Men Of Iron

MOI 001 | Dr. Jason Dean | The Power of Knowing What You Want | The Power of Doing the Work



Today's Episode: Dr. Jason grew up with a hardworking mom who led a life of motherhood and a life of addiction, but she was still able to take good care of him. They lived without much money, and Dr. Jason resolved to not live like that for the rest of his life Dr. Jason is now the first person in his family who has graduated college, and the first doctor in his family Growing up in a poor household really gave Dr. Jason the motivation to become a chiropractor; he wanted to give his family a life better than the one he had growing up You gotta have your deep why; that can be your family, personal happiness, or anything else that really drives you Happiness is an internal game; the only person who can make you happy is you Even if you drop the ball for a certain length of time, the fact that what you want to do is still in the back of your mind means that you are still trying to progress Being in a long-term relationship is WORK As men, we tend to isolate. You are not alone, and this is truly a brotherhood