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Dealing With Conflict In The Workplace With Karin Hurt



Turn workplace conflicts into opportunities for growth by leading with the four Cs: Connection, Clarity, Curiosity, and Commitment. You can't be furious and curious at the same time. In this insightful episode of "Take Back Time," host Penny Zanker is joined by conflict resolution expert Karin Hurt to discuss tackling workplace conflicts head-on. Together, they explore the world of workplace conflicts, revealing practical tools and techniques for transforming challenging situations into opportunities for growth. Karen introduces the concept of the four Cs - Connection, Clarity, Curiosity, and Commitment - as the cornerstones of successful conflict resolution. This discussion isn't just limited to the office; the principles are applicable in various contexts, from dealing with your kids to managing conflicts at home. And as a bonus, Karin shares a sneak peek of her book, "Powerful Phrases for Dealing with Workplace Conflict". Tune in now!Love the show? Subscribe, rate, review, and share! https://pennyzenker360