Mettle Brain

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 31:03:26
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Mettle is a thing that we all have inside of us, it's capacity. As Epictetus said, "spirited curiosity is the emblem of the flourishing life." Here on Mettle Brain we have guests from all over the world, from all different backgrounds discussing new ideas, perspectives, and truths that will fortify your capacity. Let's learn together.


  • Episode 47: Inner Voice Work with Nicole Perkins

    19/06/2020 Duration: 43min

    Atlanta native, spiritual and metaphysical enthusiast Nicole Perkins sits down with me and discusses her work as a certified Inner Voice Facilitator. She shares what it is, how she found it, and her experience working with her own inner voice.  Nicole shares her journey of peeling back the layers of armor and taking continual baby steps to get to her own worthiness. Nicole shares how working with her own authority has brought greater authenticy and how others can work with their own inner voices as well. Be sure to catch the end of the episode when Nicole actually drops into her inner voice to answer the quintessential Mettle Brain question: What do you love about yourself? Support the show (

  • Episode 46: Integrating with Kera Thompson

    25/05/2020 Duration: 01h30min

    Kera Thomspon is a force. We sat down together and discussed her work and other roles she juggles including: the on-court entertainment host for the Utah Jazz, yoga instructor, mother, and creative. She shared what keeps her in joy, and how she’s navigated what doesn’t. Thompson discusses balancing career and family. We compare notes on our individual integration journeys and the ongoing process from moving through that maiden archetype to mother. Thompson currently lives in Salt Lake City, UT with her husband and four children. Thompson shared what practices she has in her life that foster authenticity and how that has aided in developing her intuitive eclectic design aesthetic that permeates all aspects of her life. Thompson has a background in interior design and created a company called, Interwoven that also has influenced her design. She shares some distinct thoughts on navigating duality and feeling whole. “The larger your light, the larger the shadow that is cast.” -Richard Rohr. Thompson shared some s

  • Episode 44: If You Dream of a Dream with Tishmal

    17/04/2020 Duration: 44min

    Today's interview is with Rachel Brockbank, or Tishmal as she's known to her fans. Rachel is a singer, songwriter currently pursuing a professional career in music. She is also family.  She talked with me the same day she dropped her new song, I Have Dreams, that she wrote in collaboration with D.J. Kaskade.  Rachel joined me remotely to discuss her new release and how she became the performer and artist she is now. Rachel shares how she grew beyond the comfortable identify of being a song writer and the process of being broken down and rising into the resilient open hearted stage performer she is now.  Rachel shares what it means to her to be human and what she remembers to bring herself back home to herself. Rachel shares some advice for her younger listeners and we talk about the power of dreams and how they can bring us back to life. Support the show (

  • Episode 43: I never knew that about Bob Ross!

    03/04/2020 Duration: 18min

    Today's episode is a morning musing with some interesting facts about Bob Ross and his show, The Joy of Painting. I share a variety of clips from his show. There is also a small cameo from a true Bob Ross fan. (You'll have to listen to find out who!) Did you know that Bob Ross spent the first 20 years of his career as a drill sergeant in the military? It's a little hard to imagine the calm voice of Bob Ross yelling at people to wake up, clean their room, or wash the latrine. In this episode I share a little about his transition from the military to his painting studio at PBS. At his core Bob Ross believed everyone had intrinsic artistic talent that could be brought out with a little bit of patience and practice. He made thousands of episodes and all the while he believed and held for people that anyone could experience the joy of painting. He's inspired millions to paint. This is a very curated bit of inspiring information to lift your spirits in this COVID-19 quarantine time. Take a littl

  • Episode 42: Blue Skies during Covid-19

    27/03/2020 Duration: 18min

    Today's episode is a short morning musing update on my life here. I share a dose of optimism for our current COVID-19 quarantine with questions like, "why is the sky blue?" I am 11 days into our 'Stay at Home' order here in Orange County and things are feeling pretty heavy around here. I share a few excerpts from books that have serendipitously crossed my path that have brought a little wonderment and curiousity to my vantage point. This moment in time feels akin to 14th century England and the plague that rocked London - wait, that's just like the book I'm currently reading about with my son in the Newbury award winner, "The Door in the Wall." Support the show (

  • Episode 41: Staying Home during COVID-19

    19/03/2020 Duration: 34min

    Today's episode is with my husband, Ryan Miller. We are home! To give you an idea of timelines, governor Governor Newsom has just ordered a stay at home order to all CA residents. The situation around this Corona virus is a fluid one and constantly unfolding. I asked Ryan to sit down with me and share his thoughts on COVID-19, his story, and a few insights on life. I don't know anyone more well informed on global news than Ryan. He has a  background in political science, anthropology, and has a passion for travel which colors his already global perspective. Ryan has always been a news hound and at a time when there is so much information moving his insight has been a comforting one. Support the show (

  • Episode 40: Expressive Writing

    06/03/2020 Duration: 54min

    We often hear the value of keeping a journal. Great minds like Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Mark Twain, Oliver Sachs, and Frida Kahlo, to name a few, kept journals. My guest today, Allison Pond, shares a passion for maximizing the power of keeping a journal and writing in general. Allison Pond has a treasure trove of knowledge on expressive writing. Allison is certified in teaching expressive writing through the Therapeutic Writing Institute (T.W.I) and has held numerous workshops. She is here today to share some of her knowledge on how to use writing to gain deeper self realization and draw on our individual well of capacity. We end our interview with a few specific writing exercises including her own illustration of a two way dialogue with “money.”  Support the show (

  • Episode 40: M.M. Maybe It's Like That Trench Coat

    22/02/2020 Duration: 13min

    In this short 13 minute M.M. (Morning Musing) episode, I share my thoughts about not identifying with the thinking mind. I share my favorite thought influencers on the mind and what experience I remember to empower myself when I am buying into thoughts that don't serve my best interests. How many times have you realized you were wrong when you really thought you were right? Support the show (

  • Episode 39: M.M. Remember Your Glittering Eyes

    08/02/2020 Duration: 13min

    Chances are you have heard of Roald Dahl, probably even read a few of his books. In today's Morning Musing I share a few insights that I have taken to heart from studying the life and works of Roald Dahl, did you know he's actually written 34 books?  In Dahl's last book, Billy and the Minpins published after his death, there is a particularly poignant last line, "And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." In this episode I share just how easy it is to have a "been there done that" vantage point on life- I've caught myself falling into this death trap all too easily. This episode is geared to facilitate a reframe on the ordinary, fuel resilience, and hopefully recapture your interest in the beautiful life and work of Roald Dahl. Support the show (

  • Episode 38: Be Gentle, Be Kind

    20/12/2019 Duration: 10min

    Today I am sharing the words of British philosopher Alain De Botton. Because of the busy holiday season and Christmas next week we discussed over e-mail. I am sharing his answers here in this short ten minute episode. I was fortunate to have stumbled onto Alain De Botton and his work years ago. His books cover subjects like love, travel, architecture, and literature. Botton is also one of the founders of the organization The School of Life. The School of Life is just what it claims to be, a school of life. It is a rigorous idealogical organization intended to help you with the important things that you were never taught to handle in school. His novel A Course of Love and Essays on Love I particularly love. Listen to the episode to hear his answer (via e-mail) of what helps give him mettle, his call to humanity, and something to keep in mind on the subject of boundaries. Support the show (

  • Episode 37: Satori

    13/12/2019 Duration: 01h02min

    This episode is with anesthesiologist Dr. Rachel Allen. In this episode we compare mutual life notes and learn from one another. We cover ground on topics like awareness, consciousness, the brain, how to create space in the mind to see who we really are and how we can differentiate from the not self narratives we buy into. Rachel discusses the dynamic at play in one's own mind in the thought process "this isn't who I want to be". Rachel encourages looking at that, "Wait, if "this" isn't who I want to be who's "I" and who's "This?" It's different." Rachel shares why that distinction is paramount and how to lengthen that brief moment in time to better grasp who you yourself are. In the last 15 minutes of our interview Rachel and I discuss the clinic, Satori, she's opened with her husband Scott Allen who is also an anesthesiologist.  Satori is the buddhist term for sudden enlightenment. Their clinic offers ketamine injections to

  • Episode 36: That Baby.

    06/12/2019 Duration: 36min

    In this episode I sit down with M.F.T. Kelly Faust McCann. We discuss the value religion played in her life, specifically the Mormon faith. As a therapist Kelly has helped many people through their faith transitions. Kelly shares a profound analogy derived from Buddhism that significantly helped her shift and transcend. We discuss the idiomatic expression: "don't throw the baby out with the bath water" in which something good, albeit sacred, is thrown out when trying to get rid of something bad.  Kelly describes what that means to her in reference to her journey no longer being a participating Mormon. Kelly shares her building blocks to greater meaning and purpose in her life including: prayer, community,  humility, and faith. Support the show (

  • Episode 35: Overcoming The Past

    15/11/2019 Duration: 48min

    Jared and Erin are the creators of Mozz Artisan Pizza. In this episode we discuss their story, Mozz, and Jared's unique story overcoming a heroine addiction. Jared is one of the lucky few that have been able to thrive after being on the other side of a dabilitating heroine addiction. Jared shares his story overcoming some serious low points, i.e. robbing a bank - via note. Jared is the first person to describe his story as "absurd" but as he so poignantly points out in our interview he could either, "drown himself in shame or be grateful and forgive". We discuss how to remember that the past isn't more powerful than the present. Erin, Jared's wife and fellow owner in Mozz shares her insight on self awareness and what she's learned from Jared's addiction and how it's transformed her life. Be sure to not miss their excellent communication advice in the last ten minutes! Support the show (

  • Episode 34: Beyond Beauty with Joanie Sprague

    09/11/2019 Duration: 32min

    Today's episode is with Joanie Sprague, host of 'The Little Bit' podcast. We discuss getting out of the cycle of poverty, the privilege of beauty, and living life with integrity. Joanie shares a little about her experience teaching women of all ages how to use power tools in her once a month class in Huntington Beach. Joanie opens up about lessons she's learned, what she's always held onto in every stage of her life, as well as some fascinating stories from her time working as a world renowned model. Support the show (

  • Episode 32: Gut Health with Dr. Nikki

    20/09/2019 Duration: 41min

    This episode is with Dr. Nikki Arguinzongil, a naturopathic doctor in the Los Angeles area. Dr. Nikki and I discuss gut health, her experience with horrendous eczema, healing from leaky gut, and other related aspects of having a healthy microbiome. Dr. Nikki shares some inspiring words that will help you stay motivated or get motivated about your health. I ask some honest questions around the rigidity of these more restrictive diets and how we can find the middle way. Support the show (

  • Episode 30: Collect and Connect M.M.

    19/07/2019 Duration: 12min

    Today's Morning Musing is about collecting and connecting to yourself. What does your internal morning sweep look like? Where is your awareness? Are you plugging into yourself or do you have displaced emotion landing on others. Today's short 12 minute musing is about owning yourself fully and how to do that. This episode promotes finding our individual infinite "okayness" and then loving others from that place. Support the show (

  • Episode 29: Shelby

    02/07/2019 Duration: 15min

    This episode is a Monday Morning Musing featuring M.F.T. Kelly Faust McCann. Today we discuss the relationship we each have with our bodies and how we get to know ourselves. Kelly shares her ideas of thinking of our bodies as separate from ourselves. She shares that by giving your body a name it will become easier to listen to it. What does Shelby need? For example, what does Rose, Spike, or Doug need? Does Spike need to go for a run?  We discuss how easy it is to ignore the subtle pleas from our bodies. Kelly shares that if we can name our bodies and begin to talk to them we will find a source of great clarity- for we all have the answers within us.  Support the show (

  • Episode 28: A Resilient Humanity

    26/06/2019 Duration: 37min

    Lesa Vander Bie is an artist and psychotherapist in the Laguna, Newport Beach area. In this episode we discuss how to develop resilience in ourselves. Lesa shares some profound insights about what gets in the way of sustaining true resilience. Lesa shares her insight on recovery from compassion fatigue/burn out/loss of self. Lesa started noticing that something was off after a series of hard experiences and despite her efforts couldn’t quite get that same resilience back. Throughout this episode Lesa shares how she was able to heal that compassion fatigue and regain her full capacity. Lesa has crossed paths with many people silently suffering through the same reality. For that reason, Lesa is speaking about what she’s observed and believes about bouncing back when you suddenly find yourself unable to. Support the show (

  • Episode 27: Restoring Our Emotional Health with Art Therpay

    17/05/2019 Duration: 58min

    In celebration of Mettle Brain's one year anniversary, I am releasing one of my earliest podcasts, re-produced in it's raw form. This episode is with Summer Myers. Summer is an art therapist and has become an expert at seeing the inner landscape of our lives. She shares how we can create more joy in our lives through creativity. Summer explains that creativity is a human drive, like hunger or even a sex drive, and without satiating it we will become sick, as it is essential that we reflect our internal experience. Support the show (

  • Episode 26: Internal Created Realities

    03/05/2019 Duration: 49min

    Jessica Bragado is a health practitioner formally trained in Holographic Kinetics, an Australian Aboriginal healing modality. Although Jessica primarily leans on her gifts working with spirit to address issues either trapped in the body or in the greater energy field of her patients. Jessica has a diverse clientele including Veterans and children. Jessica was raised in the Bible Belt and speaks beautifully of the balance required using her gifts in such a conservative part of the country.  Jessica has been communicating with spirits since she was a small child, i.e. seeing deceased ancestors of strangers and/or medical issues. Jessica shares some of the knowledge she's gathered being a practitioner including how to get in touch with your own spirit and how to rid yourself of that which may not be serving you. Throughout our conversation Jessica touches on the power of the mind, and the stories we reinforce. Jessica shares a few personal experiences while using her gifts and gives some interesting hypothe

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