa explains that brain fog is often a collection of symptoms, such as forgetfulness, constant distractions, and a general sense of tiredness. It's like thinking through sand, making you less creative and less efficient. But here's the good news: brain fog can be addressed, and Tanessa is here to say how. From dietary choices and quality of sleep, Tanessa reveals how to optimize your greatest asset (the brain and live more productive days. Tune in now!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • Fire Yourself First: Free Up Your Time And Do What You Love Next With Jeff Russell

    01/12/2023 Duration: 23min

    When you no longer control your work, the chains tighten until you can’t breathe anymore, and you stress yourself out every day. Take back the time and unshackle yourself from your suffocating job. In this episode, Jeff Russell, the founder of the Oakridge Financial Group, takes us into the depths of Fire Yourself First to unchain ourselves from the daily grind. His secret sauce to doing what you love next lies at the depths of an autonomous business. From hiring and forming an autonomous team to giving value to people, Penny and Jeff provide wisdom to navigating into your business. Begin your journey on creating a life you love by firing yourself first. So, don’t miss this episode today!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • Connecting Across Borders: A Guide To Remote Work With Andrew Swiler

    24/11/2023 Duration: 23min

    Remote work is not just a location change. It is a revolution of the workplace that redefines leadership and makes global talent more accessible. In this episode, Penny Zenker talks to Andrew Swiler about the right way to manage and lead remote teams today. They discuss how this setup gives leaders flexibility in hiring people not just within their local area but across the world. Andrew explains why remote work is a great fit for those who have kids and families, as well as those who require many hours of commute just to reach the office. He also underlines the need for intentional communication to keep messages clear and ease tensions even when the team is not meeting face-to-face. Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • Building High-Performing Leadership Teams With Margie Oleson

    17/11/2023 Duration: 27min

    Every business or organization must have high-performing leadership teams. Without them, any venture is doomed to fail and fall short of achieving its goals. Penny Zenker chats with Margie Oleson, a dynamic executive coach and leadership virtuoso, to share some tips and tricks on building high-performing leadership teams. Margie explains the need to create a working environment where everyone can challenge and hold each other accountable. Margie also discusses how to save time when holding meetings and the right approach to reducing bad behaviors within the team.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • Take Action On Learned Information And Unlock Your Full Potential With Nick Hutchison

    10/11/2023 Duration: 19min

    Why do many people find it hard to gain something from reading? According to Nick Hutchison, it is because they do not take intentional action on their learned information. Joining Penny Zenker, the author of Rise of the Reader and founder of BookThinkers shares some tips on prioritizing reading over any other activity and using the knowledge you get from it to unlock your full potential. Nick talks about some tips to improve reading habits, including his unique concept of “Book Sex.” He also opens up on his strategies to overcome the most difficult moments in life and face uncertainty with great courage.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • The Art Of Decision-Making: How To Make Better Decisions Faster With Paul Epstein

    03/11/2023 Duration: 25min

    “Show me the quality of your choices, I’ll show you the quality of your life.” — Paul Epstein. Are you ready to take control of your life by making better decisions faster? In this engaging episode, host Penny Zenker welcomes Paul Epstein. Pulling insights from his book, “Better Decisions Faster”, Paul dives into the art of decision-making, productivity, and personal fulfillment. He introduces the "Head-Heart-Hands Equation," a transformative approach to decision-making that aligns your mindset (head), authenticity (heart), and action (hands), leading to a more confident and fulfilling life. Paul also shares the concept of "good yellow" and "bad yellow" decisions and how to navigate them. Find out why prioritizing needle-moving activities, especially during your peak energy times, is essential for success. Paul also discusses the importance of values and how consistently acting on them can boost your confidence. Tune in now and get ready to make confident decisions that will transform your life.Love the

  • Achieving Balance: It’s Possible To Have It All With Dr. Travis Parry

    27/10/2023 Duration: 20min

    Balance can feel very elusive, especially in this hectic world. Is it even possible to find time for yourself and your family and perform well in your job? Dr. Travis Parry says it is! Dr. Parry is the author of the #1 Bestselling Book, Achieving Balance, host of the Balanced Growth Show Podcast, and founder of the Make Time Institute. In this episode, he joins Penny Zenker to share with us how we can achieve balance in our lives. He breaks down what balance means, overcoming the common misconceptions that keep us from being in that state. Plus, Dr. Parry gives a great method of applying it in our work environment, calling leaders and entrepreneurs to lead their people into a transformational experience. Find out more about achieving balance where it matters most!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast

  • Take Out Your HeadTrash With Noah St. John

    20/10/2023 Duration: 22min

    What exactly is holding us back from having more, doing more, and being more? Whether it’s about money or productivity or something else entirely, the answer lies between our ears. And a lot of it is trash. Yes, and it’s okay to recognize that because we’re all human and we all have it.  But how can we ensure that we hold our head trash in check so we can be what we want to be and more? That’s what we’re talking in this episode with Noah St. John, a person who has probably written more books about this subject than anyone else in the world. In this conversation, we talk about how his “afformations” can help you get rid of your head trash in five minutes or less a day. We also talk about productivity, delegation and more things that you are bound to find interesting. Tune in and don’t be the one to miss it!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast

  • Sleep Smarter, Live Brighter: The Science Of Enhancing Productivity With James Swanwick

    13/10/2023 Duration: 18min

    Transform your sleep, transform your life. Harness the power of blue light blocking glasses and optimal sleep practices to awaken your full potential. In today's episode, host Penny Zenker invites a special guest to dive deep into a topic that affects us all: sleep. James Swanwick, an Australian-American investor, entrepreneur, and speaker, is the creator of the alcohol-free lifestyle movement and the innovative blue light blocking glasses known as "Swannies." James shares how the “Swannies” glasses, scientifically proven to enhance sleep by 12% and increase productivity by 11%, can be a game-changer for those seeking a good night's rest in our technology-driven world. Throughout the episode, he sheds light on how simple adjustments to your daily routine can lead to transformative changes in your sleep patterns. From the impact of blue light and optimal sleep practices to quality sleep indicators and its transformative benefits, James covers everything that helps individuals get good sleep and a better life.

  • Breaking The Hustle Myth: Embrace Rest As Your Ultimate Reset Button With Nina Nesdoly

    06/10/2023 Duration: 18min

    Rest isn't a reward for success; it's the foundation upon which success is built. In a world that glorifies non-stop hustle and constant productivity, have you ever paused to consider the role of rest in achieving your goals and maintaining your well-being? Join us as host Penny Zenker dives deep into the transformative topic of rest with the brilliant and insightful Nina Nesdoly, a TEDx speaker, stress and burnout prevention expert, and founder of Workplace Clarity. With her burnout journey, Nina shares how it compelled her to bridge the gap between neuroscience and practical strategies to help individuals and organizations prevent burnout, boost resilience, and cultivate a healthier work-life balance. From rethinking productivity to seeing rest as a reset, Nina encourages us to reimagine our approach to productivity and well-being. Tune in now!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • Unleashing Your Primal Brain: The Blueprint For Effective Leadership In The Modern Workplace

    29/09/2023 Duration: 28min

    Leadership is about understanding the primal within us, embracing tribal dynamics, and harnessing the power of unity in an uncertain world. Join host Penny Zanker and guest Tim Ash as they dive deep into the intriguing world of tribal dynamics, leadership, and the primal brain. Referencing his book, "Unleash Your Primal Brain," Tim explores the fascinating interplay of our evolutionary psychology in the modern workplace. He discusses the concept of polarization within organizations and how it affects everything from executive decisions to interactions with clients. Tim introduces us to the Positive Polarization Toolkit, unveiling five powerful strategies to foster group cohesion in uncertain times. That’s not all as the discussion extends beyond tribal dynamics, touching on the concept of uncertainty and the importance of sleep. Tune in now and discover the secrets to becoming a more effective leader by understanding the primal brain and the tribal dynamics that shape our world. Love the show? Subscribe,

  • Navigating Complexity: Embracing Paradoxes For Leadership Excellence With Pam Harper

    22/09/2023 Duration: 23min

    Embracing complexities as opportunities, not obstacles, can unleash our leadership potential.  Welcome to another episode of "Take Back Time," where we delve deep into the world of leadership, growth, and strategic decision-making. In this episode, host Penny Zanker engages in a captivating conversation with Pam Harper, CEO of Business Advancement Inc and author of Preventing Strategic Gridlock.  Together, they unravel the complexities of leadership and how embracing paradoxes can be the key to propelling your business forward. Pam calls out the critical distinction between what "should be happening" and what is truly occurring within an organization.  Diving into the concept of complexity, Penny and Pam recognize that we live in a world of contradictions – a realm of opportunities often disguised as challenges.  They shed light on the Growth Igniters Paradoxes, three fundamental enigmas that emerge amid uncertainty and ambiguity. Pam discusses how to recognize these paradoxes and transfor

  • Superpower Of Choice: Control Your Mood, Control Your Destiny With Dr. Thomas Duncan

    08/09/2023 Duration: 26min

    Do you live at choice or live at circumstances? This is the question Dr. Thomas Duncan asks us today. If you choose the former, then you have the ability to choose your mood and the trajectory of your life. Dr. Thomas Duncan is a family physician who practices functional and integrative medicine. He joins Penny Zenker to help us discover our superpower of choice. A big part of that is choosing our mood. Admittedly, life can be tough. And human as we are, it can be difficult to find light in hard situations. Fortunately, Dr. Duncan has the tools to help us. These tools are what he calls the Three Paths: Energy, Focus, and Self-Talk. Dive deep into Dr. Duncan’s transformative insights. Learn about how to control attention when emotions are high and intellect is low. Find out the difference between confirmation and affirmation. Plus, discover how you can control your destiny. We cannot control our circumstances but we can choose the meaning of that. At the end of the day, if you can cont

  • Entelechy Academy: Can AI Help You Reach Your Full Potential? With David Carter

    01/09/2023 Duration: 30min

    Humans continue to create and invent tools that make our lives much easier. As we dive into the future of work with AI, many fear that AI will replace humans.  Today, David Carter, the founder of Entelechy Academy, offers his insights on how people can reach their full potential with the aid of artificial intelligence. He explains the role of technology and how it drives us into the future. His expertise in this space allows him to navigate the potential of artificial and human intelligence.  David emphasizes the role of the Association for Character Education in the lives of primary teachers and pupils. Listen to this episode and learn how to unlock your full potential with AI!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360.com/positive-productivity-podcast/

  • Choosing How You Show Up Can Get Rid Of Burnout With Marcy Axelrod

    25/08/2023 Duration: 35min

    People mostly see burnout as an inescapable challenge that plague any workplace culture. But in reality, you can this draining situation just by choosing how you show up. In this episode, Penny Zenker learns how to do this with keynote speaker, award-winning author, and TV personality Marcy Axelrod. Marcy explains how to shift from your brain’s left hemisphere, which is responsible for your movements, and into your right hemisphere, where your imagination and emotions lie. She discusses how activating this side of your brain can lift you up from burnout and show up with a better outlook in life. She also explains how to integrate these brain hemispheres by using certain movements, gaining better attunement with nature, art, music, and all the beautiful things in the world. Be sure to listen to this insightful episode as Marcy guides you in navigating the natural flow of the mind and achieve balance that will be useful in your battle against burnout.Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, a

  • Fixing Brain Fog With Rob Rene

    18/08/2023 Duration: 21min

    Do you ever find yourself struggling to focus, battling brain fog, or feeling overwhelmed by the distractions of the modern world? In this episode, our host Penny Zenker sits with Rob Rene, the founder of QE Strong, to discuss fixing brain fog. Together, they explore the fascinating intersection of science, intention, and the human body's energy systems. Rob discusses how the concept of frequency, which might sound abstract at first, plays a crucial role in our mental well-being. He mentions intriguing experiments like Dr. Masaru Emoto's work with water and its response to intention, offering a glimpse into how the vibrations we emit can impact our surroundings. The conversation takes a unique turn as they discuss the influence of various factors, including COVID-19's impact on brain fog and the distractions of the digital age. Rob explains how QE Strong's innovative skin patches utilize frequency and positive intentions to address cognitive challenges, from brain fog to anxiety. Throughout the episode,

  • Cracking The Code: Hiring The Right Salespeople With Dan Fantasia

    11/08/2023 Duration: 22min

    In today's fast-paced business world, finding the right people to join your team can be a daunting challenge. Companies are grappling with limited resources and struggling to identify the perfect fit. But fear not, because we have a special guest on the show today who will shed light on the secrets of hiring the right salespeople.  Join your host, Penny Zenker, as she sits down with Dan Fantasia, a renowned expert in sales recruiting since 1997. In 2001, Dan founded Treeline, an organization dedicated exclusively to helping companies build world-class elite sales teams.  During this engaging episode, Dan shares what it truly takes to build and grow top-producing businesses. Through Treeline's positively charged culture, Dan has fostered a team that consistently brings out the best in every individual. But that's not all! Dan has also spearheaded the development of cutting-edge methodologies and technology that continue to revolutionize the sales industry.  Tune in as he reveals the secrets

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