Men Of Iron



Ed Osburn is a #1 rated Podcaster, Hyper-successful Online Business Entrepreneur, former Health professional and Mentor to hundreds of Health professionals. The mission and purpose of the Men of Iron is to have REAL and RAW discussions in the domains of Health, Fitness, Marriage, Mindset, and Moneyto help men access more power in their life and business.


  • MOI 003 | Dr. Gabe Ellis | Forge Experience Light and Dark Warrior | Conversational Practice

    10/03/2018 Duration: 24min

    Today's Episode: Dr. Ellis hit the ground running and got a nice comfortable chiropractic practice running outside Chicago He was looking for a way to feel free through body, balance, and being in addition to financially The byproduct of helping someone else is the greatest feeling you can have When you get caught up in yourself you get lost quick Force feeding someone your philosophy doesn't work The hedgehog quality: realizing what your strength is and really honing in on that and making it what you do Know who you are as an individual first When you use your potential, your business goes on autopilot You have to hire people to make yourself better Dr. Ellis has a three system checklist for hiring someone: Common sense. Don't push aside the inner voice Could you have a beer with this person? Are the core values you have aligned? Isolation is a path of destruction Check out Dr. Ellis's website:!

  • MOI 002 | Dr. Jason Richardson | Gold medal Mindset | BEing a better MAN | Winning at what matters

    10/03/2018 Duration: 39min

    Today's Episode: What are your standards? The evidence of your success is in the results Life is not about just being good, it is about being excellent Being willing to put in the work is how to achieve that excellence  When you have talent and people tell you you're awesome, you can become lazy If you say you want something, you need to be willing to put in the work and take on that responsibility Winning is 90% mental  You learn a lot from the mistakes, fails, and from just figuring it out People are scared of failure because of the social backlash, but at the same time they are scared of the success. They have become used to the persona of being scared It's pay now or pay later It's always hard to pay now, but it hurts to pay later Showing up really matters You can be a champion at EVERY level of the game Are you winning today?

  • MOI 001 | Dr. Jason Dean | The Power of Knowing What You Want | The Power of Doing the Work

    10/03/2018 Duration: 32min

    Today's Episode: Dr. Jason grew up with a hardworking mom who led a life of motherhood and a life of addiction, but she was still able to take good care of him. They lived without much money, and Dr. Jason resolved to not live like that for the rest of his life Dr. Jason is now the first person in his family who has graduated college, and the first doctor in his family Growing up in a poor household really gave Dr. Jason the motivation to become a chiropractor; he wanted to give his family a life better than the one he had growing up You gotta have your deep why; that can be your family, personal happiness, or anything else that really drives you Happiness is an internal game; the only person who can make you happy is you Even if you drop the ball for a certain length of time, the fact that what you want to do is still in the back of your mind means that you are still trying to progress Being in a long-term relationship is WORK As men, we tend to isolate. You are not alone, and this is truly a brotherhood

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