Mom Wants More



The Mom Wants More Podcast is for women who have a dream in their heart and a passion they want to pursue, women who believe that motherhood is their most important calling but not their only calling. Writers, Alana Dawson and Amber Salhus, discuss the tough topics that no one talks about when you set out to follow your dreams. Listeners will gain inspiration and encouragement from bi-weekly interviews with women who are uncovering and pursing their passion in the middle of messy life. Women who have made their passion into successful businesses, side-hustles, or simply something they love to do. New shows drop every Tuesday.


  • Identifying the Threat of Distraction with Amanda Bacon & Anne-Renee Gumley

    03/12/2019 Duration: 38min

    As mamas, we all want to be intentional in how we parent, in the way we show up to our work, as well as in all our relationships, right? We have every desire to bring our best self to all these areas of our lives, but one of the biggest hurdles we face is the threat of distraction. It's more real for our generation than any generation that came before us. Don't worry, this isn't one of those conversations that gets all down on social media. In our conversation with Amanda Bacon & Anne Renee we really zoomed out and looked at distraction as a whole in our lives. They had so many refreshing insights on how we can stay focused on the LASTING things more than the lesser, shiny things that pull at our attention all day. This conversation is so positive and helpful for any of you mamas out there feeling pulled in a million directions!

  • Behind the Scenes: November

    26/11/2019 Duration: 34min

    It's that time of the month again, y'all! Time to peel back the curtain and get REAL about what's working, what's not working, what's life giving VS life draining, and always... what we're loving this month. These episodes are a little more casual, a lot more personal, and just one more way to cultivate true community here at the podcast. In today's episode we dish on traveling to conferences, pushing through resistance on a particular project, what it means to go deep instead of wide, and a few ways we can receive our right-now lives without rushing ahead or dwelling in the past. Grab your favorite bevvie and tune in!  

  • Staying Sane as a Multi-Passionate Mama with Tayler Paterson

    19/11/2019 Duration: 37min

    We say this all the time around here: YOU ARE MORE THAN ONE THING. Whether you find yourself stepping into a new season like motherhood, opening a business, or moving towards a dream in your heart, it can become tricky to navigate holding this new thing that takes up so much of your heart along WITH all the other hats you wear in a day. Today we sat down with Tayler Paterson, a mama in that tender, transitional season of raising a little one while going after her big dreams. Tayler is an American who fell in love with a Kiwi and moved to New Zealand to build a life with him. (Y'all. They met on Instagram and you have to listen in to hear Tayler share their story because it is THE ACTUAL BEST!) In 5 years they've walked through a lot of big transitions- they've gotten married, had a baby, opened a coffee business, and they each have other jobs they do on the side. We loved Tayler's honest and helpful insight on how we as mamas can stay sane as muli-passionate women, mother wholeheartedly, and hold multiple dre

  • Flip the Script on Mom-Guilt

    12/11/2019 Duration: 33min

    What if not ALL mom-guilt is bad? We were so inspired after our interview with Amber Kanallakan last week where she broke down the difference between mom-guilt (which can sometimes point us to a better way) and mom-shame (which accomplishes nothing good) so we decided it's important to dive a bit deeper and continue exploring this idea together. In today's episode we're unpacking different kinds of mom-guilt, what triggers it for us, how it plays out in our mothering (we get real vulnerable here!), how we can determine when to listen to it or overcome it, and the practical ways we snap ourselves out of shame spirals.

  • How to Ditch Mom Guilt with Amber Kanallakan

    05/11/2019 Duration: 41min

    Grab your favorite beverage and settle in because today's episode is going to infuse so much LIFE and freedom into your creative pursuits. We've never met a mom who doesn't struggle with mom guilt on some level, so we sat down with Amber Kanallakan to talk all about it. We unpack the difference between guilt & shame (one is useful, one is NOT), what triggers it, the science behind it (there are brain chemicals involved, and it's FASCINATING), and some really simple ways we can resist being pulled out to sea by that familiar tide of unnecessary mom-guilt. As a grad student working in the mental health & wellness arena, Amber had so much wisdom to share with us and we cannot wait to pass it on to you!

  • Behind the Scenes: October

    29/10/2019 Duration: 38min

    Y'all know we put our heart and soul into ALL the episodes that we share here on the podcast, but these Behind The Scenes peeks into our personal lives at the end of each month are some of our favorite. They're near and dear to our hearts because we pull back the curtain and get real about what we're learning, where we're struggling with, what's working well, and what we're loving lately. We seriously miss those Friday Fave episodes we used to do, so this is a fun way to add that back in- because that's what friends do, right? They dish on all their Favorite Things! This month we opened up about how we've been hit hard with Resistance on creative projects, how we're realizing we can't do ALL THE THINGS at once (at least not well), and a few ways we're learning to ask for help, be kind to ourselves, and push through even when it's hard. Enjoy the ep!

  • Finding a Positive Narrative in Motherhood with Kara Kae James

    22/10/2019 Duration: 32min

    What's the #1 factor that dictates how you show up in the world? It might not be what you think... Guys, if there's one thing we're learning lately, it's the power of our mindset. The story we tell ourselves ABOUT ourselves is a mighty thing. We can't always control our circumstances & we can't always control our feelings, but we CAN learn self control when it comes to our mindset and thought patterns. This relates to just about everything we do. Our work, our day-to-day habits, our goal-setting, and for SURE our mothering. It can be real easy to slip into negative thought patterns around our kids' behaviors, our lack of time or energy, our failures, you name it. Today we sat down with Kara Kae James, author of Mom Up, and founder of Thrive Moms, and she shared so many insightful tips for finding a more positive narrative around our motherhood journey! We also touched on mom-guilt, the importance of rest, knowing ourselves and what fills our cup, and wouldn't you guess- the enneagram. (Ya thought we weren

  • Why Mindset Matters

    15/10/2019 Duration: 30min

    The story we tell ourselves ABOUT ourselves is a powerful thing. Whether it applies to our health & fitness, our parenting, our creative pursuits, or any other area of our lives, the inner narrative playing out in our heads affects our actions so much more than we think. Why? Because our thoughts dictate our actions, our actions dictate our habits, and our habits dictate our daily life. Sometimes we operate from damaging mindsets without even realizing it. The good news? If you're stuck in a negative cycle of thinking, YOU DON'T HAVE TO STAY THERE! You can get off the ride and go in a new direction. The mind is like a muscle and the more we exercise it, the stronger it gets and the more it can expand. This episode is full of simple, logical ways we can let go of harmful narratives and practice moving towards a healthier, more positive mindset SO that we can show up in the world in a way that feels right and rings true to our values.

  • Celebrate Your Mistakes with Maghon Taylor

    08/10/2019 Duration: 33min

    Have you ever met someone who instantly made you grin from ear to ear? That pretty much sums up our conversation with Maghon Taylor! Her infectious joy and genuine excitement over her work is absolutely infectious. Maghon is an author, calligrapher, teacher, mama, wife, and solo-preneur, meaning, she runs her business entirely on her own in the middle of motherhood and her right-now life.  We chatted with Maghon about juggling that work/life balance, embracing our amateurism, and not only learning from our mistakes, but actually celebrating them. If you've ever felt defeated in your mothering, your creative pursuits, your day job, or holding them all together, today's episode is for you! Maghon Taylor is on a mission to spread happiness through her handwriting. She is a joyful wife, fun mama, and owner of All She Wrote Notes. Since 2013, Maghon's cheerful collection of colorful gifts has spread smiles all across America with their encouraging wo


    17/09/2019 Duration: 36min

    Today on the podcast we're welcoming y'all back to the podcast with a fresh new look, a slightly new sound (did ya like our new intro?), and an honest behind the scenes peak into what our summer break was like. As always we're including the good, the bad, the ugly, and the funny. We love the work we do here. We are so passionate about it that we often say it feels more like play than actual work. But after producing 86 consecutive podcast episodes, we decided to hit that pause button and carve out some intentional down time this summer for real R-E-S-T. To just be with our families, get inspired, and recharge our batteries. Sounds lovely, right? True, it was, but can we be totally honest? We both struggled with it in unexpected ways. If there's one thing we're learning, it's that true rest might take a little practice, and that's okay. It's going to look and feel different for each of us, and that's okay too. Listen in and enjoy the kickoff to Season 2! Here we go!

  • Moms' Night Out Live Event

    17/09/2019 Duration: 36min

    We did it! We held our first ever LIVE podcast event and it was so much fun we are still on a high weeks later. Meeting some of you gals from our Mom Wants More community in real life, hugging your necks, and connecting in the moment, it filled our cup in ways we didn't even expect. It was a chance for all of us mamas to hit pause in the middle of that hectic back-to-school season, throw on some lip gloss, and meet up for a ladies night out. We recorded this live interview with Hanna McGee of 2cwomenconnect, all about how we can cultivate true connection and collaboration, not just in our work, but in our lives as well. We had signature Mom Wants More cocktails, delicious food & desserts, gorgeous flower arrangements- the whole night felt like a dream, but we can't let it pass without shouting out some of the talented and generous women who sponsored the night! @raisingourbarmade delicious drinks & bar-tended @flowerfarmboisecreated stunning arrangments for the tables @rachelphotostudiogenerously ca

  • How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart with Niki Hardy

    16/09/2019 Duration: 29min

    If you're a human person, odds are at some point life is going to throw you a curveball. Whether it's a loss, diagnosis, trauma, or even simply disappointment, today's conversation with Niki Hardy will give you practical tools to live well even when you feel like life's fallen apart. With witty candor and heaps of wisdom, Niki talks with us about the difference between surviving and thriving and HOW we can choose to be brave even when we don't feel afraid. Niki Hardy is a Brit in the USA, a rectal (yes, rectal) cancer survivor, pastor’s wife, tea drinker and teller of bad jokes. As a speaker and the author of Breathe Again: How to Live Well When Life Falls Apart (Revell, Aug, 2019) she’s all about meeting us when life’s not fair and embracing the reality that with God, life doesn’t have to be pain-free to be full. You can find more of Niki on social media at @niki.hardy and on her website when she’s not running trails with her Doodles or trying to figure out which remote actually works the TV. D

  • Summer Series: A Fresh Take on Self-Care

    03/09/2019 Duration: 34min

    Ever wonder what the term "self-care" actually even means? It seems like such a buzzword lately, which is exactly why we want to unpack this concept together. If you're a mom, a creative entrepreneur, heck, if you're a HUMAN PERSON, learning how to care for your *whole* self in healthy ways isn't just beneficial, it's crucial. One of our favorite filters for self care is the question our dear friend, Melissa Blair once asked us, "How's your head? How's your heart? How's your butt?" I mean... if that doesn't cover it, we don't know what does! Of all the episodes we share, please do not miss this one, sister. It's so, so important and you may be pleasantly surprised by our refreshing definition of self care, because we strongly believe that it shouldn't feel like one more oppressive thing to "get right" or add to your to-do list. In this conversation we share simple and practical ways to: know yourself & explore your needs (what is life giving VS life draining for you) speak up & communicate your needs

  • Design a Morning Routine that Works for You

    28/08/2019 Duration: 32min

    ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO SETTLE INTO A NEW ROUTINE? If you're feeling flustered as you say goodbye to summer and dive back into that busy Fall schedule, don't worry, we've got you, boo. Grab a cup of coffee, slip on your coziest slippers, and settle in because today we're talking all about how to create a morning routine that works for YOU. We're diving into whya morning routine is so important, sharing some practical tips of how to structure a routine that actually works for you, and suggesting that it doesn't have to look a certain way or even remain the same as it used to. Life happens fast, y'all! Different seasons of motherhood, creative work, and even just the natural rhythms of the weather changing can all affect how we start our day, but having a morning routine to fall back on can help anchor our days and even our mood. And guess what? We've created a resource to help you create a morning routine that you love! Click here to Get Our Guide Design Your Morning Routine Links we mention in this episode: 5

  • Summer Series: Rebecca Bender

    20/08/2019 Duration: 38min

    Y'all are in for a treat because Rebecca Bender is on the podcast today and she is bringing the heat. And the laughter. Rebecca is a passionate speaker with a powerful story but what we love so much about this episode is the pared down, super honest, practical encouragement that came out of this conversation. She's a mom to 4 kiddos (littles AND bigs), she's a leader, a dreamer, a preacher, an activist, a teacher, and that's not even all the hats she wears.   Rebecca is someone who doesn't just dream big, she DOES big things. She feels the Lord's nudge and she takes action. In this episode we talk about swinging for the fences and going all in when we know God has called us to do something, but we also talk about balancing that with the everyday rhythms of motherhood and life. Because one is not more valuable, honorable, or more sacred than the other.   As we like to say, our work is not a distraction from our life and our life is not a distraction from our work. Our life IS our work.   Today's episode is a p

  • Summer Series: How to Uncover Your Creativity

    13/08/2019 Duration: 31min

    Ever feel like you don' t have a "thing"? We talk a lot here about pursuing your passions, acknowledging/ naming/getting after your dreams, and leaning in to your unique creative bent. Those are all lovely and powerful ideas- but what if you DON'T KNOW what those things are yet? Or maybe you have a sense of it but it still feels foggy and unclear and you aren't sure how it's supposed to fit into your actual right-now life. The last thing we ever want to do is make you feel like you need to be "more" than you already are- or that you now need to add "pursuing my dreams" to your already long to-do list. Your creative self isn't something "out there" that you need to go find, it's more of an "in here" piece of the puzzle that's already in place. It's been there since you were born. Uncovering your creative talents and dreams is really just about settling into who you ALREADY are. But we understand that it can be tricky business, especially in the middle of motherhood, busy schedules, and demanding seasons. So to

  • Interview with Maeve Gerboth

    06/08/2019 Duration: 49min

    Are you a mama in that tender, transitional time with a brand new baby? Those early months and years can be a beautiful, life-giving (literally), deeply fulfilling... and often engulfing season. A season that can fill you up but also empty you clear out faster than anything ever has before. Can we get an amen out there? Today we're chatting with Maeve Gerboth, a writer, new mama, community manager, and can generally be found pouring a hot cup of tea. Maeve dives deep with us into how creative work can look and feel during this time, and offers up SO much hope and encouragement for all the mamas out there trying to find the balance. Maeve lives in Virginia with her husband and baby boy. She is a writer, avid tea drinker, and people gatherer. She works for Hope*writers as their Community Manager -- dishing out love & encouragement to all writers as best she can. You can find more of her heart over on instagramthese days, where she shares about motherhood, restlessness, friendship, and seeking God in all tha

  • How to Make Time For Yourself

    30/07/2019 Duration: 37min

    Of allll the things that hold us back from uncovering what lights us up and cultivating more of it in our right-now life, TIME is most often at the top of that list. When we asked you guys what you wanted us to address here on the podcast, that was the resounding answer. Number 1 with a bullet. How do we fit it into our already busy schedules and mile-long to-do lists? We don't claim to have all the answers, but we do have a lot of super practical ways you can recognize, carve out, and utilize the time that you DO have. This one is chock-full of tips on how you can immediately approach time with more excitement and less overwhelm. We're sharing big, small, and unexpected ways to maximize your time and cultivate your creative self so you can enjoy the season you're in! This episode was originally #75 but we are re-releasing it as a part of our Summer Series- we hope you enjoy!

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