
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 5:19:23
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Welcome to the PD&E Podcast (Personal Development & Education). This is where I take you on a journey through my life in personal growth and business! I am going to be sharing with you, valuable things I am learning on my journey to success in business. Not only that, I will be recommending all of the resources that I reference so that you can follow along and grow with me!


  • #10 - The World Class Compartmentalizes Emotions

    02/05/2021 Duration: 03min

    Mental Toughness Secret #10 "Nothing external to you has any power over you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson Action step for today: Commit to compartmentalizing problems by focusing exclusively on one problem at a time. Imagine you are the president of the united states. You must keep a clear, unemotional mind during the problem-solving process. The masses multitask. The great ones focus. World-class resource: Read The Emotional Revolution, by Norman Rosenthal https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy

  • Champions Embrace Relativity - Mental Toughness Secret #9

    01/05/2021 Duration: 04min

    Mental Toughness Secret #9 - Champions Embrace Relativity "The great ones are highly aware of the fact that all perceptions are based on the experience and belief of the beholder. This is the reason they surround themselves with people who think much bigger than they do. Beliefs and expectations are contagious, and champions are eager to catch as much as they can." - Steve Siebold Action Step For Today: Listen to how people around you measure the size and scope of things. When you hear someone placing a value on something, using their own perspective as a reference point, challenge them. For example, if someone says, "This is a huge project, Bob," reply, "Really. Compared to what?" Try this and see the reaction you get. https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy

  • Mental Toughness Secret #8

    30/04/2021 Duration: 05min

    Champions Develop World-Class Beliefs Long Before They Become Champions "They can...because they think they can." - Unknown Here is the evolution of belief systems: Parents, teachers, coaches, ministers, friends, relatives, and other people of influence in a child's life say to the child: "This is Fact." The child accepts elders' perception of what is fact -- even if the elder is completely wrong. The child unconsciously ingrains these beliefs in his/her subconscious and builds habits accordingly. The child grows into an adult operating under dozens of faulty beliefs and habits but is not consciously aware of it. The adult operates under false and limiting beliefs and sets invisible boundaries for his/her life at an unconscious level. Action Step For Today Make a list of your most closely held beliefs, and begin the process of questioning whether they are serving you or holding you back. Question their validity. Are they relevant, or out of date? Knowing that behavior follows belief, give yourself an

  • Mental Toughness Secret #7 - Steve Siebold

    29/04/2021 Duration: 02min

    The Great Ones Know They Are Unaware "Everyone is operating and running their lives at their current level of conscious awareness." - Carlos Marin, speaker, and author You are either growing or dying; stagnation does not exist in the universe Action Step For Today Ask yourself this critical thinking question: Am I growing or dying? If your answer is dying, make the decision today to become more aware and begin growing. World-Class Resource "The Handbook to Higher Consciousness" by Ken Keyes Jr. https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy

  • Mental Toughness Secret #6

    28/04/2021 Duration: 05min

    Champions Lead Through Facilitated Introspection In this episode, they discuss the most effective form of leadership... Self-discovery. Action step for today: Invest 20 minutes today leading someone through the introspective process. Your first question should be: Tell me what you really want out of life more than anything else? Your goal should be to make the person comfortable enough to answer you in terms of how they feel, rather than how they think. Once they begin to explain their feelings, follow up with these questions:  What exactly do you mean by that? What does that look like? Why do you feel that way? Tell me more about that. https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy

  • Mental Toughness Secret #5

    27/04/2021 Duration: 03min

    The Great One's Separate Truth From Fact "We have to live today by what truth we can get today and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood." - William James, 1842-1919, author Action step for today:  Write down 10 things you know are fact, and rethink each by asking, "Is this really a fact, or a truth I've created from my own or others' perceptions?" for example: Is it a fact that the sky is blue? Is it a fact that you are a nice person? Is it a fact that the faithful will be rewarded in heaven? You'll see how often we operate from truth, rather than fact. https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy

  • Mental Toughness Secret #4

    26/04/2021 Duration: 04min

    Champions Are Driven By Emotional Motivators Ask these five critical thinking questions: 1) What am I willing to fight for? 2) What values do I hold dearest to my heart? 3) What values would I be willing to die for? 4) If I could achieve a single thing, what would make all my hard work worth the struggle? 5) If I had thirty seconds left to live, what would I tell my children are the three most important things I learned about how to live a happy life? Your answers will tell you a lot about what drives you emotionally. World-Class Resource: "Authentic Happiness" by Martin Seligman, Ph.D.

  • Mental Toughness Secret #3

    26/04/2021 Duration: 03min

    Champions Have An Immense Capacity For Sustained Concentration Action Step for today: Write down the single most important goal you want to achieve in the next twelve months and make a commitment to concentrate on achieving it -- no matter what it takes. World-Class Resource: "Focal Point" by Brian Tracy

  • Mental Toughness Secret #2

    24/04/2021 Duration: 04min

    World-Class Wealth begins with world-class thinking In this episode, Steve and Bill talk about the difference between world-class thinking and middle-class thinking and the correlation between thinking and the creation of wealth! World Class resource, "You Were Born Rich" by Bob Proctor

  • Mental Toughness Secret #1

    23/04/2021 Duration: 11min

    This season I will be going through all 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of The World Class! Each episode is a recording of an interview between non-other than Bill Adams and Steve Seibold himself. In my opinion, Steve has written one of the most influential books of our time. I'm sharing this because of the impact his book has had on my life so far. I highly encourage you to get a copy of his book!

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza’s Pineal Gland Breath Meditation

    08/03/2021 Duration: 12min

    This episode is a recording of Dr. Joe Dispenza guiding his seminar through a breathing meditation designed to help them activate their Pineal Gland (aka Third Eye). When activated, your pineal gland acts as an entente that can be used to get on the same frequency as what you are looking to manifest!

  • 6 Steps - Turn Desires Into Gold

    11/10/2020 Duration: 18min

    Have you ever read the book Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill? In this episode, I take the 6 steps from that book and break it down into one single podcast episode! You are going to want to take notes, and listen often! https://linktr.ee/LemieuxLegacy

  • Become a Visionary

    15/09/2019 Duration: 16min

    It is extremely important to become a visionary when leading an organisation! But it will require knowing that not everyone will see what you see, and there will be people who try to stop you.  4 reasons to become a visionary: 1. Having vision is a requirement for success 2. The skill of effectively transferring your vision to others will change your life 3. People can still follow your vision in times of resentment and self doubt 4. You need a vision/cause to recruit an army to The best time to sell your team the dream on where you are going is when times are tough!

  • Beginning the Journey

    21/07/2019 Duration: 16min

    Episode 1! I am re-branding this podcast! I am extremely excited to provide you all with a higher quality podcast when it comes to experience and content.  This episode is a bit about my background and how i got to where i am now.

  • Life IS What You Make It

    17/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    You chose to be where you are today... which means you can choose where you end up later in life! Make a decision to stop playing victim and take control over your future! Follow me on Instagram @evanlemieuxwfg

  • Expand Toward Your Goals!

    12/06/2018 Duration: 08min

    What do you want in life? Whatever it is, it is currently outside of your comfort zone... which means you need to get uncomfortable in order to achieve it! This episode I share a couple techniques you can use to drive yourself out of your comfort zone and achieve your goals!

  • The One The Only Adam Dawe

    11/06/2018 Duration: 03min

    A brief recording of Adam Dawe giving me a shoutout and a challenge from his trip to Toronto. It’s incredible how much of a difference it makes having mentorship in your life!

  • Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life

    29/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    Every experience you have in life is predicated on the thoughts you have in that situation. Learn to control your thoughts, and gain control of your life! Self awareness is key in this process

  • Tough Decisions

    25/05/2018 Duration: 07min

    This episode was a spur of the moment decision to make a hard raw moment in my life, and turn it into a value packed rant. This is an in the moment true part of my journey! If you got anything out of it, please share and subscribe!

  • Just Do

    22/05/2018 Duration: 03min

    Your obsession with protection is limiting your ability to lead the life you want to live. If your heart is in the right place, just do. If you try to get everything just right, your chances of doing it and providing value decreases as the seconds go by!

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